VDARE writer summarizes important message for Republicans from over-looked report

Back in February, the Eagle Forum produced a report that could serve as a blueprint for any Republican running for office about how campaigning on the issue of  reducing immigration numbers (yes, even LEGAL immigration) is a winner.

And, it isn’t just about winning the election, but saving the Republic.

The report went largely unnoticed by the establishment Republican Party (they probably actually panned it, but I haven’t the time to search).

In fact, the hard core establishment Republicans are largely influenced by the likes of Grover Norquist and his ilk (here and here) who are in the business of promoting the idea of needing laborers (cheap labor) for their big business clients.  It is about the almighty dollar for many of the so-called leaders of the Republican Party.  (The Democrats too, it’s just that they have that humanitarian white hat firmly planted on their heads and they have another interest as well—reliably leftwing voters***.)

Now to make it easier for all of us to get the salient points from the report, Paul Nachman at VDARE has a post today on the main messages in the report (even more timely now than when it was released in February) and has taken the time to select key bullet points for us.

Here is Nachman and a bit from the report—

To impress obdurately clueless Republican candidates and supporters of what’s at stake, here’s the concluding thought in both the full report and the two-page excerpt from it:

The GOP faces a choice: It can either change its position on legal immigration or it can change its position on almost every other issue.

And then this from the excerpts:

A comprehensive review of surveys in immigrant communities showing their support for big government

A large volume of survey data show that, in general, immigrants and their adult children are significantly more liberal than the average American voter on a host of policy issues, including the size of government, Obamacare, affirmative action, gun control, greater environmental regulation, and other issues championed by the Left …

Because immigrants and their adult children overwhelmingly favor big government, there is no issue more important for conservatives than reducing the future number of legal immigrants allowed into the country each year. Otherwise, legal immigration will continue to add millions of liberal voters every decade, making it extremely unlikely that conservatives will be successful on all the issues they care about.

Read it all!

Going to a political campaign event in August?

So the next time you hear someone, especially a Republican candidate for public office say, ‘I’m all for legal immigration, it’s illegal that I oppose,’  I want you to remember this report (new immigrants vote for Democrats who promise them stuff!) and remind them that most of those illegal aliens streaming across our border at this very moment will soon be LEGAL immigrants one way or another—quickly through an executive amnesty or more slowly in the legal asylum process. 

Ask:  are you for that too?

***  We have said it time and again—for Democrats, immigration (legal and illegal) is about turning red states blue.


Massachusetts (again!) Ghanaian pooping ‘bush boy’ bites off roommate’s thumb

Diversity is strength alert!

For a little levity, because we need it sometimes…..

From the Berkshire Eagle  (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’).  I’m imaging the reporter writing this with a straight face:

PITTSFIELD — A Pittsfield man was found guilty of a felony for nearly biting off part of his roommate’s thumb last winter during an altercation over bathroom etiquette.

RRW Geography Lesson—Bush boy from Ghana goes wild!

Michael Mensah, 57, was convicted on Thursday of assault and battery causing serious bodily injury. He was acquitted of a felony charge of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

It took a jury of three men and three women less than an hour to reach a verdict.

On the afternoon of Feb. 11, Pittsfield Police responded to a Summer Street residence for a report of a domestic incident and were greeted at the door by a naked man with part of his thumb hanging by a tendon. Mensah, his roommate, was found in his room lying on his bed complaining of pain to his back, neck and head. His shirt was covered in blood and the bathroom “clearly showed signs of a bloody fight.”

Both men were taken to Berkshire Medical Center for their injuries.

On Thursday in the Jury of Six session in Central Berkshire District Court, Stephen Quam, 61, testified that part of his right thumb had to be removed.

He said doctors told him because it had been bitten off there was no way to reattach it.

He showed the jury his thumb, which appeared to be missing the first phalanx, including the nail.

In court both men had very different versions of what took place that day, although they agree that the argument was about the use of the bathroom.

According to Quam, who is also from Ghana, he went in to shave his head with a pair of clippers while Mensah was using the toilet. Mensah also is a Ghanian national. [Not US citizens, yet you lucky Mass. taxpayers paid for this trial replete with costly interpreters!—ed]

He said he made a comment to his roommate about not telling him he was going to defecate.

“The room began to smell,” he said through an interpreter. 

This enraged Mensah who attacked him, pushing him into the bathtub, choking and punching him before biting his thumb, which had ended up in Mensah’s mouth.

“Part of my thumb came off,” he testified.

During the attack Quam was injured when the clippers he was using landed on his foot, he said.

Quam testified that he never struck his roommate that day.

Mensah told the jury he was using the toilet when Quam came in uninvited and began to shave his head. He said he had to “poop” and did so. Quam then came up to him, began thumping him on the head with his fingers and called him a “bush boy.”

The interpreter explained this was a very derogatory phrase in Ghana.

Migration Policy Institute. 17% of those brains leaving Ghana were in the US by 2001.

When Mensah was finished using the bathroom he tried to leave the room, but was pushed by Quam and fell into the bathtub. He said Quam choked him with one hand and punched him with the other. He eventually bit Quam’s thumb to get him to stop beating him, he said.

Believe it or not, there is a little more!  Here…

So what I wanted to know is, where did all these Ghanians come from?  Or more specifically how did they get here?

I learned that “welcoming” Massachusetts is loaded with them.

This is how I found out all about the migration history of ‘bush boys’ (really, more than I wanted to know) here at the Migration Policy Institute.  Can you believe it!  Ghana is worried about a BRAIN DRAIN!

 The Ghanaian population in the United States has grown rapidly over the last decade and a half, particularly between 1990 and 2000, when the population jumped from 20,889 to 65,570, or 210 percent. Family reunification, refugee resettlement, and the strong economy of the 1990s are the factors driving this increase. Many believe these figures to be undercounts, and nonofficial estimates reach as high as 300,000.

Of course that means there are a whole bunch of illegals here besides the “refugees” (just waiting for the Obama amnesty!).


Dover, NH update: Refugee contractor cancels public meeting, no surprise

On Sunday, we reported that the town of Dover, New Hampshire and a couple of other towns in the area were being targeted for a new resettlement site for impoverished third-worlders presumably because nearby Manchester is overloaded and has become a pocket of resistance.”

New readers, see our post Sunday, for background.

Now here comes news (that frankly doesn’t surprise me) because the US State Department and the Office of Refugee Resettlement (in HHS) and their contractors usually operate with greater secrecy and public meetings to answer questions and assess the mood of citizens in a target town are rare.

We have maintained since we first began writing this blog in 2007 that citizens of a community tapped for a new resettlement site are entitled to be informed through public meetings and discussions with elected officials of all the details involved with “welcoming” a large number of impoverished people to their community.   The federal government doesn’t operate in the sunshine (as has become painfully obvious to most Americans following the border surge).

From Foster’s Daily Democrat:

DOVER — A state group that helps facilitate the resettlement of international refugees has canceled a meeting with the City Council.

Representatives of the Organization for Refugee and Immigrant Success, based in Manchester, were scheduled to meet with the City Council on Aug. 13.

In a letter addressed to City officials, including City Manager J. Michael Joyal, Jr. and Mayor Karen Weston, the Organization for Refugee and Immigrant Success said it is premature to discuss resettlement in Dover and the Tri-City region.

Emma Tobin, Associate Director ORIS http://www.linkedin.com/pub/emma-tobin/31/20a/35b

“I would like to assure you that ORIS has no intention of moving forward with refugee resettlement in the tri-city area unless we have significant support from the communities,” wrote Emma Tobin, associate director for the Organization for Refugee and Immigrant Success. “Further, our initial meeting with you was meant to be the beginning of a very slow process; refugee resettlement in the tri-city area was never meant to happen overnight, or in a vacuum.”

ORIS is one of several agencies that help identify communities suited for refugee resettlement under the U.S. State Department’s Reception and Placement program. The program provides assistance for refugees to settle in the United States, including assistance with living expenses during a refugee’s first few months in the community. The Reception and Placement program is limited to the first three months after arrival; however, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement works with states and other nongovernmental organizations to provide longer-term cash and medical assistance, as well as language, employment, and social services.

ORIS indicated it would consider meeting with Dover officials and the community in the future.

Don’t hold your breath!

This does not mean that the towns have dodged a bullet.  What the contractor and its federal handlers will likely do is bring more refugees into Manchester and then quietly, without public discussion, move them in 3-6 months to surrounding towns.  They will tell critics—this is America and people can move to wherever they want and there isn’t anything you can do about it!

One fundamental fact about how the US Refugee Resettlement Program is structured that people need to understand is this—-contractors are paid by the head to resettle refugees, then they get all sorts of other federal grants to “support” them—like teach them English, grow gardens, and how to have healthy marriages (not kidding!)—so THERE IS NO INCENTIVE TO STOP THE FLOW ONCE IT STARTS (the “non-profit” organization has salaries and overhead bills to pay)!

One last thing!  On their grants to teach English:   If this is an important federal government goal, then there is no reason I can see why the feds couldn’t give grants directly to local community colleges for special ESL classes for immigrants. Why does a quasi-government ‘non-profit’ group need to set up entire new programs for teaching English?  I would really like someone in the refugee placement industry to tell me why local colleges couldn’t do those English classes.

They aren’t just all poor Central American “children”

This news is not new to us, we have many posts written over the years about illegal aliens caught coming across the US border from countries that have spawned terrorists, who then seek asylum and often get it.  Earlier reports indicate that they travel great distances, some through Russia, then to Cuba and on to Central America and Mexico before reaching the US border—very expensive trips.

The first logical question we should ask is how in the hell did these supposedly poor “refugees” get all that much money?  Someone is paying for the invasion!


I’ve seen other maps like this one which depicts one route taken by Iraqis through Syria, to Russia, to Cuba and then on to Central America. These are not impoverished people making this journey! http://www.zindamagazine.com/html/archives/2007/09.17.07/index_mon.php


In January 2011, I suggested a Congressional investigation of who is helping them from the US end (the NGOs?), here, but I guess our dear leaders in Washington are too busy with other things to listen to me and others!—what could be more important than our safety and our sovereignty?  (LOL!  I was pretty laughably naive in that 2011 post!)


MCALLEN, Texas—A single group of illegal aliens entering Texas from Mexico over the weekend included foreign nationals from Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC). The group crossed into the Rio Grande Valley sector from Tamaulipas, Mexico.

“One group of our agents apprehended individuals from Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka,” said Albert Spratte, a spokesman for Local 3307 of the NBPC. “Everyone in this group was an adult male. They entered on Saturday, July 26, 2014. Our agents apprehended them, they did not turn themselves in. They were trying to sneak in.”


Breitbart News previously reported on foreign nationals coming from Asia, the Middle East, and terror-prone nations from the Horn of Africa—often entering Central America and utilizing the same pathways and smuggling networks as Central Americans and Mexicans who illegally enter the United States. That report was based on information from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Spratte said, “Border Patrol agents in our sector have in the past apprehended aliens from Iraq, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Israel, and from many other nations. People think this is just about Mexico and Central America, but it isn’t. People from all over the world are trying to sneak into the United States.”

Read it all.

Bangladesh is filled with agitated Muslims especially the Rohingya people (we have 174 posts here on the Rohingya) and most of the Sri Lankans trying to get into first-world countries are associated with Tamil Tigers.

Clearly all these OTMs (other than Mexicans) see an opportunity right now with the border chaos Obama has created.

All of our posts on ‘unaccompanied minors’ may be found by clicking here.

Congress flooded with calls today to stop the Obama amnesty

Update!  The Federation for American Immigration Reform has an action alert out tonight with more specific instructions for calling Congress as Speaker Boehner prepares a flawed bill for the House floor.  To learn more click here.

If you didn’t participate in melting the phone lines on Monday, it’s not too late—call your elected officials in Washington tomorrow.  If you miss tomorrow whack them on Wednesday!

Close the borders!  Stop the Obama amnesty! No more funding for illegal alien phony “refugees!Do your job!  Pick your message, but let them know how you feel.  The US Capitol Switchboard number is this:   (202) 224-3121.

See our post Saturday and here is the latest report from Breitbart on the Monday melt!

Senator Jeff Sessions: “They will get louder in the coming days.”

The American people have risen up in response to a rallying cry from Sens. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX), overloading the phone lines on Capitol Hill to pressure their members of Congress to fight against President Obama’s planned executive amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.

“I was on hold with the Capitol Hill switchboard about a minute or so each time I called my Representative and my two Senators,” Catharine Trauernicht, a Tea Party activist in Virginia, told Breitbart News Monday. “Typically, my calls are answered right away, but I always know that citizens have sprung into action when the switchboard recording comes on and says, ‘All of our operators are assisting other callers at this time.’”

When called by Breitbart News Monday at about 1:30 p.m., the Capitol Hill switchboard line was similarly busy.

“This shows the American people are going to resist,” a Sessions aide told Breitbart News. “The crescendo will grow. They are only beginning to be heard. They will get louder in the coming days.”

The calls are coming in response to Sen. Sessions, who last week asked the American people to rise up and pressure their elected leaders to stop the president from moving forward with any new executive amnesty. Obama has already granted executive amnesty to upwards of 800,000 illegal aliens through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program which was initiated in 2012, and this year Obama is threatening to expand DACA to five to six million illegal aliens.

“The American people have begged and pleaded for years for our laws to be enforced,” Sessions said in his statement calling for the American people to rise up. 

More here….

Last spring and summer, Senator Jeff Sessions was the leading voice in opposition to the infamous “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill ultimately passed by the Senate.  Here we especially made note when he called-out the meatpackers who lobby for cheap immigrant labor.  They are especially interested in refugees—subsidized by your tax dollars.