Secondary migrants are the refugees who were resettled in one state and decided within a few months that they want to move on to another more attractive state—the attraction is usually that they want to live with their kind of people (and have heard that jobs and welfare are good). That is something ethnic minorities can do and no one says boo—they can live with their people! But just imagine some white ethnic European saying ‘I want to live with my kind of people’ and all hell will break loose!

Anyway, as part of that Key Indicators for refugee placement that the ORR is now spearheading (we mentioned the latest report here), they have a section on ‘secondary migrants’ and by a wide margin Minnesota leads the nation in attracting refugees who didn’t want to be where they were initially placed by the US State Department and its contractors.
These numbers are somewhat useful, but I doubt the feds can track the movements of the over 100,000 refugees/asylees etc. arriving in America each year.
They don’t give nationalities, but I will bet a buck that most of those heading to Minnesota are Somalis. (page 9)
Minnesota: 2,496
Ohio: 881
Florida: 603
Iowa: 381
Oklahoma: 235
So what states are refugees leaving? Arizona, Texas, New York, California and Georgia top the list. (page 9)
Minnesota topped the list last year as well, here.
Could Minnesota one day be the first Muslim-majority state in America?
New Somalis on the way from Africa: In ten months of fiscal year 2014 we have resettled another 7,326 Somalis to your towns and cities.