Bulgarian village says NO to Muslim migrant kids in school

There are ‘pockets of resistance’ in some European countries which still have a will to live—one of those countries is Bulgaria which recently came under fire from the UN for building a border fence with Turkey so as to keep from being overrun.

Bulgaria attempting to protect itself from invasion from Turkey built additional border fencing this year. Photo Credit: Reuters/Stoyan Nenov

Here is a bit of the latest news.  Although most of our readers are from the US, it is important for you to know the trajectory Europe is on.

From Novinite:

Residents of the western Bulgarian village of Kovachevtsi have issued a declaration demanding that the immigrants accommodated at the National Children Ecological Complex leave by October 30.

The declaration was adopted by the local Municipal Council, which held an extraordinary sitting on Monday after a protest over the decision to admit children of immigrants to the school in the village of Kalishte.

Ventsislav Todorov, Chair of the Kovachevtsi Municipal Council, informed that the declaration would be sent to the President, Prime Minister, the Education Minister, and the Chair of the State Agency for Refugees and the District Governor of Pernik.

“We oppose integration in a situation where Bulgarians are a minority, while Somali and Afghan nationals without refugee status are a majority,” he explained, as cited by the Bulgarian National Radio.

See our Bulgaria archive here, and our ‘invasion of Europe’ series here.

Austin, MN: Meatpackers changing the demographics of American towns

There is nothing earth-shattering in this article from MPR News, but it’s just further evidence of the role the meatpacking industry is playing in changing towns in America’s heartland with its avaricious desire for cheap labor—refugee labor!  (Remember Senator Sessions called the meatpackers out here last year as a driving force behind amnesty).

We have been following this topic for going on seven years first brought to our attention by the turmoil created by Somali workers demanding workplace accommodation for their ‘religious’ requirements.  We have an entire category entitled, Greeley/Swift/Somali controversy, where we archived posts on the topic.

But, you know what is really funny (sort of) is that the meatpackers apparently got sick of the Somali workers in some places and must have asked the US State Department (and their contractors***) for some more docile workers like these Burmese Karen Christians or the mostly Hindu Bhutanese refugees we have been bringing in ever since Bush “welcomed” them in 2007.

The refugees are basically cheap, legal, captive laborers which you subsidize through the myriad social services they receive (see our fact sheet for the list of welfare programs open to refugees).


The largest employer in Austin, MN, Hormel and Quality Pork. Photo from a NYT article in 2008 about a mystery illness there. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/05/health/05pork.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0


From MPR News (hat tip: Deb):

St. Paul is home to the largest Karen population in the country. But in recent years, Austin has attracted hundreds of the Karen and Karenni people.

Austin, a meatpacking town that has seen big demographic changes in the last few decades, started attracting workers from Mexico and Latin America in the early 1990s, followed by a wave of African immigrants. [The meatpackers used illegal labor from south of the border until the feds clamped down and then they discovered refugee labor thanks to Bill Clinton—ed]

The city’s growing Karen population is the first influx of minorities that has not been Latino or African, and the change has come fast.

According to the city’s Welcome Center, the number of Karen and Karenni residents in Austin nearly tripled to 1,224 this year, up from 463 in 2012. Driven out of their long-adopted home of Myanmar to camps in Thailand, the members of the two groups are flowing to the United States as refugees.

That means they can work legally, and some have replaced other immigrants at workplaces like Austin’s Hormel and Quality Pork processing plants, Austin schools superintendent David Krenz said.

Of course this massive plant in Austin would not have had Somali workers in the first place!  (Pork of course!).

The Minnesota resettlement agencies affiliated with the federal government are listed here.  They are subcontractors of the big Volags below.  BTW, they call themselves Voluntary Agencies (Volags), but that is an obvious misnomer as most are nearly completely funded by tax dollars.

***The federal migrant resettlement contractors which we have followed for years (Grant recipient big dogs (devouring federal cash) Baptist Child and Family Services and Southwest Key Programs  are new on the scene in recent years and mostly due to UACs.):

Death by demography: Which European country falls first to the Muslim tide?

What do you think?

I’ve been betting on Sweden, but some of my compatriots say it will be the UK.  Other guesses?

The news from Sweden’s election yesterday would indicate that Sweden has just stepped-up the pace in the all important race over the cliff for western civilization.  Or has it?

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Swedish Left wing has pushed out the Center right with Leftists angry that their welfare state is eroding.  They worry that health care isn’t as good nor is education as it used to be, but this article laughably makes no DIRECT link to the enormous influx of Muslim third-worlders Sweden has “welcomed” and the decline in the ability of the social safety net to hold them all.

I suppose the big question for the Left is:  do they want the welfare reserved for Swedes or are they sharing their goodies with the world (until they run out)?

The media label Akesson “anti-immigrant.” Now they will have to pay attention to us says the leader of the Sweden Democrats.

Eventually the WSJ mentions the Syrians and the success of the “anti-immigration” party, Sweden Democrats, in the election.

The strong showing of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats—whose share of votes climbed to 13% from 5.7% in the 2010 election—surprised pollsters. Their opposition strength in parliament also could force Mr. Lofven to recruit a center-right party to his coalition to ensure he can drive through policies.

Fifteen paragraphs in we finally hear about the Syrians (on top of all the other Muslims from places like Iraq and Somalia already flooding into Sweden).  We told you about Sweden swinging wide the door to Syrians just when Obama visited last year at this time, here.

Last September, Sweden became the only European Union country to offer permanent residence to Syrians fleeing their devastated homeland and ahead of the election Mr. Reinfeldt asked Swedes to “open their hearts” to those seeking refuge.

He also acknowledged that immigration will strain the state budget in the short term, something the Sweden Democrats seized on for their campaign. They became the country’s third biggest party in Sunday’s voting.  [LOL! short term?  Where are they going to get the resources long term?—ed]

“Now it will be hard for the other parties to ignore us,” Party Leader Jimmie Akesson said.

For those of you watching Europe’s slide with bets on the UK going first, here are some stats from the Daily Mail yesterday (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’) that argue for your case.

The article is entitled: The changing face of Britain: A child in Birmingham is now more likely to be a Muslim than Christian.

Be sure to look at the adult to children ratio in each city.



Get it America!

Our extensive archive on Sweden is here.  See also our ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

Are Unaccompanied Alien Children bringing sickness into US schools?

Some doctors think so!

You know the “mystery virus” sickening kids in at least ten statesPowerline blog (hat tip: Paul) has a provocative post here yesterday in which a doctor is quoted as saying:

This is basically the same virus commonly seen in the equatorial Americas and South America. The very odd emergence of this virus at this time – especially just prior to the new school year and now fueled by the congregation of children in schools – demands an explanation. The only plausible one is that this has been brought here from south of the – now non-existent – border.

Read it all and follow links.

Dr. Elaina George: “All you need is one person with tuberculosis to cough on somebody else.”

Then we hear from reader Joanne who directed us to this story at the Daily Caller from last week (‘Feds Force Public Schools To Enroll Illegal Immigrant Children With No Medical Screening‘).  Emphasis below is mine:

Since October 2013, 50,303 “unaccompanied children” from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras have crossed America’s porous Southern border to claim green cards via the immigration courts.


According to the National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative think tank, the Obama administration has not subjected a large number of these children to proper medical screening processes.

Instead, the federal government has sent the unaccompanied minors to various U.S. locations to live with relatives or, in some cases, to live as foster wards. The children then enroll in local, taxpayer-funded public schools with no questions asked — by law.

Dr. Elaina George, a member of the national advisory council of the Project 21 black leadership network and a board-certified otolaryngologist, warned that this policy adds up to the possibility of a very serious disease outbreak.

There’s no mechanism in place to ensure children are checked medically,” George told The Daily Caller. “It’s put everybody at risk. Anybody who comes into contact with a disease — tuberculosis, for example — is at risk.”

Read it all.  Virginia readers need to especially take note of what your state has done (other states too most likely!).

All of our coverage of ‘unaccompanied minors’ going back several years is here.  With over 200 posts, our ‘health issues’ category is here.

Invasion of Europe news: Italian Muslim political leader fears for her safety after proposing mosque/cemetery

This is an interesting turnabout, it is usually European political leaders like Geert Wilders who have to live with the constant fear (under guard) that some Islamists will kill them.  Now, if this story is to be believed, Muslims fear a rising tide of “xenophobia” as Europeans feel under siege and fear the coming shariah law, as Muslim migrants flood into Italy from Africa and the Middle East.


Aicha Mesrar is leaving Italy. Photo: http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/politica/trentino-consigliera-marocchina-pd-lascia-litalia-paese-1049424.html


From RIA Novosti:

MOSCOW, September 12 (RIA Novosti) – Aicha Mesrar, an Italian councilor from a small city in northern Italy, has been forced to abandon her post and flee the country, The Independent reported.

Announcing her resignation, Mesrar said that she was proud of her work in the city council, and stressed that her leaving “is not the fault of the people of Rovereto,” but of some isolated elements.

“I cannot always live under escort,” Mesrar said, adding that “I’m not scared for me but for my children.” Mesrar has been under police protection for over two years, after receiving numerous threats in the form of anonymous letters.

Mesrar, 45, was born in Casablanca, Morocco, and moved to Italy in the early 1990s, becoming a councilor of the Democratic Party in the city of Rovereto in the Trentino region in 2010.

Mesrar was described by other local politicians as an active and effective councilor, spearheading several community initiatives, including a local community cooperative. Mesrar was the first woman to wear a veil at city hall.

Rovereto’s mayor, Andrea Miorandi, a friend and political ally of Ms. Mesrar, has also received threats for supporting plans to build a mosque and a Muslim cemetery in the city. He described Mesrar’s work as an “outstanding example of civic commitment.”

Bruno Dorigatti, head of Trentino’s provincial government, noted with sadness that “if [Mesrar] has to give in to intimidation and anonymous threats, it means that Trentino has yet to defeat the dangerous disease of intolerance.


The problem of anti-immigrant attitudes and the related rise of nationalist and xenophobic feelings has been a significant problem in Europe for several decades, but has sharpened dramatically in recent years as the result of sharpening economic crises, rising unemployment, and instability in Northern Africa resulting in an influx of African and Asian immigrants.

See our ‘invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.