Diverse to say the least!

In just ten years the school system there has become 36% immigrant—mostly Somali and Latino—and now requires “cultural brokers” for both groups so as to smooth their integration into the system.
Eden Prairie, MN is 12 miles from Minneapolis (enough said!).
This story is mostly about the Somali man who has been hired as the “communications specialist.” But, what interested me was the list of languages the diverse student body brought to the school system. Last year the system had 61 languages and now it’s 70! Can your town afford this?
From the Sun Current:
Eden Prairie Schools have 70 languages spoken by families in the district (English included). This is an increase from 61 last year. The top 10 are in numerical order:
1. English
2. Somali
3. Spanish
4. Vietnamese
5. Hindi
6. Mandarin
7. Telegu
8. Bengali
9. Russian
10. Arabic
Need a refugee lawyer?
As I was looking around for more information on Eden Prairie I got a chuckle when I saw they have TEN “qualified refugee lawyers” in the town of approximately 62,000 residents. Who says this hasn’t become an industry! How many qualified refugee lawyers do you have in your town? Maybe this should be the new gauge—when refugee lawyers move in, it is time to move out!
Minnesota Department of Health tracks refugee health!
Everyone of you from Minnesota should add your name to the mailing list for the Quarterly report on Refugee Health for the state. See the latest report here. Note there is a link to sign up for the newsletter. I think you will be surprised by some of the information there, especially as it relates to TB. But, the newsletter also has some facts about your refugee populations and how many have come in a given quarter.
For new readers, read ‘Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis.’
About the photo: I was just scouting out crimes in Eden Prairie and came across this one very quickly. I didn’t bother to look for others. I wonder do those “qualified refugee lawyers” do refugee crime cases as well? Here is most of what one commenter named ‘Red’ said regarding this story:
Locally, they are from Eden Prairie & Sshakopee, by way of Somalia. I am ashamed to admit I was once a supporter of their community integration & diversification. Then I was victimized by way of physical intimidation. Twice. On two separate occasions by men & women both. Now my heart is cold. Instead of taking the kids out, I study self defense.