As we get more news, we will link it here. Gunmen (military unit!) still on the run as of this moment.

From NBC News:
Eleven people were killed in a terror attack Wednesday at a French satirical news magazine which has published cartoons of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad. France raised its national alert system to its highest level following the attack at Charlie Hebdo in central Paris.
French President Francois Hollande told reporters that 11 people had been killed and four others were critically injured. “We will find the people who did this,” Hollande said. “France is today shocked by this terrorist attack.”
He added: “France is in shock. We are a united country.”
United in what? Culture? Religion? the need to stop Muslim immigration?
Updates: Twelve dead!
Timeline of massacre!
Gunmen shouted: “allahu Akbar”!
Video of attack:
Oh, this is rich: Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel called it an “attack on freedom of speech”. Isn’t that what she has been doing in Germany for weeks now!
That previous report says the terrorists spoke perfect French. According to Pew in 2010 the Muslim immigrant population of France was 4.7 million or 7.5% of the French population. At 3% trouble usually begins with the Muslim population, so no surprise that France is a target.
Catholic League: Muslims have right to be angry!