Eleven people were killed in a terror attack Wednesday at a French satirical news magazine which has published cartoons of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad. France raised its national alert system to its highest level following the attack at Charlie Hebdo in central Paris.
French President Francois Hollande told reporters that 11 people had been killed and four others were critically injured. “We will find the people who did this,” Hollande said. “France is today shocked by this terrorist attack.”
He added: “France is in shock. We are a united country.”
United in what? Culture? Religion? the need to stop Muslim immigration?
Video of attack: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/charlie-hebdo-paris-terror-attack-4934389
Oh, this is rich: Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel called it an “attack on freedom of speech”. Isn’t that what she has been doing in Germany for weeks now! http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/charlie-hebdo-shooting-10-killed-as-shots-fired-at-satirical-magazine-headquarters-according-to-reports-9962337.html
That previous report says the terrorists spoke perfect French. According to Pewin 2010 the Muslim immigrant population of France was 4.7 million or 7.5% of the French population. At 3% trouble usually begins with the Muslim population, so no surprise that France is a target.
Catholic League: Muslims have right to be angry! http://www.catholicleague.org/muslims-right-angry/
This must be Somalis-gone-wild week or something! ‘Pungentpeppers’ just spotted this story from a few weeks ago about armed “Kenyans” from Buffalo invading the home of “Africans” in Erie. By the sound of the names, most of those involved appear to be Somalis.
Both Erie, PA and Buffalo, NY are top resettlement sites for African (and other) refugees. Both are US State Department preferred communities, here.
Interesting that these invaders also used the automobile ramming technique we just heard about in Amarillo (”where subtle aspects of far-away cultures have taken root”).
Kaltuma Hassan (center): “A lot of Africans, they have drama and drama always go on. So they think the only way to settle it, is to kill somebody or fight somebody.”
From Erie TV News (be sure to watch the video!). Don’t you wonder if this was a random attack or whether someone in the household was being targeted?
And, check it out, a quick response by the police saved the family!
Six people from Buffalo, New York are sitting in the Erie County jail after police say they invaded a home on Erie’s east side.
According to Erie police, at around 9:45 p.m. Friday, a group of people invaded a home in the 900 block on East 11th Street.
“When they were first banging on the doors, I didn’t know who it was,” said Kaltuma Hassan, who lives at the home. “I was just figuring it was my brothers and then my parents were screaming, ‘who is it?’
Police said two armed men entered the home, dragged Hassan outside and started beating her.
“One of the boys was pointing a gun at me so I’m like, ‘Ok, he’s gonna shoot me.’ And I didn’t know and then the other boy kicked me and he had steel boots on and he just kicked me and I just blacked out,” she said.
Erie police officer Nick Bernatowicz was on the scene within a minute. He found a white van crashed into the home, and more than dozen people outside, several were armed with guns. When Bernatowicz drew his gun, police said he saw several people run behind the van. Bernatowicz heard a gun shot and took cover. As Bernatowicz waited for backup, the suspects took off in the van down East 11th Street.
“They thought there was like a road down there, so they came and stopped in the middle of the street and that’s when the cops came after them,” said Marianne Hassan, who also lives in the home.
The suspects apparently put the van in reverse, trying to run the officer over, and then took off running. Police said Bernatowicz jumped in the van and put it in park. Police arrested five men and one woman. The suspects are from Buffalo, New York, but are native to Kenya. Police believe the home invasion stems from a prior dispute.
“A lot of Africans, they have drama and drama always go on,” said Kaltuma. “So they think the only way to settle it, is to kill somebody or fight somebody.” [Is this their contribution to cultural diversity?—ed]
The Hassan family said without the quick response from police, they wouldn’t be alive to tell their story. [Thanks to the police no one was killed.—ed]
“I was pretty surprised and amazed that they came quickly,” said Maryanne. “Because, If they didn’t come, they would still be here shooting. Like, they we’re trying to kill all of us.” The suspects, Yassin Warsame, 18; Mohammed Salad Osman, 19; Hawa Hassan, 18; Muia Jumle, 19; Adbi Ibrihim, 19; and David Toe, 24, are charged with burglary, terroristic threats, criminal trespass, simple assault, unlawful restraint and disorderly conduct. Border patrol was called in to confirm the suspects’ identities. Police said they could be deported back to Kenya.
The US receives a large number of Somali “refugees” from Kenya (the UN picks them for us!) and there is no way Kenya is going to take these trouble-makers back—-they are our problem now! We processed 654 “refugees” through Kenya in only the first three months of this fiscal year (Oct. 1, 2014-Dec. 31, 2014), however, keep in mind we do not take “Kenyan” refugees unless their name is Obama (as in Aunt Zeituni and Uncle Omar).
See another story on the Erie home invasion, here, at Go Erie.
The reports out of Germany (the few I’ve looked at) about yesterday’s protestsacross the country are a bit fuzzy, however the western media sure loved the fact that the Catholics of Cologne (are there many left?), in turning off the Cathedral lights, were sending a message of love and peace to their Muslim immigrants.
Dresden anti-Islam demonstrators yesterday (Reuters photo) and another news account, this time from AFP. http://www.wort.lu/en/international/dresden-german-anti-migrant-march-draws-highest-turnout-54ab86b30c88b46a8ce4ff61
Here is one reportabout Dresden where 18,000 reportedly show up in opposition to more Muslim immigration to Germany. You know it is so interesting, this Bloomberg story has changed its headline since last night! Today it is: Germans Protest Anti-Islamist Rally as Landmarks Go Dark.
And last night it was: Merkel rebuffed by record attendance at anti-islamist rally. I’m guessing Bloombergsaid, oopsy! we aren’t in line with our media brethren!
No wonder it’s so hard to figure out what is going on—the Leftist media is making sure we get only their version of the news! Bloombergdid tell us this:
About 18,000 people marched through Dresden yesterday night in the latest weekly rally backed by organizers who call themselves Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West, or Pegida. The group says it’s for stricter immigration and asylum laws, protecting“western culture” and avoiding “parallel societies” of Muslims in Germany.
Meanwhile, Deutsche Welle wants us to get the message that Germans in Cologne and Berlin love Muslim immigration!
Anti-Islamist ‘Pegida’ supporters have had to cancel their appearance in Cologne, where thousands of demonstrators showed solidarity with migrants.
Overwhelming support for immigrants and asylum seekers in Cologne led to the Pegida demonstrators cancelling their appearance. Citizens in Cologne shouted out in jubilation, the sole goal of their demonstration being to prevent the Kögida- the name of the anti-Islam movement in Cologne- from marching in their city. [Silencing speech—the sole goal!–ed]
Around 5,000 protesters gathered in a Berlin neighborhood, calling for more tolerance. Berlin’s integration leder Dilek Kolat of the Social Democrats called the Pegida- an acronym for Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West- “an attack on peaceful co-existence in our society.”
Good luck with that “peaceful co-existence!”
If we find more definitive news in the days ahead about what happened, we’ll link it here.
See our extensive archive on Germany and its refugee and immigrant problems by clicking here. Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.
The timing of this story couldn’t be more stunning. Just as the Associated Press (yesterday!) was trying to make us feel all warm and “welcoming” toward the diverse ethnic groups the US State Department is dropping off in Texas, ‘Pungentpeppers’ spotted this news.
Jaba Mohamed Abdi brought some multicultural enrichment to Texas.
Get this Amarillo! As you bend over backwards to help refugees with your tax dollars, and the meatpackers get their cheap/captive laborers, you get the joys of cultural diversity. Wow! What a trade-off!
Amarillo”where subtle aspects of far-away cultures have taken root.”
AMARILLO, TEXAS — The man accused of intentionally crashing into an east Amarillo bar early Monday morning has now been arrested, according to police.
Twenty-five-year-old Jaba Mohamed Abdi, police said, is also accused of trying to hit people with the vehicle.
Officers were called to the bar in the 6000-block of Amarillo Boulevard East just before 1 a.m. That’s near Eastern Street off the Boulevard.
An employee of the bar told police a man, later identified as being Abdi, tried to run him over before intentionally striking the building with the vehicle.
Police said Abdi had earlier been inside the bar but was asked to leave because he was reportedly being disruptive and was causing problems with other patrons. Abdi was escorted out of the bar but he managed to get back inside. At one point, police said, Abdi changed clothes so he could re-enter the bar.
Abdi was eventually escorted out of the bar again with employees standing guard to make sure he did not re-enter. One of the employees was watching Abdi as he got into a newer-model grey SUV. He, according to police, backed out of his parking spot and struck a concrete pillar in the parking lot.
Police said Abdi was then accused of revving the engine “as to intimidate the employee.” Abdi, police said, drove straight at the employee who was standing next to the exit doors. The employee pushed people of the way and dove out of the way of the vehicle, police said.
The vehicle crashed into the building and caused significant damage to the outside wall. Police said Abdi backed up and drove away.
As police were speaking with the bar employee, a vehicle matching the description of a grey SUV drove westbound in Amarillo Boulevard by the bar. Police stopped the vehicle, a grey Nissan Murano in the 5300-block of Amarillo Boulevard.
The man inside, Abdi, was detained as officers investigated. The Nissan had damage to its front end with red/maroon transfer paint on it. The pain matched the color of the damaged building, police said.
The employee identified the driver as being the one accused of driving into the building.
Abdi was taken to a local hospital to be treated for injuries. While at the hospital, police said Abdi became more disruptive and actively resisted officers who were placing him in a treatment room.
When the propagandists at ‘Welcoming America’ promote their reports about the economic boom times that refugees bring to clueless cities, I bet there is nothing in them about the cost involved with the criminal justice system!
Amarillo”where subtle aspects of far-away cultures have taken root.”
The YMCA in Amarillo hosts Somalis celebrating EID. Photo: http://amarillo.com/lifestyle/faith/2012-10-26/muslims-mark-eid-al-adha
We had just been reporting that Amarillo has deep problems with too many refugees to assimilate and educate and feed and house, and now here comes the news about how rewarding all of that is to the taxpayers of Texas. You cowboys, hicks, rednecks or whatever the Left calls you are getting cultural diversity as a reward, and apparently some of you are lapping it up!
Didn’t one of our readers recently report that Texas is standing up against the feds and demanding State’s Rights be respected? No it isn’t, or we wouldn’t have stories like the one we reported just the other day written by a woman involved at Catholic Charities in bringing refugees to Amarillo who says that too many refugees strain the educational system of the city (she also admits that meatpackers have driven the resettlement!).
The US State Department ignored her concerns and sent hundreds there anyway!
Don’t you get it! They are working to turn red states blue and more importantly they are working to plant Islam deep into your neighborhoods.
No, apparently, Texans don’t get it (or not enough of them anyway)!
Despite its reputation for anti-immigrant politicians, Texas has led the nation in refugee resettlements for the last four yearsand continues to attract others who move here on their own, due in large part to a strong economy. Most are settled in large cities, but immigrant populations are also thriving in more remote areas like Amarillo, where subtle aspects of far-away cultures have taken root.
Judge Rowdy Rhoades: We welcome more mosques because the big meatpackers need the refugee laborers. (He didn’t exactly say that, but he may as well have!) Photo at an old story about over-crowded jails in Moore County. http://amarillo.com/stories/100208/new_news3.shtml
“We’ve just adapted,” Moore County Judge Rowdy Rhoades said. His county, just north of Amarillo, will soon have a third mosque to serve the population of Somalis and people from Myanmar who work at a nearby meat processing plant. “They’re just here to provide for their family, like anyone.”
The U.S. State Department oversees the resettlement program, which annually places tens of thousands of people who have fled their countries in about 190 communities. In a year span that ended in September, Texas became the new home for about 7,200 refugees from more than two dozen countries, the majority from Iraq and Myanmar. Houston led the state with nearly 2,000 resettlements, followed by Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin and San Antonio.
Texas’ smaller cities have been accommodating the rest — including Amarillo, Abilene and Midland. In 2010 alone, Amarillo received 730 refugees, about the same as San Antonio and Austin.
Yet, the constant flow of refugees — hovering in the 400 to 500-person range in each of the last four years — has some of Amarillo’s leaders worried that the city’s resources are being overwhelmed. [Yet a few paragraphs earlier, the reporter says refugees are “thriving,” but I guess the taxpayers aren’t!—ed] Among the biggest concerns are getting students up to speed in schools and addressing the language barrier. Dozens of languages are now spoken in Amarillo, Mayor Paul Harpole said, and 911 calls have sometimes taken nearly 10 minutes.
Resettlement agencies have responded, deciding that refugees would only be placed in Amarillo if they have family ties.
Once your city is deemed “welcoming” and the feds (with their contractors***) drop off the “seed community” (their words!), then how can you possibly say no to the extended family without looking like uncaring boobs. You can just imagine how the immigrant community will grow when “only” those with “family ties” move in! And, by the way, the contractor is still paid by the head to bring in the family.