The town of Almere in the Netherlands has a 6-year waiting list for “social housing.” Photo:,_the_Netherlands_2004.jpg
More than a quarter of Dutch municipalities are facing problems in providing housing for the people who want to live there. There will be more refugees to the Netherlands and the result is that waiting time for anyone on a waiting list will increase, according to a survey of 326 municipalities. The questionnaire, created by regional broadcasters and NOS, could not get 67 additional municipalities to take part.
Last year there were over 25,000 asylum seekers to the Netherlands which is 10,000 more than the year before. Most of them come from Syria, Eritrea and Somalia and many of them may stay for humanitarian reasons and must be placed from refugee centers in to ordinary housing. [Seems to me that they should just keep them in refugee centers. Duh! If they are offered government subsidized ordinary housing more will come!—ed]
There is an increasing pressure on social rental market, hardly any apartment turnover, housing corporations are selling some of their inventory and fewer rental houses are being built, says Aedes, the national association of housing corporations in the Netherlands.
In the town of Hulst, Zeeuws-Vlaanderen region, there are 300 people waiting for an apartment and the waiting time for social housing in Almere is more than six years. Other municipalities say that there are no houses because the current residents are staying in, or because most of the residents are homeowners.
During the first half of 2014 the municipalities had to accommodate 6,500 refugees and they served over 91 percent of the asylum seekers. In the first half of 2015, the municipalities must temporarily accommodate 14,000 residence permit holders, who are staying in the Netherlands.
Go here for our Netherlands archive. And, here is our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.
Getting away from Muslim migrants for a moment, we have a story this morning about how federal refugee resettlement contractor (one of the big nine***), Church World Service, helps Cubans who are ECONOMIC migrants, not refugees, get settled in America.
Miguel Laguna, a caseworker at Church World Service, a refugee resettlement agency, runs an orientation class about life in the US for a newly arrived Cuban family. Credit: Monica Campbell
I’ve been wondering lately what Obama’s change in US/Cuban relations will have on the thousands and thousands of Cubans still arriving in the US under that ridiculous “wet foot, dry foot” policy.
If we normalize relations with Cuba, why would there be any “refugees” coming here? Or, will his policy simply open the pipeline completely for one and all to fly right in?
A refugee by definition is escaping persecution. People wanting a job and social services are economic migrants and not eligible for refugee status (unless you are Cuban of course).
They are coming here for American jobs! Remember! Your tax dollars pay for most of the services of Church World Service! See how much here.
Here is the story from (emphasis below is mine):
Forget for a second that you live in the United States, that you know its laws, know English, know what a Social Security number is, let alone worrying about having one.
Now imagine that’s the wave of information you are trying to absorb, quickly, in a small conference room in Miami. That’s exactly what happens to some families when they arrive in the United States.
Miguel Laguna helps guide them through the bewildering process. He’s a caseworker at Church World Service, a refugee resettlement agency with an office in the Miami area. Most of the Miami office’s clients are Cubans. [Miami office website is here–ed]
Laguna goes over with the family how to take the bus, apply for citizenship and where to study English. It’s a lot to take in.
Ramos sits with his wife, Ailén, and his son, also named Ismael. The family tells me it took two days and two nights in a small boat to reach Florida. They got lost in the Gulf of Mexico, but eventually made it. “The GPS broke, so we didn’t know where we were for a while,” Ailén says.
They say they left Cuba because there’s no work there. Ailén says she was a gym teacher making $12 a month, a pretty typical salary in Cuba. The family thought of leaving for years, but sped up their plans for fear that the United States’ unique and controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy might disappear.
That policy says that Cuban migrants who make it to shore — “dry foot” — won’t be sent back, and will essentially be granted US residency after a year and one day in this country. The original intent was to drain the best and brightest from communist Cuba by dangling US visas, so some Cubans worry that better US-Cuba relations will lead to a change in policy.
Only Congress can make changes to “wet foot, dry foot,” and that could take a while. But the rumors that the policy might disappear persist in Cuba, and a rising number of people are leaving the island for the US on boats or, in some cases, by land through Latin America.
Laguna does note that this family has an advantage: They have relatives living in Miami. For Cuban refugees who arrive alone, there’s a lot of uncertainty.
I ask them why they left Cuba. They all say similar thing: “the economy,” “jobs,” “no work.”
It’s an answer that fuels a growing argument: Why treat Cubans differently than Guatemalans who flee gangs and poverty? What about Mexicans wanting to send money back to their relatives back home, or people fleeing war and repression elsewhere who must petition for asylum in the United States? Why give Cubans a special pass?
Of course what they are working up to is not changing the fact that Cubans get a pass with special treatment, but they want every other person in the world who needs a job or is fleeing crime to get the same pass without that messy business of applying for asylum!
A warning from reporters Ingrid Carlqvist and Lars Hedegaard on Denmark’s Open Door! Again, from ‘Pungentpeppers’ who is making sure I don’t get away from the computer this morning!***
Yes, there are no-go-zones, and yes, the Imams control the Muslim population…..
Here is just one bit about that:
…you will hardly ever hear a Muslim – whether first, second or third generation — express the slightest gratitude for all that hard-working Danish taxpayers have given them. Quite the contrary. When Muslims sound off in the media, it is usually in order to complain about the horrible way they are being treated. They are being harassed, excluded, mocked and offended by the natives. The original inhabitants turn their backs on them. That is often true, but is at least partly explained by the fact that Muslims prefer to live in confined areas (in Denmark they are known as ghettoes) with each other, where they can practice sharia law, keep control of their women and where outsiders are not welcome.
Then here is a section that sounds oh-so-familiar. We have often, on these pages, used the phrase “Humanitarian Industrial-Complex.”
“The Immigration-Industrial Complex”
Another group with a vested interest in both further mass immigration and non-integration and is what may be labeled “The Immigration-Industrial Complex.” We are talking about the vast number of public employees and officers of semi-private humanitarian organizations who make a living out of receiving, caring for and integrating foreigners. If they were to succeed, or if the stream of asylum seekers were to dry up, they would be out of a job.
As a prerequisite of its work, the Immigration-Industrial Complex strives to spread a sense of guilt. This endeavor is mightily supported by a great number of journalists and so-called “experts,” who have made a career out of accusing their fellow Danes of racism, “Islamophobia” and xenophobia. We are so rich, they claim, and yet we will not take responsibility for the plight of billions of our persecuted and poverty-stricken fellow men around the world.
Exactly how Danes — and other Europeans who have never hurt a fly — have incurred this burden is never explained. Nor would this sort of self-flagellation carry weight anywhere outside the West. But here it works wonderfully.
As Amir Taheri, former chief editor of Tehran’s biggest newspaper, explained at a conference in Copenhagen some years ago: If you want to integrate newcomers, you have to get rid of people who make a living out of integrating them.
*** I had a reader this week say that she was getting too many e-mails from me. But, you should know that I don’t send out e-mails with the latest post, wordpress does that automatically if you have signed up as a subscriber! I definitely understand about too many e-mails! So, if you don’t want to be notified, please figure out how to unsubscribe and visit RRW when you have time and feel like it!
I haven’t been posting food stamp trafficking stories lately (I am still hoping someone will start a blog devoted entirely to immigrants scamming our welfare system), but ‘Pungentpeppers,’ knowing I’ll be in St. Louis next week, thought it would be fun to find stories from there involving, in this case, an Iraqi criminal, most likely a refugee.
EBT Nation! This is our go-to graphic when photos of the perps are not to be found!
WE have been bringing in Iraqis for probably close to 20 years, but are now admitting a whopping just short of 20,000 a year under the refugee program and 3/4 of them are Muslims.
It was only last week that we learned that a federal resettlement contractor plans to help make the St. Louis area the most highly diversified area in the country by 2020.
When your city becomes a “welcoming” city for refugees and other immigrants, the welfare scammers will follow.
ST. LOUIS • The owner of a St. Louis grocery store and bakery was sentenced in federal court here Wednesday to 15 months in federal prison for food stamp fraud.
Jalil Al-Hanoosh, 53, of St. Louis, bought food stamps from customers of his Babylon Grocery & Bakery at a discounted rate, then redeemed them for full price from the government, prosecutors said. He also allowed customers to use the stamps, formally known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, for unauthorized purchases such as cigarettes, phones, rugs and other non-food items, they said.
The grocery is located at 3803 Meramec Street.
Prosecutors said that the the grocery redeemed about $148,000 in illegal benefits from January 2008-May 2012. The benefits are supposed to go towards keeping lower income individuals and families from going hungry.
Al-Hanoosh pleaded guilty in October to one count of wire fraud and two felony of food stamp fraud.
We have a huge archive going back years on food stamp fraud at mostly immigrant-run convenience stores, click here. We have a lot of news lately from St. Louis too, for more go here.
Update: Today the Center for Security Policy sent a formal letter of thanks to the Governor for his willingness to speak the truth, read it here.
And, it isn’t just the phrase ‘no-go-zones’ that the politically-correct word police surely aren’t happy with.
He actually had the nerve to use the forbidden word—“assimilate.”
Now that is unforgivable! It is a word never, ever used by the Open Borders/More refugees movement! See here—“integration” is the proper word in Obama and Washington cool circles.
Jindal wants Muslims and other immigrants to assimilate. But what could he possibly know about immigrants!
WASHINGTON (CNN) —Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Wednesday stood by his controversial comments about “no go zones” in European cities, insisting that some Muslim immigrants are trying to “colonize” European cities and “overtake the culture.”
And the United States could be next, warned Jindal, a Republican who is considering a 2016 presidential run.
“They may be second, third, fourth generation, they don’t consider themselves part of that country. They’re actually going in there to colonize, to overtake the culture,” Jindal said. “If people don’t want to come here to integrate and assimilate, what they’re really trying to do is … overturn our culture.”
“We’re at war with radical Islam whether he wants to call it or not,” Jindal said on Wednesday.
Drawing on his Indian heritage, Jindal insisted that the race or religion of immigrants is not what’s important, but that immigrants to the U.S. must learn English and integrate and assimilate to American culture.
“It used to be OK to call America the melting pot, now the politically correct one wants to say, look we can’t impose our culture on others, we can’t impose our values on others, that’s nonsense,” Jindal said.
Say after me: Assimilate, assimilate, assimilate! Use it everywhere you can!