I was just working on a larger piece about Bowling Green, KY when this photo jumped out at me! There was a driver training program for immigrants at the National Corvette Museum.
Oopsy! About to crash…. Photo: Miranda Pederson/Daily News
The full story at the Bowling Green Daily News (Crash Course) is here. I guess I shouldn’t laugh!
See our extensive archive on Bowling Green, KY refugees, byclicking here.
One of my favorite photos: Invaders at the Brandenburg Gate. http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/world/article/europe-seeks-to-stem-flow-of-balkan-asylum-seekers/
Most are from Muslim countries.
The big question left hanging for me is what is happening to those rejected (around 4,000 just in the first 18,000)—is Germany shipping them ‘home?’
From Deutsche Welle (oops! had the wrong link in here earlier, thanks to ‘PP’ for the catch):
In January, 25,042 people applied for asylum status through Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), the Interior Ministry announced Monday in Berlin. The total includes 21,679 first-time applications and 3,363 follow-ups. That represents an increase of 73 percent over January 2014 and 23 percent over December 2014.
There has already been a decision on almost 18,000 of the applications made in January. Forty-four percent were accepted as refugees, and the government has prohibited the deportation of 137 more applicants. The applications of just over a quarter were rejected.
In 2014, Germany received 203,000 applications for asylum, 60 percent higher than in 2013 – the third-highest total in national history and more than any other EU country last year.
Go here for all of our posts on Germany’s migration tragedy. And here is our archiveon the ‘Invasion of Europe’ which we follow closely because we are headed to the same place, just a little bit behind Europe.
Update February 14th: New president says they will re-think their earlier commitment to resettle Syrians, here.
Good for you Uruguay! Only problem is that once the women and children get settled the ‘international humanitarian industrial complex’ will holler about how that policy is inhumane (and besides if they aren’t procreating how can they facilitate theHijra).
President José Mujica greeting Syrian refugees last October. We are O.K. with Gitmo prisoners, but not those Syrian refugee men! Photo: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-29561681
The government of Uruguay received international acclaim for its decision last year to accept a high number of refugees from the Syrian Civil War, citing the need for countries across the world to participate in saving the lives of those attempting to escape. It is now reneging on its promise, at least in part: only women and children will be allowed to relocate to [they must mean from?—ed] Syria, with the government citing a need to quell domestic violence.
“Simply: in Uruguay, we are not willing to remain with our arms crossed if men hit women,” said President José Mujica, the architect of the project through which Uruguay would slowly begin to take in Syrian refugee families, to ease the strain on neighboring countries like Lebanon and Turkey, which have taken in millions of refugees in the past two years. According to Uruguayan newspaper El Observador, the government claims that the incidents of domestic violence in the new Syrian refugee community of Uruguay are simply too high to ignore.
Local developer Joel Testa, whose company recently opened an apartment building catering to the homeless and veterans, hopes to serve another population in Akron’s North Hill: refugees.
Testa is proposing a 50-unit townhouse development that would be built across from Summa St. Thomas Hospital, which has been providing primary health care since the hospital’s emergency room closed, including to the refugees in the area.
Akron Councilman Hurley apparently approves—says refugees won’t have to walk far (for their medical care?). Photo: http://www.akroncitycouncil.org/Find_your_Councilperson/entry/James_Hurley/
Councilman Jim Hurley, who represents Ward 2 that includes North Hill, said the location of the housing is ideal to cater to the refugees in the area, many who walk wherever they need to go.
“They would not have to walk far,” he said.
Testa said the development will be aimed at low-to moderate-income people, with the aim of partnering with local agencies that can help acclimate them to the community so they “earn enough so that they have to move out.” He said the rent for the townhouses would range from $590 to $775 a month.
The developer wants to tap into the International Institute’s ‘resources’ which is also mostly money from taxpayers (I presume they would pay rent to use the community space for classes etc.):
Testa said he also is seeking support for the project from the International Institute, which is located in North Hill and provides many services to refugees. The institute’s board will vote on his request this month.
“Our goal is to have the International Institute provide classes and training out of our community space,” Testa said.
Very long-time readers may remember that Akron’s International Institute got into some trouble way back in 2008 for placing refugees in slum apartments (a common practice, btw, and one of the first things we noticed where I live in 2007). Here is our poston the slum apartment issue in Akron.
See the International Institute of Akron’s most recent Form 990. On page 9 we learn that they took in $2.5 million (I am rounding the numbers) in that most recent year. $1.7 million is from government grants, another almost $500,000 was income from translation services and immigrant counseling (probably paid by other government agencies to the II). What is that, roughly 88% funded with tax dollars? On page 10 we learned that they paid out more than a $1 million in salaries/benefits/payroll etc.
So if Akron doesn’t have enough housing for all of its poor people and refugees, maybe a plan could be to reduce the number of refugees being resettled there? Just saying!
*** For all of our new readers, here are the nine big federal refugee contractors:
The UK Mirror has a story here, apparently designed to make readers think the worst of PEGIDA:
A notorious ‘anti-Islam’ movement is coming to Britain with its first ever demo and a march likely to attract thousands.
Pegida has sparked huge controversy in Germany.
Under the banner of ‘Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West’, it claims it is trying to defend countries from the spread of extremism at the hands of Muslim immigrants.
It is advertising its first ever UK demo for Newcastle upon Tyne on February 28, however, with a Facebook campaign expected to attract ‘thousands’.
It is the first of a series of demos planned for the UK, with others due to take place in Manchester, Birmingham and London.
Obviously designed to chill interest in the event, you can read the rest of the PEGIDA vilification story here.
For our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ series click here. Our posts on German immigration problems arehere.