Big question is: Do these Christian resettlement contractors ever demand to resettle the persecuted Christians/religious minorities being persecuted around the world?
Arrive Ministries (formerly World Relief of Minnesota) one of three agencies responsible for the large population of Somalis in the State (see 10,000 resettled there in last 10 years, here) reports that the State has approximately 77,000 now.

See one of our top posts of all time—Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis? They were resettled there because of the generous welfare Minnesota offered!
Arrive Ministries (“a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to the cause of the refugee and immigrant”) also tells us that Somalis believe their troubles in Somalia began because they weren’t following Allah correctly, now they are having a “revival of religious observance” in Minnesota (scary thought!).
From Arrive Ministries (hat tip: Deb):
From that time [the time of clan violence and civil war in Somalia—ed] to the present, Somalis have fled the country and many have lived in refugee camps in Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania. Many Somalis were resettled in Europe, Canada, and the U.S. Currently, Minnesota has the largest number of Somali’s in the U.S, estimated to be around 77,000 or more. Why here? Somalis originally came to Minnesota because of the good economy and low unemployment. More recently they have come because there is a recognized community here — Somali shops, businesses and restaurants.
No discussion of the Somali people would be complete without discussing their religion, which is Islam. To be a Somali, is to be Muslim. With the war and displacement, many Somali’s have seen their difficulties as a judgment of God (Allah), for not correctly practicing their religion. In response to this, there has been a revival of religious observance.
According to a recent Form 990 for Arrive Ministries, the organization received $1.5 million (rounded number) with $1.1 million coming from government grants (from taxpayers) as a subcontractor to one of the top nine federal resettlement contractors, World Relief (Evangelicals).
Why can’t they see what they are doing?
About the photo, and a question for Bob: The photo is from his facebook page (unless there is another Bob connected to Arrive Ministries!) where just a few weeks ago he said this:
I stand with my Christian brothers and sisters and all Shias, Yazidis and all peace loving people who find ISIL and militant Islam abhorant.
And this:
The truth of the matters is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Extremely Islamic with the aim to usher in the apocalypse. As is pointed out in this well written article, ISIS has revived traditions and practices that have been dormant for centuries including crucifixions and beheadings which are viewed as sacred requirements and a prelude to the culmination of the last battle and the coming of Messiah. [followed by this article—What ISIS really wants.]
Why can’t Bob see what he and others are doing to Minnesota with the resettlement of tens of thousands of Somalis who are “reviving” their Islamic religion with some returning to Africa and the Middle East to join ISIS and Al-Shabaab.