We think we have found the explanation as to why Obama won’t say “radical Islam” in relation to the head-chopping violence going on in Syria and Iraq.
Who knew! It is really all about global warming not Islam!
As I sit here in March, snow storm swirling outside and temperatures predicted to drop to zero tonight, I’m reporting about how all those Syrian refugees on the march are the result of global warming!
From Scientific American:
Climate change can make storms stronger, cold spells longer and water supplies drier. But can it cause war? A new study*** published today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says drought in Syria, exacerbated to record levels by global warming, pushed social unrest in that nation across a line into an open uprising in 2011. The conflict has since become a major civil war with international involvement. [Nothing whatsoever to do with Islam?–ed]
A number of research efforts in recent years have suggested that warmer temperatures and drought increase the risk of violent conflict around the world. A 2009 study found that over the past 30 years in sub-Saharan Africa, temperature rise correlated with an increase in the likelihood of civil war. A 2011 study implicated climate change in pushing up food prices in Egypt, fueling revolution there.

The U.S. Defense Department is taking the warning seriously. It issued a report last November declaring climate change a “threat multiplier” that will impact national security. When Scientific American asked Seager [Richard Seager–ed] if his group’s research supports that point of view he said, “Yes. It does. Climate change is very much a cause of concern for national, regional and international security and this study makes clear how that can work. The Syrian war has now taken on a life of its own…however, a drought made worse by climate change was one important factor that initiated the social unraveling.”
The article does mention the drought in California, but no explanation as to why the same pattern of violence isn’t happening there. Maybe not a high enough population of heat-sensitive Muslims (yet).
So, let’s see, if one accepts the premise that resources/food production are being depleted in certain parts of the world due to the ever-changing climate, then bringing hundreds of thousands of immigrants to America will do what? What else!—bring violence and chaos to America even faster!
***You know what is so strange! I wanted to see the Study itself and I get a notice that the study isn’t available!
More here at Slate as the news of this “study” spreads through the Leftwing media.
See our ‘Climate refugees’ category here. We can chuckle, but for several years now the international Left has been predicting (agitating) that migrants moving in response to weather will be our next big wave of “refugees” as they work to expand the definition of what constitutes a refugee—someone you should “welcome” as a “seedling” to your town!