Ho hum! Another of those Somalis we are still bringing into America as refugees at the rate of 800-900 a month has been indicted in Columbus, the city second only to Minneapolis as a city being colonized by a large population of Somali Muslim refugees (thanks to those ‘religious’ non-profits hired by the federal government to place them!).
This latest jihadist came here as a child and your tax dollars helped raise him! (I’ll have more tomorrow, just wanted to get the news out while it’s hot!)

From Cleveland.com (hat tip: Robin):
COLUMBUS, Ohio — A Columbus man accused of going to Syria to be trained by a terrorist organization was indicted Thursday by a federal grand jury.
Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud, an American citizen since February 2014, is accused of providing support to Jabhat al-Nusrah, an al-Qaida affailate in Syria.
According to a news release from the U.S. Department of Justice, Mohamud, 23 obtained a passport, bought a one-way ticket to Greece and left in April 2014. However, he did not get on his connecting flight to Athens during a layover in Istanbul, Turkey.
Instead, he went to Syria and was trained at a camp to shoot weapons, break into houses, handle explosives and engage in hand-to-hand combat, the release says. A cleric in the organization then instructed him to return to the United States and to commit an act of terrorism. He returned in June.