While I was away…..
You probably saw the stories reported over the last few days that provide further proof that the issue of refugee resettlement and the immigrant invasion of America is becoming the focus of national discussion.

Obama promised to change America and he is doing that by changing the people!
First, Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily, in an article entitled: How to know when migrant gravy train arrives in your town and subtitled: Feds to ‘strong arm’ cities into welcoming ‘new Americans’:
What are the signs that your community has been secretly selected for an infusion of refugees from Muslim nations like Syria or Somalia, or migrant workers from Central America?
The Obama White House released a report last week on the integration of immigrants and refugees that provides some clues.
It could be something as simple as a new billboard along the highway touting the contributions of diverse immigrant populations and refugees. Or maybe you’ll hear a radio spot or see a TV ad delivering the same type of message.
Your city council may pass a proclamation “celebrating” and “welcoming” the “cultural diversity” and economic benefits of refugees and other “new Americans.”
Your local public library will start hosting “story times” that glorify the role of immigrants and the value of diversity in your community.
You may also see a new HUD-backed subsidized housing project rising from the ground. But the biggest sign that new arrivals are on their way, will be the “messaging” sent out through local media and official government offices.
Please read it all! Here! You will recognize the signs where you live!
Obama signing up the migrants and refugees for citizenship by 2016!
J. Christian Adams writing at PJ Media tells us what to expect in a story yesterday entitled: Homeland Security Working Overtime to Add ‘New Americans’ by 2016 Election:
President Obama’s amnesty by edict has always been about adding new Democrats to the voter rolls, and recent action by the Department of Homeland Security provides further proof. Sources at the Department of Homeland Security report to PJ Media that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is reallocating significant resources away from a computer system — the “Electronic Immigration System” — to sending letters to all 9,000,000 green card holders urging them to naturalize prior to the 2016 election.
This effort is part of the DHS “Task Force on New Americans.”
Read on and see all of our previous coverage of Obama’s Task Force by clicking here.
Astronomical number of refugees on food stamps and SSI—you are feeding the replacement population!
Adding to the plethora of stories while I was away is this Breitbart report on food stamp use by refugees entitled: Memo: 353,000 Refugees on Food Stamps, 55,000 Receiving Supplemental Security Income. I can’t tell you what a relief it is to know that others in the media are now digging into the facts about the impact refugees resettlement is having on our economy and our communities!
Breibart on this past Thursday:
More than 350,000 refugees in the United States are on food stamps, according the Congressional Research Service (CRS).
In a memo to the Senate Judiciary Committee released Thursday but dated April 14, CRS offers data on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — or food stamps — and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) use among refugees. It also provided refugee benefit usage statistics for medical assistance, cash assistance and public housing.
In Fiscal Year 2013, there were about 353,000 refugees on SNAP. As of December 2014, 55,000 refugees, asylees, and other similar populations receiving payments from SSI, the memo reveals.
Readers, please read all three of these excellent reports and it should be clear to you how Obama is changing America, just as he said he would. It is all out in the open now and the question is, how do we stop him from colonizing your towns?