Traveling again…

Update April 25th!  I’m back and swamped with e-mails and lots of news to post!  The issue of refugees is exploding as other researchers and writers have caught on. I hope to have some new posts up this morning! 

Not sure if I will get a chance to post.

If you are a new reader just arriving here, we have a great search function and nearly 6,000 posts!  Try typing in your city, state or country and see what we have said about it.  Or, simply type in some topic you believe we may have discussed.  See all of our categories in the left hand side bar.

See especially our ‘Where to find information’ category or ‘Refugee Statistics’ if you are researching what is happening to your town, city or state.

Be back Saturday for sure!

Hey Obama! Those Minnesota Somali youths arrested for attempting to join ISIS were not without prospects for a good future

Everyone was asking yesterday, are we sure these are REFUGEES or the children of refugees resettled in Minnesota (or somewhere else in the US)?   Yes, we are 99% sure, but the mainstream media isn’t going to use the ‘R’ word unless they absolutely have to!

Most Somalis in the US are here through the Refugee Admissions Program of the US State Department.  A few entered illegally and a few are here under Temporary Protected Status, but the vast majority are refugees.

And, what frosts me and it should you as well, is that the Minneapolis Star Tribune describes them as young people who grew up in America with good educations and a chance to be something other than a Jihadist!

One of the alleged ISIS fighter-wannabes even thumbed his nose at the US when YOU and YOUR tax dollars paid for his upbringing!

Why are we wasting more of your tax dollars keeping them here?

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

I bet community organizer Mohamud Noor knows more than he is saying!

An eight-year federal investigation into terrorist recruiting yielded what authorities say is one of its biggest breakthroughs Monday, when six Somali-Americans from Minnesota were charged with planning to leave the United States and fight alongside Islamic extremist groups.  [Breakthrough?  It appears the only reason they got a break is that some other Somali youth got cold feet and snitched!—ed]

Two of the six were arrested by the FBI on Sunday in San Diego, where they intended to pick up passports and then cross into Mexico to board a flight to the Middle East, federal authorities said.  [By the way, way back in around 2009 we reported on these Somali youths/jihadists getting out of the US via San Diego (large Somali community there) and going out across the Mexican border—ed]

The other four were arrested Sunday by FBI agents at various locations across the Twin Cities.

All six were charged Monday with conspiracy to aid and support a terrorist organization, specifically the group calling itself the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Hey, ever think of the possibility that their paths crossed at a local mosque?

It’s not clear how the six men, who the Justice Department said range in age from 19 to 21, met or how well they knew each other, but it appears that their paths crossed again and again as they grew up in Minneapolis. After graduating from South High, Farah, Musse and Omar enrolled at Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC). Farah and Musse majored in liberal arts; Omar was a pre-nursing student. Abdurahman, also a graduate of the Minneapolis Public Schools, enrolled at MCTC and studied computer support.   [Not poor and without prospects!—ed]

“I’m through with America.”  Guess what?  We are through with you too!

One of the men, in a conversation recorded by an FBI source, describes his disgust with living in the United States. “The American identity is dead. Even if I get caught, whatever, I’m through with America. Burn my ID,” he said, according to a transcript filed with the case.

Everyone needs to be paying attention to these supposed Somali community support groups.  

And, by the way, what are the legal non-profits this community organizer referred the budding jihadist to?

Mohamud Noor, executive director of the nonprofit Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota, said one of the men came into his office seeking help earlier this year.

“He had been interviewed by the FBI, and he said he and his friends had been followed for some time,” Noor recalled, declining to say which of the men came in to see him.

The man was calm, Noor said, but said he was looking for legal representation and a better sense of what his rights might be. Noor referred him to a pair of nonprofits that provide free or low-cost legal assistance.

Maybe Noor should have been thinking about reporting the visit to the FBI instead of helping him fight for ‘his rights!”

Readers, let me know if you see any news report from the mainstream media that uses the word “refugee” in conjunction with those arrested.

And remember, we are admitting 800-900 new Somalis to the US EVERY MONTH.

See Minnesota seeded with 10,000 in ten years!  Who brought most of them to Minnesota—Catholic Charities, World Relief (Evangelicals), Lutheran Social Services and Church World Service!

P.S.  MN Police looking for Somali murder suspect, here.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott: the only way to save lives in the Mediterranean is to STOP THE BOATS

I figured I didn’t need to say much about the latest drowning deaths in the Mediterranean since for once the mainstream media seems to have noticed.

In July 2013 the Pope went to Lampedusa to great the invaders from North Africa and the Middle East. And, lectured Italians to be more welcoming.

We have been writing about the ‘Invasion of Europe’ for what seems like years!

It goes on and on and European leaders don’t seem to get it.

The only way to save lives is to turn the boats back to the North African coast, and then let the UNHCR build some camps in Libya to house them and guard them.

It is either that or lose Europe completely as all of Africa and the Middle East want in!

And, by the way, this writer has no sympathy for the Pope (saying prayers as the news broke) since he helped encourage the invasion when he went to the Italian island of Lampedusa nearly two years ago and “welcomed” the invaders!

So here is the latest news from The Guardian about the sinking of yet one migrant vessel.

Italian police have arrested two suspected people traffickers among the survivors of the migrant boat that capsized on Sunday, as the United Nations confirmed that at least 800 people died in the sinking off the coast of Libya.

Prosecutors said they had detained a Tunisian man believed to be the captain of the vessel and a Syrian allegedly a member of the ship’s crew, taken from a group of 27 haggard survivors who arrived in the Sicilian port of Catania on Monday evening.

The two were charged with people trafficking and the captain was also charged with reckless multiple homicide in relation to the sinking.

The arrests came after an emergency meeting of EU interior and foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday made a decision to launch military operations against the networks of smugglers in Libya, as well as to bolster maritime patrols in the Mediterranean and give their modest naval mission a broader search-and-rescue mandate for saving lives.

Tony Abbott: Stop the boats!

The Guardian tells us the average age of the migrants was 25-years-old.  And male!  Sounds like an army to me!

Flavio Di Giacomo, spokesperson for IOM Italy, said those on board had come from Gambia, Ivory coast, Somalia, Eritrea, Mali, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Bangladesh and Syria. Reports said all those on board were male, several of them unaccompanied children.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has the only solution if the European Union wants to save lives AND save Europe. 

You will find this near the end of The Guardian’s story.  LOL! I think they call this burying the lead!

Australia’s prime minister has urged European leaders to adopt tougher border control measures. Tony Abbott, whose government implemented a strict policy of turning back asylum seekers’ boats in a bid to discourage them from trying to reach Australia, called the latest Mediterranean crisis a “terrible, terrible tragedy” and suggested Europe follow Australia’s lead to ensure it was not repeated.

“The only way you can stop the deaths is to stop the people smuggling trade. The only way you can stop the deaths is, in fact, to stop the boats,” Abbott told reporters in the nation’s capital, Canberra. “That’s why it is so urgent that the countries of Europe adopt very strong policies that will end the people smuggling trade across the Mediterranean.”

See our archive on recent Australian success in stopping boats filled with illegal migrants.  And, our whole ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.

Citizen researcher: Get “the plan” for your community before it goes to Washington

Editor:  Every resettlement agency (contractor) must submit to its parent contractor (those top nine we harp about all the time) a plan for your town or city every year.  “The plan” (sometimes called an “abstract”) includes the number of refugees the local agency thinks they can accommodate and lists the resources/amenities your town has to offer the refugees.  These “plans” are never available for public review and comment, but are used by the US State Department and the Office of Refugee Resettlement to determine how much of your hard-earned taxpayer dollars are needed by the contractors.

A citizen activist in Tennessee has penned this important guest post so that you can learn how to obtain and research “the plan” for your community.

Last week we asked you to get your state plan, here.  Now it is time to get your local one.

Here are the resettlement subcontractors working in over 190 cities across the country.  Find one near you and ask for their “abstract” for FY2015.  Unfortunately 2015 has already been approved, but it will give you an idea of what they are doing at this minute in your city.

 As we approach FY2016, demand “the plan” before it goes to Washington.  FY2016 begins on October 1, 2015, so they are working on these now, or will be shortly.

Get the Plan Before Federal Contractors Bring Refugees to Your Community

By Joanne Bregman

Federal refugee resettlement contractors should be required to openly disclose their proposed plan to the receiving host community before it is accepted and funded by the federal government. These plans contain no proprietary information and should not be awarded public money without first being vetted, commented upon and accepted by the proposed receiving community.

This is especially important in the states being run as Wilson-Fish programs, which means that a federal contractor is in charge and the state government has no voice in the running of the program. In states where the program is run by the state government, not only would this be appropriate but state dollars appropriated to the program should be discussed openly and the priority questioned by the state legislature prior to adopting their annual budget.

This GAO Report was critical of the process for resettling refugees into local communities, but it seems to have disappeared down a black hole. We see no reform, or more transparency coming from its release nearly three years ago.

Refugee resettlement is a government procured set of services that federal contractors are paid to provide. In fact, the resettlement contractors are paid for each individual refugee they bring to a community and as the 2012 GAO report noted:

“…local affiliate funding is based on the number of refugees they serve, so affiliates have an incentive to maintain or increase the number of refugees they resettle each year rather than allowing the number to decrease.”

The nine national voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) have affiliate (local) offices spread throughout the country, except for Wyoming where there is no refugee resettlement program.

Sometime before the start of the federal fiscal year (October 1 of the previous year) when these businesses get to find out how much public money they will receive, the local affiliate offices submit a resettlement proposal, sometimes called a “resettlement abstract.”

They “bid for bodies” and write narratives explaining why their location is a good place to resettle refugees. These “bids” are sent to their national VOLAG, which works with the State Department and the other VOLAGs to divide up the new fiscal year’s anticipated arrivals and the money that attaches to the arrivals.

The abstracts/annual resettlement plans include statements like “ELL [English Language Learner] services in the public schools are free.” Of course lots of other taxpayer- funded services such as Medicaid and cash welfare are also “free.”

They detail how many mosques might be in a location and how many languages are spoken by the agency’s staff members. They might include information about the ethnic composition of the seed communities they helped to start and the medical services available in a community. The plan might disclose the work of the resettlement agency’s “employment specialists” paid to get refugees employed ahead of unemployed Americans in the same community.

Here (below) is an example of a local resettlement plan; there should be a requirement that they be presented to local communities before being funded with public money. Until then, community members should inquire of the local resettlement organizations in their communities and when they are told (as they most likely will), that they do not have the information, move on to the national parent VOLAG office and request the documents.

This plan is an older one for Memphis, Tennessee:

Abstract 1Abstract 2

Abstract 3

abstract 4

Minnesota: More Somali refugee “youths” arrested on terror charges, FBI to comment today

Update April 26th:  More excitement in Little Mogadishu as feds arrest another refugee ‘youth,’ here.

Update April 21st: They were not without prospects for a good future in America, here.

News that is getting all too common…..Surprise! They wanted to join ISIS!

From Breitbart:

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Six people were arrested Sunday in connection with a terrorism investigation in Minnesota, where authorities have been tracking youths who have traveled or tried to travel to Syria to fight with militants, including the Islamic State group, authorities said.

A spokesman for the Minnesota U.S. Attorney’s Office said the arrests were made in Minneapolis and San Diego but there is no threat to public safety. Spokesman Ben Petok did not give details about the charges. He said more information would be released Monday.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI planned a news conference Monday to announce details. The news conference was billed in a press release as an announcement of a joint terrorism task force operation.

Continue reading here….

Harpstead is one of those contractors responsible for seeding Minnesota with Somalis. She pulls down a salary and benefits package of over $300,000 a year to ‘change’ Minnesota. Her ‘Christian charity’ is 89% taxpayer-funded.

BTW, if I were in charge I would let them go and revoke their passports so they can never come back.  Now we will have to pay for their incarceration and a charade of rehabilitation (besides having raised them on the taxpayer’s dime).

See also from last week Patrick Poole at PJ Media asking whether the FBI misled us just before last Fall’s election on the number of Americans going to fight for ISIS.

Who is responsible in Minnesota for colonizing the state with shariah-loving Somalis?

These Somalis didn’t just “find their way” to Minnesota, they were “resettled” there by federal refugee resettlement contractors.

For new readers, check out this post:   US State Department and its resettlement contractors are responsible for the Somalis they delivered to over 60 towns in Minnesota (over 10,000 Somalis in the last ten years)!  That is in addition to the approximately 2,000 ‘secondary migrants’ (refugees placed elsewhere) who head to Minnesota each year.

In recent research, we learned that five of the nine major US resettlement contractors are operating in “welcoming” Minnesota.  Four are so-called ‘Christian charities.’

Here are the nine major federal resettlement contractors (increasingly working to resettle those ‘unaccompanied alien children’ as well).  Those with offices in Minnesota are in red.

Doing research?  Go to this handy list to see who is changing your city by changing the people.