In an interesting coincidence, yesterday we posted a guest column from ‘Idaho Patriot’ about refugee resettlement as modern-day slavery and then right on the heels of that we see the same theme echoed in Minnesota—where the ‘Pockets of Resistance’ are getting organized and expanding.
Here is an article at the Morrison County Record about a concerned private citizen who is taking his own personal time to research and speak about what he is learning.
Article entitled: Speaker in Little Falls: Illegal immigrant, refugee resettlement done as a form of slavery.

Ron Brantsner, with the former Minutemen Civil Defense volunteer border watch group, was in Little Falls July 23. He was invited to the area to speak about how corporations and volunteer agencies bring illegal immigrants and refugees to Minnesota as a form of “slavery,” to do jobs Americans wouldn’t do, for low wages.
Brantsner, formerly of Minnesota, now has a residence in California.
Invited by “a gentleman out of Little Falls,” Brantsner said, “I don’t contact anybody. People reach out to me. I don’t go solicit this, I don’t get paid for this, I don’t belong to any organizations.
“When I get invited, I’m a normal everyday citizen just livin’ the dream,” he said.
Brantsner told the group that with funding from the federal government, the volunteer agencies or “Volags” as he called them, had targeted Minnesota because of the generous welfare benefits in the state. The targeted areas were those where poultry processing plants, and meat packing plants were located, he said.
Brantsner said once illegal immigrants and refugees move into a community, its Social Services, health care and educational resources are overwhelmed, with counties and taxpayers footing the tax burden.
He went on to discuss the role of large foundation grants. The foundations are connected with BIG MEAT working to colonize communities for their own selfish cheap labor needs.
Read it all.
Great business model isn’t it? State and local taxpayers help pick up the tab when salaries are too low to support large immigrant families.
This post is archived in our new ‘Pockets of Resistance’ category so that others of you might know, and get inspiration, about what your fellow Americans are doing to save America! There are many more volunteers like Ron Brantsner trying to get the word out on their own dime. Meanwhile the pro-Open Borders side is well-funded thanks to big business, the Chamber of Commerce and Leftwing foundations.