And, of course the majority (95% since January 2012) of Syrians arriving in the US right now are Syrian Muslims, because we take what the UN has chosen for us!
As the debate heats up in Congress about the number of Syrian refugees to be admitted to the US, some elected officials in Washington need to grow a spine and start distinguishing between the truly persecuted Syrian Christians/other religious minorities and the Muslims who could be going to wealthy Muslim countries for resettlement.
Here is more evidence that the UN camps are populated by mostly Muslim ‘refugees’ and that Christians fear to go there.
From World Net Daily (Christians left out!):
As U.S. and European leaders reach out with open arms to tens of thousands of Muslim refugees flooding into Europe, the groans of persecuted Christians in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan are increasingly drowned out.

President Obama announced Thursday that the U.S. will accept at an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, on top of the 1,600 that have already arrived.
The Syrian arrivals coming from United Nations refugee camps to date have been 95 percent Muslim.
When it comes to the plight of Christians, most of the voices of concern for “refugees” – whether they come from the EU, the White House, the Congress or in the media – fall silent, says a spokesman for the International Christian Concern.
The ICC posted an alert on its website Thursday that an estimated 30,000 Pakistani Christians have been forced to flee their homeland due to persecution from the Muslim majority in Pakistan. They are living in crude conditions in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Malaysia with little help from the United Nations or various international aid agencies.
According to the Barnabas Fund, which recently resettled some 50 Syrian Christian families in Poland, “Cameron’s policy [presumably a reference to taking refugees the UN has chosen, or who have arrived illegally in Europe.–ed] inadvertently discriminates against the very Christian communities most victimized by the inhuman butchers of the so-called Islamic State,” Carey writes.
“Christians are not to be found in the U.N. camps, because they have been attacked and targeted by Islamists and driven from them. They are seeking refuge in private homes, church buildings and with neighbors and family.”
This confirms reports that WND has previously published about the dangers Christians face in U.N. refugee camps.
As usual, reporter Leo Hohmann has a jam-packed report on the situation. Go here for more.