We just mentioned a letter to the editor in Syracuse, NY that has stirred debate there about the mayor’s plea for the resettlement of more Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees for that city.
Now, here (below) is a Letter to the editor from Montana in response to a cartoon featured at the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on September 22, 2015.
This is an excellent short letter that hits all the points you should be making where you live. People ask me all the time, what can I do? This is something you can do!
The issue is hot and this is your time to respond to any mention of the Syrian invasion about to arrive on American shores (and into your towns). In some ways, the outrageous demands (100,000, not properly screened, Syrians in one year) of the Hard Left (No Borders!) Resettlement Industry (quietly backed by RINO politicians looking for cheap immigrant labor for their big business donors), should be looked on as a blessing as Americans are waking up.
Please write letters to the editor in response to anything you see in your local papers on the issue. The media (even Fox News I’m sorry to say!) itself is not going to give us a fair report, so you need to educate your fellow citizens. ***Update*** Be sure to check with your paper for the word count permitted!
From the Bozeman Daily Chronicle:
It’s astonishing how much is wrong with the editorial cartoon concerning putative Syrian refugees that the Chronicle printed on Sept. 22. (The cartoon shows Uncle Sam idling in a motorboat labeled “USA” and telling “Syrian refugees” swimming nearby to tread water while we run background checks on them.)
First, refugees are officially defined as people who have a “well-founded fear of persecution,” but being caught in Syria’s civil war, while obviously hazardous, isn’t persecution. So such people aren’t actually refugees.
Second, most of them aren’t Syrians, either! As the Wall Street Journal reported (“Migrants Pose as Syrians to Open Door to Asylum in Europe,” Sept. 12), there’s a brisk trade in stolen and counterfeit Syrian passports. As few as 10 percent of this human tsunami may be Syrians; some come from as far afield as Afghanistan.
Further, if these were predominantly people fleeing a war zone, they wouldn’t be 69 percent men (primarily men in their 20s), as reported by the UN Refugee Agency. Instead, most of these people are simply illegal immigrants from all over the Mideast and Africa who are using the chaos in Syria as cover to exit their own dysfunctional countries and move to the gravy-train welfare states of Western civilization.
And what about those background checks? Well, the FBI admitted to Congress that it can’t confirm identities or investigate histories of most people arriving from the strife-torn Mideast. For an explosive example of what this means, recall Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Chechen “refugees” who bombed the Boston Marathon.
So Europe should decline these faux refugees. The U.S. should too, especially considering that more than 90 percent of recent Mideast “refugees” here use food stamps and nearly 70 percent collect cash welfare.
Finally, your editors shouldn’t choose cartoons to publish based on uninformed sentimentality.
Brent Bledsoe
Incidentally Montana doesn’t have a refugee resettlement program at the moment, but efforts are underway there by the Lefties and their big business pals to get something started there. See our post here in June.