CIS: Welfare Use High for Both Legal and Illegal Immigrants

 49% for Legal Households, 62% for Illegals
Here is the complete Center for Immigration Studies press release:

WASHINGTON, DC (September 10, 2015) — Low levels of education — not legal status — are the main reason immigrant welfare use is high, according to a new report by the Center for Immigration Studies. The report estimates welfare use separately for legal and illegal immigrant households based on Census Bureau data, and is a companion to the Center’s study released last week examining all immigrant households. The new analysis shows that legal immigrant households make extensive use of most welfare programs, while illegal immigrant households primarily benefit from food programs and Medicaid through U.S.-born children.

“Welfare use by illegal immigrant households is certainly a concern, but the bigger issue is welfare use by legal immigrants,” said Steven Camarota, the Center’s Director of Research and author of the report. “Three-fourths of immigrant households using welfare are headed by legal immigrants. Legal immigration is supposed to benefit the country, yet so many legal immigrants are not able to support themselves or their children. This raises important questions about the selection criteria used for legal immigration.”


View the entire report at:

Among the findings:

~An estimated 49 percent of households headed by legal immigrants used one or more welfare programs in 2012, compared to 30 percent of households headed by natives.

~Households headed by legal immigrants have higher use rates than native households overall and for cash programs (14 percent vs. 10 percent), food programs (36 percent vs. 22 percent), and Medicaid (39 percent vs. 23 percent). Use of housing programs is similar.

~Legal immigrant households account for three-quarters of all immigrant households accessing one or more welfare programs.

~Of legal immigrant households with children, 72 percent access one or more welfare programs, compared to 52 percent of native households.

~Of households headed by immigrants in the country illegally, we estimate that 62 percent used one or more welfare programs in 2012, compared to 30 percent of native households.

~Households headed by immigrants illegally in the country have higher use rates than native households overall and for food programs (57 percent vs. 22 percent) and Medicaid (51 percent vs. 23 percent). Use of cash programs by illegal immigrants is lower than use by natives (5 percent vs. 10 percent), as is use of housing programs (4 percent vs. 6 percent).

~Of illegal immigrant households with children, 87 percent access one or more welfare programs, compared to 52 percent of native households.

~There is a worker present in 85 percent of legal immigrant-headed households and 95 percent of illegal immigrant-headed households. But while most immigrant households have a worker, many are less-educated, earn low wages, and are thus eligible for welfare.

~Education level plays a larger role in explaining welfare use than legal status. The most extensive use of welfare is by less-educated immigrants who are in the country legally. Of households headed by legal immigrants without a high school diploma, 75 percent use one or more welfare programs, as do 64 percent of households headed by legal immigrants with only a high school education.

~The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants have modest levels of education; therefore, the high use of welfare associated with less-educated legal immigrants indicates that legalization would likely increase welfare costs, particularly for cash and housing programs.

~Restrictions on new legal immigrants’ access to welfare have not prevented them from accessing programs at high rates because restrictions often apply to only a modest share of immigrants at any one time. Some programs are not restricted, there are numerous exceptions and exemptions, and some provisions are entirely unenforced. Equally important, immigrants, including those illegally in the country, can receive welfare on behalf of their U.S.-born children.

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Be sure to see CIS’s previous announcement about how immigrants of all kinds use welfare at a higher rate than native born Americans.


For readers who are researching the Refugee Resettlement Program, go here for annual reports to Congress which contain information about welfare use by refugees.
In the most recent year (2013) available, note that on page 101, refugees are using public assistance at a much higher rate than other LEGAL immigrants shown in the table above.  Remember it is the contractor’s job to get their ‘clients’ (refugees) signed up for “services.”  Refugees thus benefit to a greater degree than other legal immigrants partly because you pay a supposed non-profit to guide them through the process of signing them up for their welfare benefits.

21% of refugees are using SSI

56% are using Medicaid

74% are getting food stamps (SNAP)

23% are in public housing or subsidized housing

This post is filed in our categories where to find information and ‘refugee statistics.’
Oops!  Forgot to mention that the whole premise of the Refugee Act of 1980 (Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden) was that refugees were to be self-sufficient very quickly, they were not meant to be a burden on the taxpayer—so much for that promise!

Gov. Walker: We don't need more Syrian refugees, we need to deal with ISIS

2016 Presidential candidate Gov. Scott Walker just jumped to number one in my list of candidates talking with sanity in the face of the huge public relations and propaganda campaign on-going to bring in more Syrian Muslims (yes, 95% so far since 2012 are Muslims) to live in your town or city.   And, as much as it pains me to think about more US military involvement in the Middle East, ISIS must be destroyed.  Trump, so far, has been doing squishy talk on the Syrian refugees.
Here is Walker quoted in The Hill (thanks to a reader):

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Wednesday said he opposes the U.S. opening its borders to take in more refugees from Syria.

“No, we shouldn’t be taking on any more Syrian refugees right now,” he said at the Governor’s Small Business Summit in Eau Claire, Wis., according to Wisconsin Public Radio.

“In the last year, America has received almost 70,000 refugees, of which nearly 2,000 are from Syria,” the 2016 GOP presidential candidate said. “We’ve spent something like $4 billion in humanitarian relief in terms of helping the situation in Syria.”

“So, we’re doing more than any country in the world and it’s got to be clear that the problem that has to be addressed is not the refugee issue that’s a symptom, the real problem is this administration fails to deal with taking on ISIS,” added Walker.

I’ve said before, I’m a one issue voter who believes that what we do about immigration of all kinds right now will determine if the America we know and love, lives or dies.

Reminder!  Obama will be sending his annual Determination Letter to Congress this month (the new fiscal year begins October first) and refugee law requires a “consultation” with Congress.  Since Congress has rarely (if ever) consulted before (they just rubber stamp what the President wants), I’m not sure exactly what that entails, but I am thinking that the House and Senate Judiciary Committees (or at least the immigration subcommittees) could, at minimum, call for hearings on the Obama FY2016 refugee plan.
I believe that Obama will call for a dramatically increased number of Syrians (perhaps to please the Pope when he arrives later this month)—resettlement contractors want 65,000-100,000 admitted before Obama leaves office—and the public should have an opportunity to speak!

Kerry briefs Senators, says we will take more Syrian refugees in coming year; shame on McCain!

Secretary of State John Kerry is probably getting a tongue-lashing at this very moment from refugee resettlement contractors who want the President to raise the ante and permit 200,000 refugees to be admitted to the US.
The norm from the Obama Administration in recent years has been 70,000 (from all countries) which is already way above a sustainable economic level considering the large numbers of refugees already on welfare.

McCain and dead baby
This is deplorable! Didn’t McCain do some fact checking before he went to the Senate floor with this shameful propaganda. That poor baby is dead because his Dad wanted free teeth in Europe! It has nothing to do with the US not doing anything “meaningful.”

Kerry told Senators today that they are looking to boost that number by only 5,000 to accommodate a Syrian refugee stream.  That is a tiny number when you consider that the Lutherans, the Catholics and the Evangelicals, who are paid to resettle refugees, have been asking for 65,000-100,000 this week.
It occurs to me that if the contractors want to bring in the mostly Muslim Syrians maybe it is time to cut back on the Somali and Iraqi Muslim refugees, groups which are now both way over 100,000 in number in the US (not including the children they have produced here).  
From AP:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is prepared to increase the number of refugees it resettles by at least 5,000 next year as European countries struggle to accommodate tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East and Africa.

Two officials and a congressional aide said that Secretary of State John Kerry told members of Congress in a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill Wednesday that the United States will boost its worldwide quota for resettling refugees from 70,000 to 75,000 next year, a number that could increase further. A fraction of those would be from Syria.

Kerry said after the meeting that the United States would increase the number of refugees it is willing to take in but did not give a specific number.

Hillary wants a UN pow-wow to guilt-trip western countries (surely she isn’t going to embarrass the Saudis, the Chinese or the Russians).

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, Kerry’s predecessor, called for an “emergency global gathering” at the United Nations General Assembly meeting later this month, where countries could pledge aid money and to accept some of the migrants.

Of the three largest ethnic groups being resettled right now, the Burmese are mostly Christians, but some 10,000 or so Burmese Muslims came in in the last ten years; the majority of the Iraqis are Muslims and virtually all of the Somalis are.  The Somali refugees have been coming for 30 years, or nearly so, so maybe it’s time to cut them off.

The top three groups of people resettled by the U.S. are Burmese, Iraqis and Somalis. Beyond Syrians, the administration wants to increase the number of Africans coming to the United States next year, according to a senior U.S. official involved in the process.

The article implies that we were to blame for Vietnam and for Iraq—you know we broke it so they are ours.  However, Syria is not our problem and most Americans know that.

Many Americans will feel differently about taking large numbers of Syrians displaced by a war that the United States has tried hard to avoid.

And, look at this, even Obama’s people are worried about security:

In addition, U.S. intelligence officials say they are concerned that the flow of migrants into Europe has been infiltrated by Islamic State group extremists who are bent on carrying out terror attacks.

“Exactly what’s their background?” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Wednesday during an industry conference. “We don’t obviously put it past the likes of ISIL to infiltrate operatives among these refugees.”

More here….
Remember folks!  The stars are aligning for Obama to choose an extremely large number of refugees for FY2016.  His determination letter is due in Congress this month, Europe is being overrun (Obama won’t like Merkel getting all the love), the contractors are ginning-up their lobbying forces demanding more paying clients (refugees), 14 Senators of the Democrat’s Jihad Caucus are yammering for more voters AND the Pope is coming to town!  Obama will want to give him a little ‘gift.’
I’ll eat my hat if something really big doesn’t happen this month.

Steps a refugee takes to get to America (can take a couple of years)

This is a handy flow chart I came across some time ago.  It is published by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (in the Dept. of Health and Human Services).
Journey to Resettlement in the United States
Do you see where it says “war” in step 1?   A legitimate refugee still must prove that he or she is being persecuted or has a legitimate fear of persecution even if running from a war zone. One cannot simply be fearful of war, or in the case of the Syrians, a civil war, persecution must still be proven (for such things as race, religion, political views and so forth).  Many of the so-called ‘refugees’ arriving in Europe are really economic migrants, not legitimate refugees.
And, do you see Step 2? Refugees are required to file for asylum protection in the first safe country they get to.  It is not supposed to be a shopping spree opportunity as is happening in Europe now as migrants move from country to country looking for the best welfare deals.
This whole ‘journey’, if done carefully, takes a couple of years.
Note the significant role the UN High Commissioner for Refugees plays in the processing of US-bound refugees.

Good idea! Government places ads advising asylum seekers not to come to Denmark

Invasion of Europe news….
Update:  Denmark blocks roadway today as refugees try to enter from Germany.
From the International Business Times:

Denmark is warning would-be Syrian asylum seekers that Copenhagen’s new center-right government has made it harder for refugees to find safety in the Nordic country. Ads targeting refugees that appeared Monday in Lebanese newspapers says asylum seekers will get fewer social benefits, may not bring family members to the country for a year and rejected asylum seekers will be quickly deported.

epa04622616 Floral tributes continue to grow in numbers in front of the synagogue following shootings in Copenhagen, Denmark, 16 February 2015. Danish police have arrested two men on suspicion of aiding the gunman who carried out shooting attacks in Copenhagen, investigators said. EPA/BAX LINDHARDT DENMARK OUT
Copenhagen: Danes not forgetting the February 2015 terror attack by a Palestinian refugee.

“The Danish immigration authorities are informing about changes of conditions regarding residence in Denmark being implemented by the new Danish government,” the ad reads before listing essentially seven reasons why asylum seekers might consider a neighboring European country instead. The ads have been published in 10 languages on government websites and through social media.

The EU Observer news site said Inger Stoejberg, the Danish integration minister, told TV2 News the campaign cost 30,000 euros (about $33,500), or about the cost of hosting one refugee for a year. Copenhagen had been planning to run these ads since July, after news emerged that refugee smugglers were circulating fliers comparing the social welfare benefits of various European countries.


The Feb. 14 shooting rampage in Copenhagen by the 22-year-old son of a Palestinian immigrant killed two people at a freedom of expression event and injured five police officers. The tragic incident exacerbated a growing resentment among some Danes who think their generous social benefits are being drained by an influx of immigrants.

Someone with a little time and a head for numbers should figure out what an average refugee costs the US taxpayer per year.
See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive as the beat goes on!  Go here for previous posts specifically on Denmark.  We have written previously about this ad campaign.