Jewish groups blast Obama: No leadership! Proposed Syrian refugee numbers too low

Of course this is no surprise to long-time readers, but it is one of the first strong criticisms I’ve seen of Obama who has been the darling of the one-worlders of the No Borders American Hard Left.  Back in 2007, there was no reluctance to excoriate George W. Bush when he was going cautiously on admitting Iraqi Muslims to the US.

Hetfield from twitter
Hetfield: Obama is not showing leadership on Syrian resettlement numbers. 10,000 is too low! We want 100,000!

Remember that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society*** is paid by the head to resettle refugees of all religious persuasions (including the mostly Muslim Syrians) as very few Jews are in the refugee stream to America these days.  HIAS and the other eight federal resettlement contractors would have to close up shop without their infusion of your money!
I’m so sick of lazy (or purposefully deceptive) reporters who never mention the financial incentives behind resettlement.
From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency:

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Two U.S. Jewish organizations said the Obama administration’s offer to absorb at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year was inadequate.

“Increasing the total number of refugees from 70,000 to 85,000 for next year and to 100,000 for the year after is a nice symbolic gesture,” Mark Hetfield, the president of HIAS, a Jewish group that assists in refugee resettlement and advocates for immigration reform, said Sunday in a statement. “It is a baby step in the right direction. But it is not leadership.”

The Reform movement also said in a statement Monday that Secretary of State John Kerry’s proposed numbers did not meet the mark.

See all of our coverage of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, here.  Go here to see if HIAS is working in your city.  If one is near you, call the office and ask how many Syrian Muslims they are bringing to your community.  Ask them point blank if they will advocate for the persecuted Christians first!
Our huge archive on Syrian refugees is here.
*** Have a look at the most recent Form 990 for HIAS (which re-branded itself and dropped the word Hebrew from its name awhile back).  It is a $31 million dollar a year supposed ‘non-profit’ group that receives 55% of its funding from the US taxpayer.
Federal grants total just over $16 million and that is to resettle refugees!  And they receive other funds related to their refugee resettlement efforts including over $500,000 in processing fees for loans (refugee air fare loan collections).
Hetfield pulls down a salary (and related income) of just over $300,000 per year and there are 5 other employees in the six-figure range.

Germany: ISIS recruiting among refugees

Invasion of Europe news……

Of course, what else would you expect!
From the UK Express:

Hans Georg
Germany’s Security Agency head Hans-Georg Maassen: we fear Islamists are exploiting refugees. (Duh!)

There are now 7,900 Salafi*** jihadists roaming the streets of Germany, according to Germany’s security agency, with many trying to lure asylum-seekers into their ranks.

The agency – the Office for the Protection of the Constitution – said numbers had risen from 7,500 in June.

Agency head Hans-Georg Maassen, said: “We are very concerned Islamists in Germany are trying, under the cover of humanitarian assistance, to exploit the situation of the refugees for their own ends and to proselytise and recruit among asylum-seekers.”

So far 740 radical Muslims had left Germany to join jihadists in Syria and Iraq, 20 percent of them female. Around one-third have returned to Germany, while about 120 of them have been killed.

He said spies are keeping close watch on jihadists given their “significant radicalisation potential” within the migrant community.

He added: “We are keeping a particularly close eye on unaccompanied minors among the refugees, who could be easy targets for Islamists.

See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.  More on Germany here.
*** In Germany they use the word ‘Salafi’ to accurately describe the Sunni Muslim extremists, while in the US, the media, if it mentions it at all, simply says ‘radical Islam’ assuming you are too dumb to be given the grown-up words.  See simple discussion of the Salafi movement, here.   Don’t you just want to pop those Fox News commentators every time they say radical Islam!

Trump: NO Syrian refugees, take care of Americans first!

I missed this one yesterday, but the ever-watchful Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily spotted it.  Trump’s campaign manager made clear Mr. Trump’s position on the Syrian ‘refugee’ issue and the broader issue of refugee resettlement to America.   The spokesman alluded to the abuse of the word ‘refugee’ which might escape the average listener’s ear.

Lewandowski and Trump
Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

A legitimate refugee must prove he or she is personally persecuted for religion, race, political persuasion, they CANNOT simply be running from a war (or crime or a bad economy).  The media and the NO Borders Left (the one-worlders) have been perverting the word for years.
They want any person running from anything to be classified as a ‘refugee’ eligible for admission to the first world.
Here is the news from Trump campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, making it clear that Americans come first!
World Net Daily:

Donald Trump has issued very few specifics in how he would deal with the world’s refugee crisis, but on Tuesday his campaign manager offered a bombshell sure to score him points with the GOP’s conservative base.

Corey Lewandowski said the United States “should take in zero” Syrian refugees.

“This is very simple, the bottom line is we should take in zero,” Lewandowski said when asked by radio host John Fredericks what a President Trump would do about the refugee crisis.

“And the United States, to be clear, has a process for bringing refugees into the country, and an individual must qualify as a refugee to begin that process, is how it works,” Lewandowski continued. “Individuals caught in a civil war do not necessarily qualify as refugees.

“If Mr. Trump were the president of the United States, we would not be bringing refugees into the country under this criteria,” Lewandowski said.

Secretary of State John Kerry announced Sunday plans by the Obama administration to increase the number of refugees brought directly from the Third World to America, from 70,000 this year to 85,000 in 2016 and 100,000 in 2017.

WND reported Monday that two bills are now in play in the House, one introduced by Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, that would halt all refugee resettlement pending a full investigation of the program’s financial and security impact; and the second authored by Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, would require congressional approval of all resettlements and require priority to be given to Christian refugees.

Put Americans first!  

In the Tuesday radio interview, Lewandowski delivered a much stronger line of argument, saying “it is time – and Mr. Trump has said this, time and time again – to put Americans first.”

“While I understand our position in the global economy, and how important the United States is in world public affairs, it is time to look at the people who are in our country first who are struggling – the middle class, the bottom class of people who can’t survive – and give them opportunities,” said Lewandowski. “And this is exactly what the issue is, when it comes to not just bringing in refugees, but illegal immigrants.

Continue reading here.  Hohmann lists the towns and cities in America already ‘welcoming’ Syrian refugees (whether they know it or not!).
A reminder that when I first tell a new person about how the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions program works, they are outraged and ask—-but what about the poor and homeless people we have in our town already?  Can’t we take care of them first (before we import more poverty)?
Be sure to see Hohmann’s article this week about the actions going on in Congress with the McCaul and Babin bills.   After discussing the bills, Hohmann reports that these 2016 Republican Presidential candidates are supporting the Obama Syrian resettlement plan.  We will let you know if others get on board with Obama.

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham and John Kasich have all said the U.S. should consider taking in more Syrian refugees, essentially agreeing with the policy of Obama and Democrats in Congress.

Of course they could modify their positions and say that we will only take persecuted Christian Syrians in reasonable numbers, to be cared for privately by individual churches, but don’t hold your breath!

Afghan practice of sexually abusing boys making the national news

I had been wondering why a series of older guest posts written by one of our readers was jumping to the top of our list of most-read posts this week, and now I know.  Watching Greta just now I learned that the US military is coming under fire for supposedly telling our men in Afghanistan to ignore the fact that our Afghan allies are abusing young boys (considered a cultural practice).

Afghan boys
Afghan boys are vulnerable to abuse in a country where women are off-limits because of Islamic shariah law.

If you have never heard of Bacha Bazi I urge you to read the four part series by reader ‘Pungentpeppers’ posted earlier this year.  You might actually start with the 4th post in the series (and then follow links to numbers 1, 2, and 3).  The 4th is entitled:

Bacha Bazi and Islam: Devilish Deception, The Mullah’s Response, and Beyond Heaven’s Pearly Gates

Please follow the links back to the previous posts.  ‘Pungentpeppers’ wrote the series because the horrific practice is entering the US and Australia (elsewhere?) with the Afghan refugees.   Here is a note from me at the time:

This is the 4th in a series of guest posts by ‘Pungentpeppers’ about Bacha Bazi, the Afghan pedophile practice targeting boys that has made its way to the West (including possibly to the US).  Go here, here, and here to see the previous reports.    Part II (Australia grapples with Bacha Bazi compulsive predators) was our top post last week.

One more in a long list of reasons why diversity is not so beautiful.

Grassroots campaign under way to prevent Obama's plan for Syrian refugee resettlement to go forward in CR

‘CR’ is Washington, DC lingo for the ‘Continuing Resolution’ on the fiscal year funding that keeps the government open after the first day of October.  Because the slugs we have elected to Congress are unable year after year to accomplish a timely appropriations process, the ‘CR’ is now part of our everyday language.

Citizens concerned about the massive influx of not-thoroughly-screened Syrian refugees are seeking a provision in the CR to prevent the White House from going forward with its plan to resettle 10,000 (or more!) Syrians starting next Thursday.  The CR is expected to go to the House floor in about a week.  (September 30th is the deadline for getting it done).

Here at Numbers(USA) is the text of a fax you can send to your Member of Congress and US Senators on the issue:


Your Three Members
Street Address
City, State Zip

Dear Your Three Members,

Please make sure that the continuing resolution contains a provision that prevents the United States from resettling Syrians. The FBI is adamant that it is impossible to determine if such an action would pose a security risk. I hope you will do all you can to make sure the CR prevents the government from resettling Syrians.

The White House has floated plans to resettle 10,000 Syrians and some Members of Congress are pushing for the government to resettle up to 100,000. With the FBI unable to determine if those Syrians wishing to relocate to the United States pose a security risk, it would be foolhardy and dangerous for the U.S. to place these individuals in our communities.

The continuing resolution must contain language to prevent the White House from resettling more Syrians to the United States. Actions which pose a security risk must be carefully considered and must not be taken on the basis of emotion or politics.


First Name Last Name

And, here is Jim Simpson writing at American Thinker on the campaign launched yesterday:

With its usual stupidity, Congressional leadership has evaded the appropriations process and will attempt to avoid a government shutdown by passing a continuing resolution (CR) prior to the start of the fiscal year. That is 10 days away.

We hereby demand Congress insert a one-line provision in the CR:

No funding shall be provided for bringing Syrians into the U.S. under any program.

I urge you to call the GOP House and Senate Appropriations Committees, their Chairmen and members, House and Senate leadership, and your GOP reps and senators.  Unfortunately the Democrats have already boldly signaled their contempt for America. They are a lost cause.

If you live in a state where one of these members (scroll down) resides, be sure to call that member in every single one of his/her offices. Also you can find the contact information for your own reps and senators here:

Please go to American Thinker (scroll down) for all of the contact information you will need.  Readers ask me all the time, what can I do?  This is something you can do NOW!
And, remember, the refugee contractors, No borders groups, Muslim activist groups and assorted hard Left (Social Justice!) community organizers are hard at work because they want to bring in 200,000 total refugees, 100,000 Syrians (to your towns and cities), during this coming year.  You need to work harder!