Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily on Friday has posted a very detailed report on a vexing question. Does it make any sense for US taxpayers to pay for programs to keep Somali refugee youths from becoming Islamic terrorists while those same taxpayers shell out millions of tax dollars every year to bring more unwilling-to-assimilate Somalis to America?
Please read his excellent analysis (you may have seen it on the Drudge Report already). But, I wanted you to see this very cool graphic posted there.
Is top Somali resettlement site, Minneapolis, on the way to having its own Molenbeek (the Islamic section of Brussels)?
If you haven’t read it, go here for the whole story.
And, just so you know (if you think more have arrived in your city than are shown here), these are only the top cities where Somalis were directly resettled by the contractors. These numbers do not include ‘secondary migrants’ —refugees who were seeded elsewhere but moved to be with THEIR own kind of people. Minnesota receives several thousand more Somalis each year who move there from the site of their original resettlement.
See our recent post on the ISIS threat to Minnesota police, here.