Insanity! US took 500 illegal aliens off Malta's hands in one year

This invasion of Europe story leads to the invasion of America!
The story makes me sick.  I have been writing about it for EIGHT years.  George Bush started it and of course Obama continued this abrogation of international refugee law. 
Here is one of the earliest posts I wrote (from 2008) about Bush’s Ambassador to Malta who first broke the law!

refugees on Malta
Illegal aliens who arrive on Malta could hit the jackpot and get a ticket to America!

In just one recent year, 500 ILLEGAL aliens made their way from North Africa across the Mediterranean to the island nation of Malta. Then, to help Malta out, our US State Department said ‘presto-chango’ and these ECONOMIC migrants who had launched from lawless Libya and elsewhere in North Africa magically became refugees and they now live in your towns in America somewhere!  And, this has been going on for eight years!
Legitimate claims for asylum are supposed to be made in the first safe country where the LEGITIMATE refugee lands—in this case Malta (making them Europe’s problem).  Are we asking Europe to take some of our illegal alien Mexicans? Of course not!
Do you understand the full import of what this means—any of the phony asylum seekers reaching Europe could be simply moved to America now that the precedent has been set.
From the Independent:

Some 500 immigrants who arrived in Malta in search for a better life have been resettled in the United States of America between March 2015 and March 2016. This information emerged in a reply to a Parliamentary Question. Minister for Home Affairs Carmelo Abela explained that 355 out of the 503 were Somali, 138 came from Eritrea, 17 from Sudan, two from Ethiopia and one from Iraq.

The resettlement exercise was possible following an agreement between the Maltese authorities, the American government and UNHCR.

You know it makes me so mad when I know that Congress, if it had the will, could do so much to reform this program with a few simple fixes that could make it safer and not so insane until real reform could begin.  Simply disallowing this lawbreaking would be a good start!
Click here for more on Malta. I’ve never counted them, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see 50 posts here on just our policy relating to the island nation.

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