Poor Louisiana! They don't get that many refugees, but they got 21 with TB between 2011 and 2015

Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart has done it again—unearthed some information the refugee resettlement contractors would rather you didn’t know about: how many refugees enter the US with latent or active TB.  In this case 21 went to Louisiana and developed active Tuberculosis within a short time of arrival.

David Aguillard
Catholic Charities monopolizes the resettlement of refugees in Louisiana. This is David Aguillard Director of Catholic Charities in Baton Rouge. http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2015/11/28/syrian-refugees-louisiana-political-debate.html

If you are a new reader, just arriving here today, I bet you can’t believe that any immigrant with any type of TB is even permitted entry.

Isn’t it a good thing that we have Obamacare to pay for all of the care and the medicine?
21 cases of active TB in just four years in refugees resettled in Louisiana! Yikes! From Leahy at Breitbart:

Twenty-one of the 1,579 refugees sent by the federal government to Louisiana between 2011 and 2015 developed active tuberculosis (TB) within one year of their arrival, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals tells Breitbart News.

Louisiana now has the dubious distinction as the state with the highest reported number of recently resettled refugees with active TB —at least among the five states that have confirmed to Breitbart that refugees resettled in their state have either arrived with active TB, or developed it within the first year of their arrival.

Go here for more.
Then visit our health issues category here with more shocking information like this.
If your town is considering ‘welcoming’ refugees you need to get all the facts.  Are you listening: Missoula, MT, Ithaca, NY, Rutland, VT, Reno, NV, Charleston, WV and Fayetteville, Arkansas?
One last thing…does anyone know if volunteers working with the newly arrived refugees get a briefing from the contractor, Catholic Charities in this case, about how to spot refugees who might have a communicable disease or be carrying parasites (a big concern with refugees coming from Africa)?
Update: I forgot to tell you which cities in Louisiana have resettlement offices: Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Metairie.

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