Refugee Industry Agitators Launch Social Media Campaign; 95,000 Refugees Each Year by Law!

Today, while reading one more story about how the President is killing the US Refugee Admissions Program, it reminded me that I wanted to go back and have a look at the Refugee Council USA report where they list the many refugee offices that have closed in the last two years.

Longtime readers may remember that in the heyday of the Obama Administration the US State Department was working feverishly (and secretively) with its nine major contractors to find new locations to place refugees.  We wrote about it many times.

In fact, in June of 2018, Judicial Watch sued in an attempt to get the list of proposed Obama sites and the criteria used to choose them, see here.  I don’t know where the case stands, but will find out.

However, when I went to the Refugee Council USA site for their report on Trump-era office closures this morning, the report was blacked out.  WTH!  Readers were directed to a new initiative.

This is a good opportunity to hammer the point again—they never give up! 

The Open Borders pushers are always on the offense coming up with some new effort to show their supporters they are working hard to move the needle in their direction in support of mass migration.

Frankly, other than Trump, people who want to see restraint used in how much immigration America can sustain are almost always playing defense!

Anyway, here is their latest initiative which began yesterday.  For some strange reason they want their supporters to black out their social media accounts.  But, more importantly they are looking for support for the so-called GRACE ACT which seeks to set a minimum refugee number each year of 95,000!

Go here to see the GRACE ACT which would. among other things, set the minimum number of refugees to be admitted to the US each year at 95,000.

You are probably saying, that it won’t go anywhere and you would be right.

However, with each of these campaigns where they are on the offense and the media laps it up, they move the needle in their direction.

So why can’t we do that and demand a moratorium—zero admissions—until our whole US immigration system is revamped? 

We could (and it would help Trump!), but it would look extreme and heaven-forbid the immigration control groups running the show in Washington don’t want to look extreme, not ever!

How about a new group!  Something like Migration Moratorium NOW!

Iraqi Interpreter Welcomed to America Sentenced to 30-years as Mastermind of Massive Drug Operation

“The United States welcomed Allawi into our country from war-torn Iraq in 2012. But instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities this country affords, he decided to make money by peddling a deadly narcotic to Americans in the grips of addiction.”

(US Attorney John Bash)

Just when the Refugee Industry agitators and their sycophant press is crying the blues because the President wants to limit the number of so-called ‘translators’ who helped America in the Iraq war, along comes news that all of these “brave” Iraqis are not all they are cracked up to be!

See my recent post on Special Immigrant Visa holders where I ask why we have to take one more?

(For new readers these mostly Muslim SIVs from Iraq and Afghanistan receive all the benefits that refugees receive—which is basically every form of welfare, job counseling, health care, etc.)

Thanks to a twitter follower for alerting me to this story.  Here from OAN:

Texas Judge Sentences Iraqi Immigrant To 30 Years For Massive Drug Operation


An Iraqi immigrant is sentenced to 30 years in prison for running a massive drug trafficking ring on the darknet. 30-year-old Alaa Mohammed Allawi learned his fate in a Texas court Thursday after pleading guilty to several charges, including conspiracy and money laundering back in June.

Alaa Mohammed Allawi was admitted to the US by the Obama Administration. Trump beware because as you admit more of the  “brave” men who supposedly helped us, they will be yours!

The individual was granted a U.S. special visa in 2012 after serving as an Iraqi interpreter to the U.S. Department of Defense. He came to America to seek better opportunities than what was offered in his war-torn country.

“The United States welcomed Allawi into our country from war-torn Iraq in 2012,” stated U.S. attorney John Bash. “But instead of taking advantage of the many opportunities this country affords, he decided to make money by peddling a deadly narcotic to Americans in the grips of addiction.”

Police said Allawi used the so-called “deep web” to sell and distribute millions of dollars worth of counterfeit opioids online. The operation led to at least one death after a North Carolina marine, who was stationed at Camp Lejeune, died of a fentanyl overdose after taking one of his pills.Between 2015 and 2017 alone, Allawi reportedly distributed over 350,000 pills.

“We’re talking about a two to three month trial with massive amounts of evidence and documents,” explained Bash. “That’s taken not only prosecutors, but agents out of the field to combat this problem.”

In addition to his prison sentence, Allawi was ordered pay $14.32 million dollars to plaintiffs. He faces deportation after he serves his sentence.

More here.

So much for the “robust” security screening Obama promised!

How many more are out there that we haven’t caught yet?

See the Justice Department’s press announcement on Thursday for more details.

Idaho Refugee Sob Story Sounds Fishy to me!

My alerts are filled to the brim day after day with stories from around the US featuring a sob story for some refugee who won’t be able to reunite with a family member because there is a meany in the White House.

Inevitably a sad tale anchors a story which tells readers in a state—in this case Idaho—about how bad the Trump Administration’s proposed refugee ceiling of 18,000 is going to be on the refugee resettlement industry that derives most of its funding from the taxpayer—from you and me.

At least this story does mention the fact that federal funding is tied to the number of refugees admitted. But, I got a laugh when I saw that the report from Idaho Press uses the International Rescue Committee as the example of an agency singing the budgetary blues.

Heck! The IRC’s head honcho makes nearly a $1 million a year salary—a figure that has jumped at least a quarter of a million since Trump took office!

They simply can’t be that bad off!

Idaho IRC Director Tzul.

The IRC’s Idaho representative Julianne Tzul told the Idaho Press:

Much of IRC’s funding comes from federal grants based on the number of refugees it serves, and Tzul expects to have “a wild ride to plan a budget when you don’t know if a major (funding) component is zero or is healthy.”

Still, Tzul said the agency has “no intention of going away.”

But, that isn’t the part that I want to tell you about.  It is the part about their featured Iraqi refugee sob story.

(Virtually every article I’ve read in recent days features some family that has been separated.  Instructions must have gone out to every resettlement office in America to find a family separation story to feed to the local press!).

Here is the headline of this one from Idaho:

What new refugee limit could mean for the Treasure Valley


BOISE — Under the Trump’s administration’s latest cap on refugee resettlement, Idaho refugees who have been separated from their families will likely have to wait longer to be reunited, and local resettlement agencies are expecting a dip in federal funding.

“We are going to see fewer refugees make it to Boise,” said Julianne Tzul, director of International Rescue Committee’s Boise office. “When total national numbers contract, they contract everywhere.”

The Trump administration last week announced an 18,000 cap on the number of refugees resettled in the U.S. this fiscal year, which started Tuesday. Trump’s final decision on the cap must include consultation with Congress, which could push for a higher total, according to the Associated Press.

Ahmed Al Abboodi wants his son to join him in Idaho, but Trump is standing in the way.

The historically low cap would affect people like Ali Al Abboodi, a 28-year-old from Baghdad who was separated from his family in 2014 while they were traveling to Boise to be resettled. His family has worked with U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, in trying to secure his entry into the U.S.


After seven years in Syria, the family moved back to Iraq to await permission to become refugees in the United States. They received refugee status and flew to Boise in January 2014. Ali Al Abboodi’s case was separated from the rest of his family, but the plan was he would follow the family to Boise a few days later.

I want to know why wasn’t he with the family as they were shuffling around between Syria and Iraq?  Why was his case separated as the family left for Boise?

And then this: Are we really expected to believe that someone just dying to be reunited with his family in the US missed TWO scheduled flights that would take him to America?

Idaho Press continues….

Republican Senator Crapo to the rescue!

Ali Al Abboodi missed his first flight because of traffic and missed his second because of a car wreck, according to the family. After that, his case for refugee status was closed.

In 2017, Trump restricted travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, including Iraq, further hindering Ali Al Abboodi’s ability to travel to the U.S.

Ahmed Al Abboodi did not let the travel bans stop him from trying to get his son to Boise. He met with Crapo with his caseworker, and urged the senator to help his family. Crapo helped reopen Ali Al Abboodi’s case for refugee status.

What do you think?  I’m thinking there is more to this story than we are being told!

More here.

See my ever-expanding archive on ‘welcoming’ Idaho by clicking here.

Police: Somalis Brawling in St. Cloud, MN High School (All one race involved)

Editor:  This is a cross post from my other blog ‘Frauds and Crooks.’

When the news broke a couple of days ago that Tech High in St. Cloud, MN was in the news again there was no information on who exactly was brawling in the school. I didn’t post the story here at RRW because we didn’t know if Somali refugees were involved.  Now we know….

The new $104 million Tech High has only been open for a few weeks.


Whew! That is a relief!  At least now there won’t be any reason for race hustlers like CAIR to get involved, right!

“Students of the same race.”  That is how police characterize the make-up of the gangs of fighting students we reported here on Thursday.  But thanks to a Minnesota law which allows names of those who committed felonies, who are aged 16 and 17, be made public, we now have a clearer idea of who exactly was involved in a brawl that brought 20 police officers to a school in a city that has seen years of tension created by the arrival of Somali refugee families.

No secret decoder ring needed—names tell us all we need to know!

(See my extensive St. Cloud file at Refugee Resettlement Watchhere. I first heard of Tech High Somali problems in this story from 2008. A few posts featuring St. Cloud are here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.‘)

Go here to ‘Frauds and Crooks’ to read the full story and see the names of some of the students charged with felonies.  Some Tech High staff were injured trying to break up the fighting gangs.

Did You See the Pope’s New Statue? Guilt-Tripping the World Again?

No, not the one of the poor Italians in need of shelter and food, or the one of homeless veterans living on the streets of any major US city, or even the poor souls escaping the crumbling Communist economy in Venezuela?

It is a statue of migrants arriving with an angel in their midst to be welcomed wherever they decide has the best deal to supply their needs.

Migrants arrive with angels. Of course it is a political propaganda stunt!


Although the reporter, Erica Evans, at Deseret News gives her story a slight tilt toward the views of US federal resettlement contractors doing their usual spin about how they are driven entirely by their Christian zeal to help the stranger, she throws in some commentary from others who question the wisdom of hauling the third world (at great expense to taxpayers) to the first world every time there is a conflict somewhere on the globe.

The pope is making a statement about immigration with this new statue at the Vatican

SALT LAKE CITY — Pope Francis has repeatedly warned against exclusivist immigration policies and called for broader options for migrants and refugees to enter destination countries safely and legally at a time in which refugees are fleeing violent and unstable countries around the globe.

On Sunday, the Pope unveiled a new statue at the Vatican depicting 140 migrants and refugees traveling on a boat. He counseled people of faith to respond to displaced people with four words: “welcome, protect, promote and integrate,” The New York Times reported.

Mark Tooley

The pope’s outspoken views on refugees and immigration policies have raised questions about the role religious leaders play in debates about immigration.

Mark Tooley, president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, says religious leaders are too narrowly focused on humanitarian needs and fail to consider nations’ rights and interests.

“My critique of them is that sometimes they implicitly conflate the purposes and mandate of the church with the purposes and mandate of the state.” said Tooley. “The church, of course, is called to offer aid and hospitality to all people in need, but the secular state’s primary purpose is to look after the interest of the nation and people over which it has jurisdiction.”

Tooley said there is nothing wrong with the statue if it is meant as a call for concern for people fleeing violence, but “inevitably” some will use it for political reasons to demand higher levels of immigration and refugee resettlement. [Exactly!—-ed]


The presence of the sculpture in St. Peter’s Square is meant to commemorate the 105th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, according to Vatican News. In his message for the occasion, Pope Francis said that extreme individualism is being reinforced by the media in rich countries and resulting in the “globalization of indifference” towards migrants, refugees and other people in need.

Tooley, however, doesn’t think that prioritizing national interest when it comes to immigration is a sign of “indifference.” He said religious people might think it’s selfish for a government to look after its own citizens first, but that is not the case.

“That’s not selfish,” Tooley said. “That’s similar to parents looking after their own children. Hopefully they treat other people’s children well, but they shouldn’t prioritize other people’s children over their own.”

According to Tooley, the pope and other Christians advocating for more lenient immigration laws should acknowledge that there are limits to the number of people who can be resettled in a given country, in addition to economic and security risks to be considered.


Church World Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services are among the organizations listed as U.S. resettlement partners by the United Nations.

Here it is! Finally 29 paragraphs into the story (how many uninformed readers got this far)?  These phony-baloney non-profit Christian groups get their funds from us—the taxpayers—not from their parishioners and church members!

Soerens [Matthew Soerens, the U.S. director of church mobilization for World Relief], said his organization, World Relief, has closed resettlement offices in seven cities, including in Boise, Idaho, Nashville, Tennessee, and Miami, Florida. He said the closures were a result of fewer refugees and a reduction in government funding.

Continue reading, there is a lot here.

In case you missed it, see how much payola the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Migration Fund lost in just the first full year of the Trump Administration, here

It is no wonder they are squawking!

One day I hope to see the mainstream media shut up on the ‘welcome the stranger’ BS and tell the full story about how much of your money is doled out from the US Treasury to these supposed ‘religious charities’ (all hardcore Leftwing political agitation groups!) so they can brag about their compassion.

I can dream!