House of Representatives “Bipartisan” Pro-Refugee Caucus Organized by Non-Profit Group

Not a surprise that Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar would be a member of the Refugee Caucus.

When I told you in my previous post about “grass top” organizer, Anne Richard, and some of the goals the refugee industry activists are working on, I noticed the reference to a House of Representatives “bipartisan” caucus organized to promote more refugee resettlement.

Hmmm?  Who are they?

Before I get to who they are, I need to tell you about Leftwing ‘non-profit’ groups (501(c)3 organizations) and how they influence Congress.

They give themselves a warm and fuzzy sounding name, create a special logo and everyone thinks it is one more ‘humanitarian’ group when they are all just the same open borders activists recycled.

The organizer of the House Refugee Caucus is something called ‘We are all America’ which is an offshoot of the ‘National Partnership for New Americans,’  not to be confused with Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg’s ‘New American Economy.

NPNA, a consortium of Open Borders groups (I have never figured out where they get their money!), has created a spin-off—We are all America’ —which helps confuse casual observers, a standard operating procedure for the Left.

Lobbyists for NPNA then do the legwork on the Hill. First they find a few friendly members who agree to help form a ‘caucus,’ but it is the lobbyist(s) for NPNA who runs around the Hill, and talks to staff to find more of their ideological ilk to join the seed group.

In case you are wondering, those of us who want to see the Refugee Act of 1980  repealed (I don’t believe it is salvageable) have no such lobbyists.

Hang in there, I’m getting to the Republicans who are part of this Pro-More-Refugees-For-Your-Town gang.  (Hint!  See photo below right!)

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Washington 5th District) is obviously opposing the President on the refugee issue!

Here is what ‘We are all America’ says about the mission of the “Bipartisan” Refugee Caucus NPNA created:

The Bipartisan Congressional Refugee Caucus is critical to affirming the need for the United States to demonstrate leadership both in terms of refugee resettlement and overseas refugee protection.

This has never been more important, given the global refugee crisis and the Trump Administration’s attacks against the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. The decisions made by the Administration and Congress in regard to refugee protection and resettlement will continue to have profound impacts on refugees’ lives, on the American communities that welcome them and thrive because of them, and on the ability of the United States to serve as a beacon of hope to refugees in the future. The Caucus will bring together Members of Congress who care about refugees, refugee protection and refugee resettlement and will provide opportunities for collaboration around this important population and the policy issues impacting them.

Overall Refugee Caucus Goals

~Demonstrate bipartisan support for refugee resettlement

~Affirm the importance of refugee resettlement in terms of foreign policy and diplomacy

~Assert Congressional oversight to ensure the resettlement program is being implemented as stipulated by the 1980 Refugee Act

~Coordinate caucus members in actions that elevate refugee issues in Congress, media outlets, and the public narrative

~Educate and engage other Members of Congress around refugee protection and resettlement

~Support adequate funding for the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) within the Department of Health and Human Services and the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) within the State Department

If you are interested in joining the caucus, please contact Stephanie D. Stephens at  [Notice Ms. Stephens works for the Partnership for New Americans, clearly as a lobbyist.—ed]

Go here to see the members of Congress who are opposing the President on refugee resettlement.

Seven Republicans joined 50 (hard Left!) Democrats so they can say a bipartisan group of legislators is fighting the President on a key 2016 campaign promise.

Is your Republican member in this group?  Time for a primary challenge?

Diaz-Balart (Co-Chair GOP) R-FL-25
Smith (Co-Chair Smith) R-NJ-04
Katko R-NY-24
McMorris Rogers R-WA-05
Stewart R-UT-02
Stivers R-OH-15
Upton R-MI-06

Former Obama Refugee Official Spills the Beans on Refugee Industry Strategy

I guess you would have to call Anne Richard a “grass top” as she explains what the refugee industry “grassroots” are doing these days.

The grass tops gang is all here—getting arrested on the Capitol steps in October. Anne Richard is second from left (the Rev. McCullough at her right) and in the middle all of you should recognize Nihad Awad the head honcho of the Council on America Islamic Relations otherwise known as CAIR.


Longtime readers know that Anne Richard (originally a Vice President at the International Rescue Committee (IRC), one of the nine federal contractors*** that monopolize all refugee resettlement in America), was Barack Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for Population Refugees and Migration. (Trump, btw, never chose anyone to fill that spot).

For inquisitive readers, we have an extensive Anne Richard archive, here.

Yesterday she penned an informative piece at Georgetown University’s Berkeley Center where she describes how she is energized by all of her gal pals working to advance refugee resettlement in US towns and cities.

By the way, since Richard references the women leaders in her piece, I wondered where are all the men in her industry who are making the big bucks as CEOs of the ‘non-profit’ contractors?  Weren’t they at the confab she describes?

For instance, where was David Miliband (IRC salary $900,000), Mark Hetfield (HIAS salary $300,000), and the Rev. John McCullough (CWS salary $300,000).


Refugee Experts Express Hope for Refugee Resettlement in America


Anne Richard

As the moderator of a panel on “The Future of U.S. Refugee Resettlement Policy” at the “Current Challenges in Refugee Policy” conference, I asked a stellar lineup of experts the sad question:

Is there a future for Refugee Resettlement in America?

They and I knew that the number of refugees being resettled in this country has dropped drastically under the Trump administration.


Jen Smyers “Where prayer meets politics”

Jen Smyers, director of policy and advocacy for the immigration and refugee program with Church World Service, pointed out that 18,000 is an historic low point for the program and pronounced the Trump policy “shameful,” noting: “this is being done in the worst displacement crisis that the world has ever seen….There are more than 70 million people who are displaced across the globe, including more than 25 million refugees.” [And, so why is this our problem?—ed]

Jenny Yang helped mobilize the Soros-funded Evangelical Immigration Table against the President’s refugee reform plan.

Jenny Yang, vice president of advocacy and policy at World Relief, reported, “Last month in October it was the first month in over 30 years that we didn’t receive a single refugee, which is a startling statistic.”

All of us recognized that deep cuts in the numbers of refugees would translate into resettlement offices being forced to shut down across America. These closures would mean letting staff go, reducing services to refugees already here, cutting long-term relationships with schools, employers and landlords—and would be exceedingly hard to reverse.


I figured the panelists were, like me, utterly demoralized. So, I was taken aback when each panelist in turn talked about the energy now being devoted to defending the program and fighting back against efforts to kill it.

Smyers mentioned a three-pronged approach, based on (1) rebuilding bipartisan support in Congress, (2) organizing at the local level so that refugees can share their stories with Congressional district offices, and state and local officials, and (3) escalating tactics, such as a recent protest and coordinated act of civil disobedience at the U.S. Capitol, which included the arrests of 18 leaders including Amnesty International USA Executive Director Margaret Huang and yours truly.

Jen mentioned the Bipartisan Congressional Refugee Caucus in the House of Representatives and multiple letters signed by both Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Senate as evidence that the White House did not speak for all elected officials. [I’ll have a follow-up post on the Congressional Refugee Caucus—ed]


Jenny Yang explained the work World Relief is doing with evangelical churches in many communities across the United States. Over 1,400 local volunteers that have signed up as Good Neighbor Teams that are “walking alongside” these refugees that are coming in, and helping them transition into their communities. In 2017, more than 9,000 evangelical pastors signed on to a World Relief petition supporting refugees. World Relief later issued a letter showing evangelicals in every state in the country support refugees and immigrants.


Ash: Refugee Admissions Program benefits businesses.

Nazanin Ash, vice president for public policy and advocacy at the International Rescue Committee and a visiting policy fellow at the Center for Global Development, shared how over 100 pieces of anti-refugee state legislation have been defeated.

I have no idea what she is talking about — where were 100 pieces of anti-refugee state bills defeated?


Ash went on to describe growing numbers of advocates. “Alongside traditional community organizations and faith groups…,” she said, “what’s been wonderful to see are strong and emerging partnerships with business, strong and emerging partnerships with the national security sector.

Because big global corporations are on the hunt for cheap labor, your community will be changed forever!  Likewise, since some of our military leadership is demanding we hand out more tickets to America to Afghans, Iraqis and soon Syrians, we are expected to stay silent as our rural towns and small cities are transformed (big cities are gone already!).

These new sectors that…declare their support and talk about how the refugee admissions program benefits business, makes America stronger, promotes our values, and serves our humanitarian leadership goals, and our strategic interests. She went on to describe a network across the country in red, blue, and purple states which is now approaching 250,000 people.

The states where she sees the largest constituencies of advocates include Texas, Florida, Arizona, and Idaho. 


“I really do have a lot of hope,” said Ash, “and that’s in no small part due to the panel I’m sharing here with this group of really extraordinary women, and their really extraordinary organizations and communities and constituencies that they represent, and the way in which this community has come together and has joined forces with broader advocacy groups, human rights, immigration, business, military, a growing constituency of grass tops [WTH?—ed] and grassroots, who have been given the opportunity in this oppositional environment to plant their flag for refugees and for humanitarian leadership, and they really are.”

And, of course, they hide their desire to change America by changing the people behind their supposed humanitarian do-gooderism and do it with your tax dollars!

More here.

***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America.  For decades they have decided in secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!