I’m going to be busy (possibly bore you), but I am going to have to follow through on my promise of yesterday and point out the fact that Catholic Bishopsare paid handsomely to do their ‘good works’—paid by you, the US taxpayer.
Once again we have a ‘welcome the stranger’ sob story with no mention of the millions of federal dollars the refugee industry, the nine federal contractors*** (including the US Conference of Catholic Bishops), has enjoyed for near FOUR DECADES!
I have a dream that one day I’ll see an article in the mainstream media that actually tells the public about the Bishop’s pipeline to the US Treasury.
(CBSDFW.COM/CNN) – The bishops of Dallas and Fort Worth are among the 16 Texas Catholic bishops who have denounced Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision to reject new refugees in 2020. Texas is the first state to do so under a new executive order signed by President Donald Trump.
The bishops released a joint statement Friday after the decision was made. They called Abbott’s decision “deeply discouraging and disheartening” and “misguided.”
“It (the decision) denies people who are fleeing persecution, including religious persecution, from being able to bring their gifts and talents to our state and contribute to the general common good of all Texans,” the statement read.
“As Catholics, an essential aspect of our faith is to welcome the stranger and care for the alien,” the bishops added. [Yes! But with private Christian charity, not with money taken from taxpayers!—ed]
Bishop Olson of Fort Worth: We need to get our MONEY! Well, no, he didn’t say that and that is why I am posting on their MONEY again.
Texas is home to about 8.5 million Catholics, nearly 30% of the state’s population. Bishops Edward Burns of Dallas and Michael Olson of Fort Worth represent the dioceses in North Texas.
Since 2010, Texas has received more refugees than any other state — about 10% of the nationwide total, the governor said in the letter. The Pew Research Center reports that since 2002 Texas has accepted more than 88,000 refugees — more than any state but California.
“Texas has carried more than its share in assisting the refugee resettlement process and appreciates that other states are available to help with these efforts,” Abbott said.
This is why they are so upset! From USA Spendingposted yesterday.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has lost millions of federal dollars under President Trump’s refugee resettlement reform effort.
From USA Spending. Federal grants to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Do the 8.5 million Catholics in the state of Texas condone the Bishops living off the US taxpayers and keeping that fact secret?
I bet the vast majority of Catholics think that they are taking care of refugees by passing the plate at mass.
By the way, the Bishops were not alone. Texas Muslimsblasted Governor Abbott as I reported earlier today.
*** For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America.
A ‘religious’ message from CWS’s “ministry!” CWS is one of three federally funded contractors suing to stop the President’s effort to reform the UN-driven Refugee Admissions Program.
And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.
The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?
Go here to see that the nine contractors sucked down over $3 BILLION in federal grants in the last 11 years.
(I plan to say this once a day from now on!)
I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.