Non-profit groups that have encouraged the migration of Africans and Middle Easterners to Europe for a decade or more are now demanding the governments of Greece and France do more to protect migrants as the virus crisis deepens.
Because as one official at Catholic Charities Caritas said: “[W]e need to protect our volunteers and staff.”
What! So governments need to send in government workers instead of their ‘volunteers!’
Here is the invasion of Europe news from The Guardian:
NGOs raise alarm as coronavirus strips support from EU refugees
Governments across Europe are facing calls to urgently put into place measures to protect refugees and migrants – in particular lone children – as the coronavirus epidemic sees volunteer numbers plungeand many vital support services close.
On Tuesday, groups working with refugees and unaccompanied children in France and Greece implored the authorities in both countries to provide urgent help to refugees and unaccompanied minors, whom they say have been effectively abandoned by the authorities. [Abandoned by authorities? Sounds like abandoned by the NGOs!—ed]
NYC based International Rescue Committee (led by moneybags Miliband) is one group that is demanding Greece and France do more. They said in a statement this week: “The physical health and safety of our staff, our clients, and our communities is the International Rescue Committee’s top priority globally.” “Clients” are refugees. Community does not mean your town, it means their community of migrants and volunteers.
In France, a group of 24 organisations sent a letter to the French government and the mayors of Calais and Grande-Synthe imploring them to provide urgent interventions to refugees and migrants in northern France.
In the letter, the organisations, which include Médecins du Monde and Refugee Rights Europe, say:
“The situation of exiled people is unspeakable: lack of accommodation, cold, humidity, stress, fatigue, crowding together in light tents, daily expulsion from places of life, deplorable sanitary conditions.”
The groups say that, in the absence of any other protection measures, the state should provide accommodation and basic food distribution as well as access to hot water and soap to try to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus among the migrant community.
The groups, including the IRC [International Rescue Committee], Human Rights Watch, and the Danish Refugee Council among others, also called for a raft of protective measures including an end to deportations and pressing forward with relocation and family reunion programmes for unaccompanied minors across Europe.
One charity in northern France told the Guardian they are losing desperately needed volunteers as the epidemic takes hold across the continent.
No kidding! When the s*** hits the fan, the fair-weather do-gooders beg for government help!
Are we just bringing in more people every day who will be unemployed for the foreseeable future, sure looks like it.
Supposedly the UN is stopping the flow of refugees worldwide (the UN controls the spigot), but so far we are still ‘welcoming’ more impoverished people to America even in the last few days.
Here is John Binder at Breitbartreporting on Ingraham’s sensible demand:
Laura Ingraham: Halt All Immigration to U.S. During Coronavirus Crisis
Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham says the United States should halt all immigration during the coronavirus crisis.
Ingraham: Where is the moratorium?
On Wednesday, State Department officials confirmed to Breitbart News that the refugee resettlement program — which has resettled nearly 2,500 refugees in the last six weeks — would be suspended until at least April 7.
Likewise, a State Department official told Reuters that most visa services through the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency would be suspended until further notice, though federal immigration officials have yet to clarify which visa programs will continue to bring foreign nationals to the U.S.
Ingraham suggested in a post online that the Trump administration should implement an immigration moratorium while trying to stop the coronavirus outbreak and as millions of Americans are forced to stay home from work. Many of those workers rely on hourly minimum wages and tips.
“All immigration to the US should be halted due to this national emergency — we sure as heck don’t need any foreign workers with millions of Americans on verge of losing their jobs,” Ingraham wrote, along with “#AmericaFirst.”
Editor’s note: As RRW approaches its 13th birthday, there are over 10,000 posts archived here at Refugee Resettlement Watch. Unfortunately, it is just me here with no staff and so it has become virtually impossible to answer all of the basic questions that come into my e-mail inbox or to RRW’s facebook page every day. I don’t want to appear rude—I simply haven’t enough hours in the day.
Please take time tovisit RRW(don’t just read posts in your e-mail) and use the search window in the right hand sidebar and see if you can find the information you need. Also see my series that I wrote in recent months entitledKnowledge is Powerwhich explains some basic principles of how Refugee Resettlement is carried out in the US.
And, lastly, I don’t write that much every day, so if you made a habit of reading my posts here on a daily basis, you would eventually catch on to what is happening because I do link back to previous posts as much as possible. LOL! Thank you for helping me not go crazy!
What the heck! We have been admitting 400-500 a week recently and so it seems we are right on schedule if 182 arrived in the last three days.
***Update March 20***Total since Monday is now 214, presume that is it until April 6th when they expect to resume the movement of third worlders to America. We will keep an eye on it!
When I checked the Refugee Processing Centerthis morning I expected to see the number of new refugee arrivals stalled at 69, not more than doubled!
Of the 182 ‘new Americans’ arriving just this week, 124 are from the DR Congo.
Top ‘welcoming’ states are Texas, Massachusetts, Idaho, Tennessee and Georgia.
According to contractual arrangements with the State Department, workers and volunteers for resettlement ‘charities’ must meet the new arrivals at airports and get them settled in their new apartments and sign them up for myriad welfare and healthcare programs available to them.
Guess those do-gooders will be out and about while the rest of us are told to stay home!
The International Organization for Migration, a wing of the UN, announced refugee travel was being suspended. “This is a temporary measure that will be in place only for as long as it remains essential, ” said the IOM in a statement released yesterday.
I am still not seeing any official announcement from the US State Department and no commentary, so far, from the refugee contractors. See below that 69 new refugee arrivals were ‘welcomed’ to America since Monday.
IOM, UNHCR announce temporary suspension of resettlement travel for refugees
If you see the distinctive IOM blue bags at the airport, it is a sure sign of refugee arrivals. IOM arranges the plane tickets that you, taxpayers, pay for!
Geneva – As countries drastically reduce entry into their territories owing to the COVID-19 global health crisis, and restrictions around international air travel are introduced, travel arrangements for resettling refugees are currently subject to severe disruptions. Some States have also placed a hold on resettlement arrivals given their public health situation, which impacts on their capacity to receive newly resettled refugees.
Refugee families are being directly impacted by these quickly evolving regulations in the course of their travel, with some experiencing extensive delays while others have been stranded or separated from family members.
In addition, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and IOM, the International Organization for Migration, are concerned that international travel could increase the exposure of refugees to the virus.
As a result, IOM and UNHCR are taking steps to suspend resettlement departures for refugees. This is a temporary measure that will be in place only for as long as it remains essential.
Both agencies look forward to resuming full resettlement travel as soon as prudence and logistics permit.
I decided to check to see if we were still seeing refugee arrivals since I reported, here, that as of a week ago, there was not a slowdown.
Here are the numbers this morning at the Refugee Processing Center from Monday (the 13th) to this morning.
We had 69 arrivals, 62 of those from the DR Congo.
In 2013, Anne Richard, Obama’s head honcho for refugees, told then UNHCR that we would ‘welcome’ 50,000 impoverished Congolese to America.
Just to review, in 2013 the Obama Administration told the UNthat we we would take 50,000 needy people from the DR Congo over five years.
In 2020, we are at 60,880 and they are still coming in in large numbers.
In fact, since Trump took office we have admitted 32,000 from the DR Congo and distributed them throughout America.
Here is a map from the Refugee Processing Centershowing where 69 refugees were placed since Monday. 62 hailed from the DR Congo (including the 13 who went to Idaho and 21 of 22 who were placed in Texas).
In addition to the 62 from the DR Congo, 3 refugees arrived from Iraq, 2 from Eritrea and one each from India and Somalia.
These numbers do not include the Special Immigrant Visa holders arriving from Afghanistan and Iraq and treated like refugees. There is no daily breakdown that I know of for their arrival. Make note that since October 1, 2019 to yesterday we admitted 6,867 special refugees from Afghanistan and 152 from Iraq. Will check in a few days and see how the number changes.
You can thank Senator Ted Kennedy, former Senator and Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden, and former President Jimmy Carter for giving us the dysfunctional US Refugee Admissions Programthat turns forty today—St. Patrick’s Day (Carter’s cute nod to Teddy).
Why any self-respecting Republican thinks this program has benefited America and should continue unchanged is beyond me!