Here is a post I wrote just now at ‘Frauds and Crooks’with this note from me:
Editor: I am posting this story here and at RRW today because it supports my recent harangue that you must get to work locally! There is no one coming to your rescue as the Open Borders agitators expand their reach into towns large and small across the country.
They are working day and night to change America by changing the people!
The only hope you have now is to fight against the Progressive Left where you live! Local elected officials can still be moved through public pressure. There really is no hope at the state or federal level right now.
Federal immigration officials moving to deport Omar Ameen back to Iraq
May 5—Iraqi refugee Omar Ameen is facing deportation proceedings despite a Sacramento judge’s ruling last month that there was not enough evidence to extradite him back to his home country to face trial in the slaying of a police officer there, officials confirmed Wednesday.
Ameen, 47, had been in the Sacramento County Main Jail since his 2018 arrest in the extradition case, and his lawyers expected him to be released April 21 after the judge’s finding.
Instead, Ameen was taken into custody by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and is now facing deportation proceedings on the grounds that he allegedly lied on his applications to come to the United States as a refugee, ICE said in a statement Wednesday.
The statement notes that, at the same time Ameen was arrested by FBI agents in the extradition case, ICE charged him “based on misrepresentations on applications for admission.”
“Ameen is in ICE custody pending removal proceedings,” the statement said.
Prosecutors also accuse Ameen of lying on his refugee resettlement forms about how his father died, saying in court records that Ameen claimed his father was “shot dead” for assisting the American military.
“In actuality, the death certificate for Abdulsattar Ameen (which Ameen did not submit with any of his applications) indicates he died from natural causes—a cerebral clot—on December 25, 2010,” court records say.
“Ameen’s claim that his father was killed due to his possible assistance to military forces is a fiction, and his refugee application was approved in part on the basis of this false claim,” the court records say, adding that Ameen also lied about his father’s supposed ties to Al Qaeda in Iraq and other relatives’ ties to terror.
Of course they lie!
“When asked in his written Sworn Statement in support of his refugee application ‘Have you ever engaged in . . . any other form of terrorist activity? Ameen answered ‘no,'” the court records say. “In actuality, Ameen is alleged to have engaged in various forms of terrorist activity, from 2004 through his departure from the region for the United States in 2014.”
The records say that because Ameen allegedly lied about ties to terror groups he was granted permission to move to the United States under false pretenses.
Here is one of several posts I wrote about Ameen in 2018:
In case you missed it, Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine did some serious research on Biden’s airlift of the tens of thousands of so-called “interpreters” from Afghanistan headed to a town near you (but not to Delaware!).
‘Saving Afghan Interpreters’ is a Scam That Would Bring 100,000 Afghans to U.S.
Politicians put Afghans first and Americans last.
Getting the United States out of Afghanistan is relatively easy compared to getting Afghanistan out of America. The latest stage of the withdrawal is accompanied by frantic calls to “save Afghan interpreters” coming from the same media that also wants us out of Afghanistan.
But what’s the use of leaving Afghanistan if we’re going to bring it with us to America?
The “interpreter” scam is one of the longest running immigration hoaxes on record.
LOL! Just now as I looked through old posts here at RRW I came across this one from 2008 about Biden pushing for more Special Immigrant Visas for “interpreters” from Iraq and Afghanistan knowing that none would go to Delaware.
And going further back in Memory Lane, all of this started when Ted Kennedy snuck a special refugee plan for Iraqis into a must-pass Defense Authorization bill as I reported here in 2007:
Actually Wausau is not a new site altogether. Way before my time of writing this blog, which I started in 2007, Wausau saw a huge influx of Hmong refugees in the wake of our disastrous war in Southeast Asia.
Some Hmong went on to do okay as ‘new Americans,’ others not so much, as I pointed out here in 2019 at my other blog ‘Frauds and Crooks.’
I suspect Wausau has seen refugees continue to arrive in recent years placed there by the nearest resettlement office, but we can no longer get the data as the US State Department has closed to the public most of the information they store at the Refugee Processing Center.
Apparently Wausau has run out of needy Americans for the Christians to love and care for!
However, now it appears Wausau is on the target list for a new resettlement agency there, this time with the Ethiopian Community Development Council as the lead government contractor. (There are nine major contractors!***)
Look people! ARE YOU LISTENING? (Yes, I am shouting.)
How many times in the last 13 to 14 years have I written about this—enough to make me feel insanity setting in!
We are losing our country!
Do you know, the other day someone asked me about Wyoming and I wrote this post:
In the post is a link to the present refugee resettlement sites.
Those are the sites where the contractors have subcontractor offices. I wrote the post on Tuesday and since then ONLY 16 readers have even bothered to open the link to see if their location is already an established resettlement site.
Those are the sites where very large numbers of additional refugees will be placed in the coming months as the Biden Administration seeks to find housing and social services for up to 125,000 refugees from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. And, that does not include the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens pouring in.
By the way, in my experience, once a refugee office is open in your town it will also ‘serve’ as a magnet for illegal aliens and asylum seekers who will be looking for guidance on where to get their free stuff.
It is increasingly difficult for me to continue to repeat things I have been writing about for over a decade and wondering if anyone is listening.
At the end of the Obama Administration, the contractors were looking for approximately 40 new sites because they had worn out their welcome in some long-standing resettlement cities.
They thought Hillary would follow Obama to the White House and the numbers that were high under Obama would expand even further. Trump created a hiatus for a few years, but we are now back to the big push to change America by changing the people.
As I said here about Winchester, Virginia in May, they are scrambling for new sites.
I said it again on Friday when I wrote about Asheville, North Carolina, see here.
In September, Biden will be setting the cap for FY22 and it is expected to be 125,000 beginning on October 1, 2021.
They are bidding for bodies!
That is what one longtime refugee watcher calls it because the contractors are paid by the federal government (by you, the taxpayer) on a per head basis!
To accomplish Biden’s goal, the nine contractors are competing with each other and madly scrambling to find new fresh territory and get sub-offices open.
In fact, they must get their plans in to the US State Department ideally in August or early September—the rush is on and that is why stories like the one from Wausau I’m about to mention are popping up.
The reader who alerted me about Wausau sounded desperate to know what they could do to stop the planned site.
Let me be clear! There is no lawsuit you can file, no national leader to help you (no Senators, no Congressmen), and no national immigration control group that will come and save you.
There is only one thing you can do and that is hard.
You must organize locally and make an enormous political noise against the plan (while being called a racist and xenophobe).
Back in February I began a series of posts about organizing locally.
I never did finish the series because so few people were bothering to read it (and when people don’t read, I get lazy!). I know that the mention of work sends people into hiding and I know it’s not being read even as it is linked on my homepage because I get data daily about what posts people are reading.
Local Religious Leaders Looking to Bring Refugees to Wausau
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — A group of Religious leaders in Wausau is hoping to help settle dozens of vetted and screened refugees in the region in the next few years.
Pastor Rebecca Voss must believe it is so much cooler to welcome poverty from across the world than to help poor neighbors right here at home.
After meeting with the group led by First United Methodist Church Pastor Rebecca Voss, the Ethiopian Community Development Council has selected Wausau to receive around 75 approved refugees from Africa and the Middle East.Voss says it started as an idea in a Bible Study group that grew over time. [Just think about that, some non-profit group largely funded by the feds and located in Virginia has “selected Wausau!”—ed]
“We really were studying Christian hospitality, what it means to welcome the stranger and how we can be a place of refuge, safety, and healing for those who have been through some pretty traumatic experiences,” said Voss. “They have no place to call home, but we can create a community of love and respect for one another.”
The group is working with the ECDC, one of nine nationally recognized resettlement agencies. Voss says the group met them at “the right time and the right place,” to get the idea moving forward through a series of meetings with Voss’ group and some local businesses.
“They met with community leaders in both the non-profit sector and business sector, and really it led to a diversity of people being in solid agreement that we need refugees probably more than they need us,” she said. “They are resilient, many of them have been through a lot of trauma, so they will need a lot of compassion as they get resettled. But, we do know that they will strengthen our community.”
How Christian of them to find cheap foreign laborers for local businesses.
Do they have meatpackers in Wausau, I wonder!
She adds that’s especially true since many refugees are hard workers who can help fill some of the jobs that have been sitting vacant as the region comes out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This next bit makes me laugh! Yeh, yeh, volunteers will help, but guess what? Volunteers quickly burn out and the burden of the refugees falls on the community at large, or they simply fall through the cracks while they build ethnic enclaves where crime grows. I have seen it time and time again.
She went on to say that the group is not looking for any public money or support from the city. Each refugee would be paired up with a sponsorship group such as a Church, Bible Study group, book club, or anyone else with a desire to help out. They would provide some money upfront- around $2,000 or so- to get the refugees into a rental property with some light furnishings and furniture.
Then they would be expected to show them basics such as how to navigate the public transit system, use the library, get them set up with healthcare, get their children registered for school, and any other life skills they may need help with as they look to build a life in the region.
ECDC doesn’t pick Wausau’s refugees and neither does the city! They are chosen mostly by the United Nations! Those listed below are mostly Muslims. The Burmese coming in large numbers to the US right now are Rohingya Muslims.
Voss adds that despite the name “Ethiopia” being in the name of the group they are working with, there would be people from other African countries brought to the area along with some from Burma, Afghanistan, and Iraq. That could also include interpreters who worked with the US military during the recent wars in both nations.
Does Wausau have a satellite office forCAIRyet? If not, look for one getting established soon!
The first refugees could be settled by October of this year. Others will be placed throughout 2022.
Yup, that is what I said above—the drive is on to find ‘welcoming’ and naïve communities as fast as possible because they want to be ready by October first.
And, one more thing!
Once a site is chosen and the refugees begin to arrive it will be too late because the flow will never end as the contractors work to bring more members of the extended families of the first refugees they place in Wausau.
I hope you made it this far so that I won’t feel like I have wasted hours on a beautiful Sunday saying the same thing I have been saying for years!
*** Here for new readers are the nine government contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in the US. Some of the fake non-profits are almost completely funded by the federal government/you! ECDC is one of those as I pointed out here.
At the end of the Obama Administration (anticipating Hillary in the White House!), the federal refugee contractors were working their butts off to get more offices open in more American towns and cities so that more of you could pay for refugee care while industries (like the hotel industry or BIG Meat) could hire some cheap labor.
Your reward: experiencing the the joys of diversity!
One such target site was Asheville, NC.
The plan for Asheville fizzled due to citizen blow-back (partially led by former Republican Rep. Mark Meadows) and then Donald Trump won the White House resulting in a hiatus in the big push for new resettlement sites.
I had to laugh because they are so clever to use an appealing and grateful couple—Eastern Europeans—as the face of their refugee propaganda media push. It is a bait and switch! Wait until they get some Africans and Middle Easterners!
In case you are wondering, a town does not get to choose its refugees!
Asheville area refugee program expanding; Eastern Europeans fleeing religious persecution
On May 18, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to have County Manager, Avril Pinder, write a letter of support for the opening of a local Refugee Resettlement Reception and Placement sub-office.The office has no cost to the county, though some social services are offered to refugees.
That could mean an increase from an average of about 75 refugees a year to 150. And Buncombe has about 1,775 Ukrainians, according to the census, or 0.7% of the population.
The move follows a decision by President Joe Biden to increase the refugee goal, something set annually by the president. [Biden has said he wants 125,000 refugees admitted in FY22 which begins in less than 3 months—ed]
Bidding war?
Looks like the US Conference of Catholic Bishops snagged this one.
The IRC was after Asheville back in 2016. The contractors are furiously searching for ‘welcoming’ sites now because they want to get their proposals in to the US State Department before September.
More refugee clients=more federal money in their coffers.
Nine voluntary agencies operating in the U.S.*** take portions of that target number and divide it among their affiliate offices throughout the country. Catholic Charities is an affiliate of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which resettles about 30% of the refugees arriving yearly.
…. each refugee participates in an extensive interview and screening process before arriving in the U.S., said Susan Phillips, former interim director of refugee resettlement for the Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte.
“The refugees coming from Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine are eligible for resettlement through the Lautenberg Program, which was created in 1990 and later expanded to provide for the resettlement of persecuted religious minorities living in a specific list of countries, to include these three,” Phillips said.
The Lautenberg Amendmentwas “first enacted in 1990 to facilitate resettlement of Jews from the former Soviet Union.”
Continue reading. You will see that although the idea of a subcontractor office in Asheville was killed five years ago, refugees have nevertheless been placed there! Refugees are permitted to be placed within 100 miles of a resettlement office.
New resettlement site shopping is happening throughout America as I predicted here when I saw this story about Winchester, VA in May.
***For new readers these are the nine major resettlement contractors who decide (with oversight by the US State Department) where refugees are to be placed in America. Your state has no say in the matter!