Germany: Anti-Islamists defy Merkel in Dresden, but the rest of Germany appears to say: Bring in MORE Muslims, we love them

The reports out of Germany (the few I’ve looked at) about yesterday’s protests across the country are a bit fuzzy, however the western media sure loved the fact that the Catholics of Cologne (are there many left?), in turning off the Cathedral lights, were sending a message of love and peace to their Muslim immigrants.

Dresden anti-Islam demonstrators yesterday (Reuters photo) and another news account, this time from AFP.

Here is one report about Dresden where 18,000 reportedly show up in opposition to more Muslim immigration to Germany.  You know it is so interesting, this Bloomberg story has changed its headline since last night!  Today it is: Germans Protest Anti-Islamist Rally as Landmarks Go Dark.

And last night it was: Merkel rebuffed by record attendance at anti-islamist rally. I’m guessing Bloomberg said, oopsy! we aren’t in line with our media brethren!

No wonder it’s so hard to figure out what is going on—the Leftist media is making sure we get only their version of the news!  Bloomberg did tell us this:

About 18,000 people marched through Dresden yesterday night in the latest weekly rally backed by organizers who call themselves Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West, or Pegida. The group says it’s for stricter immigration and asylum laws, protecting“western culture” and avoiding “parallel societies” of Muslims in Germany.

Meanwhile, Deutsche Welle wants us to get the message that Germans in Cologne and Berlin love Muslim immigration!

Anti-Islamist ‘Pegida’ supporters have had to cancel their appearance in Cologne, where thousands of demonstrators showed solidarity with migrants.

Overwhelming support for immigrants and asylum seekers in Cologne led to the Pegida demonstrators cancelling their appearance. Citizens in Cologne shouted out in jubilation, the sole goal of their demonstration being to prevent the Kögida- the name of the anti-Islam movement in Cologne- from marching in their city. [Silencing speech—the sole goal!–ed]

Around 5,000 protesters gathered in a Berlin neighborhood, calling for more tolerance. Berlin’s integration leder Dilek Kolat of the Social Democrats called the Pegida- an acronym for Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West- “an attack on peaceful co-existence in our society.”

Good luck with that “peaceful co-existence!”

If we find more definitive news in the days ahead about what happened, we’ll link it here.

See our extensive archive on Germany and its refugee and immigrant problems by clicking here.  Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.

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