RRW Weekly roundup for week ending September 5, 2015

It would be an understatement to say that this issue, which has been bubbling just under the surface for the last eight years I’ve followed it (and for years before that I am sure), is finally making center stage thanks to the migrant invasion of Europe we are watching before our very eyes!
I didn’t get around to my weekly roundup over the weekend because writing about the news is so much more fun!
However, I know some of you look for the roundup, so here it is!   Also, it is an opportunity for me to give some instructions to our many new readers about how RR works, where to find information and so forth.
If things continue like this we will be breaking all records in terms of readership this month.
By the way, our original youtube video is now up to 1.4 million views.  65,000! Syrians is at 12,600 and it needs to get around more because the lobbying push is on by the resettlement contractors to get that many or more into the US before Obama leaves office!

Don’t forget!  Please sign the petition!  

Here are the Top Three Posts of last week (top daily posts in the right hand sidebar):

1)Why should US/Europe take Syrian refugees while Gulf Arab states take ZERO?

2)Our fact sheet (which needs updating!)

3)Petition to the White House: Bring in 65,000 mostly Muslim Syrians to live permanently in US!


Here are the Top Ten Countries from which readers arrived at RRW during last week:







New Zealand




For new readers!

Since we get new readers every day, here is my usual spiel with two points I need to continue to make:
First, we do screen our comments (sometimes I don’t get to them right away!) and I don’t post any that threaten any kind of violence or ones filled with foul language.  An occasional expletive might slip in if the comment is otherwise a good one.  You are always free to disagree with our point of view if you follow those two simple rules.

And the other thing I want to mention is about e-mails that come to you every time we post.  They come directly from wordpress to subscribers.  We don’t send out e-mails.  So, if we are posting too much for your e-mail inbox, then just unsubscribe and visit RRW when you have the time I understand completely about too many e-mails!  You might want to simply follow us on twitter or on facebook (below).
This is where you can find information (in addition to our fact sheet). We have over 6,800 posts.

*  See our categories (left hand sidebar, now a drop-down)
*  Also, we have a great search function and since the categories go all the way back to our first posts more than eight years ago, use the search window with a few key words.  You might want to first try your city, state, or country to see what we have reported from there over the years.
Readers from Europe should search for key words ‘Invasion of Europe’ for all of our many posts on the migration crisis on the Continent.
By the way, our category entitled ‘where to find information’ is filled with reports and documents, but with 377 posts archived there, it is pretty unwieldy now.
Past weekly roundups can be found in our category entitled ‘blogging.’
If you wish to be notified when we post, consider subscribing or follow us on twitter (@refugeewatcher) or facebook (RefugeeInfoResource).  ‘Like us’ on facebook! (We are no longer posting every story we write at RRW to facebook so as not to overload your facebook feed either.)  We also have some content on facebook that isn’t posted here first, so like us and follow us (I do have a volunteer helper at facebook—Kelly Monroe Kullberg).
I’m trying to be better about tweeting, so please follow me!  I’ve even begun displaying my twitter feed in the right hand side bar here at RRW.
And apologies to all who e-mail and comment, sorry if I don’t respond much, there are just not enough hours in my day!
Thanks to all of you for following RRW.  The subject is on fire (maybe you have noticed)!
P.S.  I am off to DC shortly and will be gone until late on Tuesday, September 8th.  I’ll be making a presentation on this topic to a large group.  I’m mentioning this because I will be even worse than usual at answering anything or posting comments.

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