I just old you about Malta and Italy where boatloads of Africans are arriving looking for the good life, and as regular readers know, Australia too is being swamped. In fact, to read Australian media accounts it seems illegal immigration (aka seeking asylum in politically-correct lingo) is the biggest political issue the government there faces.
So why do I bring you news from Canada, Malta (Europe), and Australia? Because frankly I believe this migration of the third world to the first is the biggest threat Western Civilization faces, yes Islamic supremacism is right up there, but would not be so challenging if it weren’t for the tide of migrants swamping the West—many are Muslims, but many are poor and uneducated in need of jobs we don’t have and social services we can’t afford.
I have a lot of news on Australia today. Here is the first story about who is going there. From the Herald Sun:
THREE south Asian countries are surfacing on people smugglers’ manifolds this year as the changing face of asylum seekers is revealed in new figures.
More Vietnamese and Burmese people are braving the perilous sea journey to Australia than ever before and nearly 250 people have arrived from Bangladesh this year – the first time the country has appeared in official statistics. [Remember they are talking about 2013 numbers and the year is still young—ed]
The change comes as Iranians become the leading group of asylum seeker arrivals and the massive numbers of Sri Lankan seen last year shrink dramatically.
It’s the first time since the statistics were kept that Iranians have held the position, with arrivals from war-torn Afghanistan the largest group in each year from 2011 back to 2008.
Iranians have made up nearly double the numbers from Afghanistan, who are the second largest group, at 563 arrivals.About 430 people have told authorities they are stateless, making up the third biggest group.
Three hundred and twenty people were Pakistani and 147 from Iraq.
But the fifth largest cohort this year – the 244 people who have arrived from Bangladesh – have not before appeared on official counts.
It comes as more people from Vietnam and Burma risk the dangerous sea journey to claim asylum, at 133 and 93 people respectively. [I’m surprised to see the Vietnamese numbers—ed]
Bangladeshis are probably Rohingya Muslims:
He [refugee advocate] said the displaced Rohingya moved into Malaysia then Indonesia, where they got boats.
But they were also pushed into neighbouring Bangladesh, he said.”My suspicion is that it (Bangladeshi arrivals) has been as a consequence of the Rohingya people getting out and some Bangladeshi are able to find a way to get from Bangladesh to Australia now,” he said. [Many believe the Rohingya are ethnically Bengali in the first place.—ed]
That ship of fortune!
The above Herald Sun article provides a link to a story from last year in which we learn what the Gillard government is offering some asylum seekers. All aboard!
WASHING machines, microwave ovens, DVDs and plasma TVs are among a 60-item welcome gift pack for asylum seekers offered rent-free homes in the community.
To fulfil a promise to move an influx of families out of detention, the Gillard Government is now fitting out each home with up to $10,000 worth of furnishings and electronics.
They are given food hampers upon arrival at rented homes where they wait for their claims to be processed.
Is it any wonder then that a new political party is rising in Australia, here.