Artists drawing of Turkish Islamic Center in a suburban Maryland community, but the construction is well underway as we learned from a fellow Marylander who has been to the site to film it.
Update June 7th: MD mosque to be Ottoman embassy says Walid Shoebat, here.
Others have written about the story from my home state. HereRichard Falknor of Blue Ridge Forumdiscusses the tragic news from Lanham (with updates). And, here is Brenda Walker writing at VDARE:
The Maryland mega-mosque is meant to be a territorial marker, showing Islam’s increasing power over America, just like the proposed Ground Zero Mosque in Manhattan.
Every Muslim immigrant is a potential warrior for jihad, like the Tsarnaev Boston bombers, who appeared assimilated, but only superficially. America should learn from the European disaster and stop diverse Muslim immigration before it’s too late.
Governor Martin O’Malley “welcomed” the Turkish government’s project.
Where will the Muslims who will use this facility be coming from?—immigration (Pew says 100,000 a year are entering the US) and high birthrates among Muslims. Be sure to learn about al-Hijra-–the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, here.
After yesterday, one of the best days ever at RRW with over 6,000 visitors (nearly 10,000 in three days) from around the world to our post about Swedes fighting back against the immigrant gangs in Stockholm,here, I thought I should look around to see if the mainstream media was mentioning any of this.
There isn’t much in the American press. Has anyone seen any mention of Swedish immigrant riots on Fox News?
However, a couple of days ago the New York Timeswas scratching its proverbial head to try to figure out why the immigrants to the “welcoming” social welfare capital of the world were so “unhappy.” The article was laughable as it wondered about how “welcoming” Sweden could have gone wrong—must be racism, must be the recent cut in welfare, must be a shortage of jobs, racism of course—but one word was completely missing from the piece (two actually). The ‘I’ word and ‘M’ word could not be found. Like “Voldemort” in Harry Potter, “Islam” and “Muslim” are words never to be spoken in stories like this one.
Like the evil character in Harry Potter (He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named) aka Lord Voldemort, Islam Must-Not-Be-Named!
STOCKHOLM — Eva Bromster, an elementary school principal, was jolted awake by a telephone call late Thursday night. “Your school is burning,” her boss, the director of the local education department, told her.
Ms. Bromster rushed to the school, in the mostly immigrant district of Tensta, north of Stockholm, and found one room gutted by fire and another filled with ankle-deep water after firefighters had doused the flames. It was the second fire at the school in three days.
In Stockholm and other towns and cities last week, bands made up mostly of young immigrants set buildings and cars ablaze in a spasm of destructive rage rarely seen in a country proud of its normally tranquil, law-abiding ways.
Ms. Bromster went on to speculate for the NYT that those immigrants burning schools must be “unhappy.”
Perhaps readers of the NYT are expected to know their world history and geography and know without being told that if the immigrants are from Somalia, Iraq and Syria, most will be Muslims!
The riots, now subsiding, have produced less damage than the earlier ones in Paris and London, which also involved mostly immigrants. But the unrest has shaken Sweden, which has a reputation for welcoming immigrants and asylum seekers, including those fleeing violence in countries like Iraq, Somalia and Syria, and regularly ranks in surveys as one of the world’s happiest places.
Gee, it can’t all be about poverty, they have a world-famous welfare system in Sweden. The Left cannot let go of the idea they have pushed for decades that Islamic Jihad is related to poverty. If not poverty it must be racism.
While the violence was concentrated in relatively poor districts, most of their residents have been shielded from dire poverty by a welfare system that is one of the world’s most expansive, despite recent cutbacks.
The left, which dominated Swedish politics for decades and devised the cradle-to-grave welfare system, has blamed reduced state benefits and a modest shift toward the privatization of public services for the unrest, pointing to an erosion of the country’s tolerant, egalitarian ethos.
Racism 24/7 in Sweden says Iraqi who has been given much:
Husby, Mr. Khamisi said, “looks nice on the outside, but inside it is not nice.” A first-year law student at Stockholm University who did not join in the rioting, Mr. Khamisi acknowledged that “Sweden has given me opportunities I didn’t have in Iraq,” but “I’m not treated the same as a white guy.”
“I feel discrimination all the time,” he said. [Maybe there is some connection to years of immigrant crime and Muslim-perpetrated violence in cities such as Malmo?—ed]
What a shock! Sweden’s “anti-immigrant” party gaining strength:
The recent violence has been a boon to the Swedish Democrats, the anti-immigration party. Opinion polls suggest the party is gaining in popularity, partly because of the indignation many Swedes feel about being called racists after accepting so many refugees.Immigrants and the Swedish-born children of immigrants make up about 15 percent of the population, and last year Sweden nearly doubled the number of asylum seekers it took in and became Europe’s primary destination for refugees from Syria.
And, one more thing, the NYT had the audacity to suggest it was older immigrants, no mention of the Swedes, who went out on the streets to try to get the “youths” to go home.
We have seen all this coming for the past five years, see our Sweden archives here. One story from last fall, still makes me laugh. The Swedish government purchased a rural mansion in which to house Muslim refugees and they protested against living there saying it was full of ghosts—see Tundra Tabloids for the story on the ungrateful “youths.”
Before I get to today’s news, please please pay attention! I’ve been writing about the Rohingya Muslims of Burma for more than five years. We have (to date)145 posts in a special category we set up just to chronicle the recent history of the Rohingya in Burma (Myanmar), Bangladesh and elsewhere because we could see that one day there would be a push to bring them to America.
***Update and an afterthought!*** If you are from somewhere other than the US and think this story doesn’t apply to you, think again! Just search “Rohingya and your _____country” and see if they are already arriving where you live. We know Rohingya have gone to Ireland, Canada, Australia and India among others.
It is your classic case of the media in cahoots with NGOs developing a false victim’s status for the troublesome Islamists as a drumbeat is built to demand that the West take them as “refugees” to your towns and cities.
USCCB: Bring them to America!
Below is what the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) spokeswoman told the US State Department at the hearings we attended on May 15th. The USCCB is the largest of the nine major federal refugee contractors. This is directly from the official testimony of the USCCB as presented by Anastasia Brown:
The most important hope for the Rohingya in Bangladesh and other places is that they achieve a status that will allow them to live normal lives. Given the limited options for this population, we strongly believe that the Rohingya in Bangladesh should receive a Priority Two designation from the U.S. government, allowing them to be resettled as members of a persecuted group. [Meaning that someone need only say, I am Rohingya so therefore I am persecuted.—ed] While the Rohingya have not received this designation, other refugee minorities of Burma have….[Here she is referring to Christian Burmese we have been resettling by the thousands. Brown is essentially saying, we Catholics gotta be fair to the Muslims!—ed]
We applaud the U.S. government’s resettlement of a small number of Rohingyas out of Malaysia and Bangladesh.However, the need is much greater than this. We encourage the US government to continue to work for a solution with the government of Bangladesh which would allow resettlement to start, and we believe that a P-2 designation for those in the camps would facilitate this. We also encourage the U.S. government to look at expansion of resettlement for Rohingya and other refugees that have reached Indonesia, to avoid onward movements by boat towards Australia.
Why is Burma’s ethnic violence a problem that the US must attempt to solve by bringing refugees to America? Indeed, as much as we feel sorry for Australia, why is Australia’s boat people problem ours to solve?
If Brown and others get their way, the next huge Muslim wave (after Somalis) to America will be Rohingya! And, remember that the contractors are paid by the head to resettle refugees—the more they bring, the more they get of your tax dollars.
Readers must contact your elected officials in Washington and tell them Burma’s ethnic conflicts are not our problem and do not allow Rohingya migration to the US!
The Muslim Issue has this photo, but I can’t find it anywhere else at the moment. I’m wondering if it appeared in early versions of the story and has since been removed and replaced with photos of burning mosques!
So here is the latest from Burma. Hat tip: The Muslim Issuevia twitter.
YANGON—Houses and mosques were set ablaze by mobs in a town in eastern Myanmar after a Buddhist woman was allegedly “torched” by a Muslim man, authorities said Tuesday, in a fresh bout of religious violence.
An ethnic Shan-Muslim man was arrested after he “torched” a woman selling petrol, a police officer in the Shan State capital of Lashio told AFP under the condition of anonymity.
A town official confirmed the arrest of the Muslim man who he said had “torched a woman with petrol,”
A curfew was imposed late Tuesday to disperse angry mobs of local people—including Buddhist monks—who had “destroyed some houses and mosques,” the official added, also declining to be named.
“Fires have been put out at some places in the town… the situation is under control now,” the official said, adding soldiers have been deployed to enforce the curfew.
The woman, an ethnic Shan-Buddhist, was taken to hospital, but neither official could give details of her condition.
The article goes on to list the Rohingya grievances as is the usual case in any media story coming out of this ethnic conflict.
Human Rights Watch has accused Myanmar’s authorities of being a party to ethnic cleansing over the violence, which killed some 200 people and saw mobs set fire to whole villages.
Myanmar’s reformist President Thein Sein this month vowed to uphold Rohingya rights, while opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Monday made a rare intervention in the incendiary issue to condemn a ban on Rohingya having more than two children in strife-torn Rakhine.
On this last point, we have written many times that Aung San Suu Kyi has previously remained silent angering the pro-Rohingya ‘rights’ agitators. There are many stories in the last few days that she has spoken out on the two-child policy for Burmese Muslims. But, truth be told, just as anywhere in the West, Muslim Rohingya are producing more children then Westerners and everyone knows it’s just a matter of numbers and time.
By the way, China’s one-child policy is a reason Chinese migrants (even men!) use to ask for a grant of asylum in the US.
Citizens’ complaints prompted authorities to investigate! That is often times what it takes—watchful community members blowing the whistle!
The EBT Nation!
For new readers, food stamp fraud is a side interest of mine and I’ll keep posting these stories and asking the question—how are all these immigrants getting into the US, buying up convenience stores and then running these scams on the food stamp program? And, why is no real investigative reporter trying to answer the question?
Niagara County Sheriff Jim Voutour says it was citizen outrage that sparked his office to launch an undercover probe of welfare fraud at Falls food stores.
“You know, we’d get the complaints from people who’d be in the these stores and they’d call us and say, ‘You can’t believe what these people are buying (with food stamps),'” Voutour said.
Or in some cases, what they were not buying.
“We looked at some of these stores and at the amount they were processing in food stamps,” Voutour said. “We had stores that were processing enormous amounts of food stamps, but they didn’t have the inventory of (food stuffs) to support (the food stamp redemptions).”
On Monday, Voutour and Niagara County District Attorney Michael Violante dropped the hammer and arrested the owners of two Falls mini-marts, charging them with a raft of fraud related crimes.
The charges followed a four-month, undercover investigation. Investigators from the Sheriff’s Office posed as food stamp recipients were able to make a series of fraudulent transactions at both the Indian General Store, 1611 Pine Ave., and Merry Mart, 336 19th St., between September and January.
Voutour said it was shocking how easily the fraud took place. [LOL! If Voutour read RRW regularly he wouldn’t be so shocked—ed]
Charged and arraigned in Falls City Court on Monday were Jasbir Kaur and Shamsher Singh, the owners of Indian General Store. [Obviously of Indian origin. We had another sour Kaur in Pottstown, PA here in March—ed]
Kaur, 52, was charged with second-degree grand larceny, misuse of food stamps, first-degree falsifying business records, first-degree tampering with public records, third-degree welfare fraud and three counts of first-degree offering a false instrument.
Singh, 59, was charged with second-degree grand larceny, misuse of food stamps, first-degree falsifying business records, first-degree tampering with public records, third-degree welfare fraud and first-degree offering a false instrument.
Investigators said during the course of the food stamp investigation they also linked Kaur and Singh to a Medicaid fraud scheme and charged them with that as well.
Also charged and arraigned on Monday was Merry Mart owner Wael Rizek. Rizek, 42, was charged with third-degree grand larceny, misuse of food stamps, six counts of first-degree falsifying business records and six counts of first-degree tampering with public records. [Couldn’t figure out Rizek’s nationality, maybe Palestinian?—ed]
The savings to Niagara County taxpayers as a result of those deals is estimated at over $100,000.
For dozens more cases like this one, go to our food stamp archive here. And, btw, food stamp use by refugees is up sharply since Obama took office, here.
Every time we have a terror incident somewhere in the world, the media and the politicians want to know whether the event or the group involved was affiliated with Al-Qaeda. What difference does it make?
In fact, in March of 2009 I went to hear testimony before the US Senate Homeland Security Committee and I was amazed to hear Senators Lieberman and Collins almost audibly give a sigh of relief to hear that the Somali youths (US citizens!) who had left the US for Jihad training in East Africa were only going to join Al-Shabab (sometimes spelled Al-Shabaab) which had, at that point in time, not been formally connected to Al-Qaeda.
Michael Adebolajo with Anjem Choudary at London pro-Islam demonstration in 2007
As a matter of fact, Obama does it all the time. He says this group or that incident was not connected to Al-Qaeda, implying that it isn’t too bad unless A-Q is behind it.
My point is that it’s the Islamic ideology driving these Jihad attacks, and it makes no difference which group is involved (or no group for that matter!).
I see the New York Times is more interested in the ritualistic slaughter of a British soldier now that a connection has been made to Al-Qaeda.
LONDON — Britain’s security agencies appeared headed for a period of deeply uncomfortable scrutiny after the government said Sunday that it had been aware for more than two years that one of the two men suspected of hacking an off-duty British soldier to death on a London street had ties to Al Qaeda.
A Foreign Office spokesman confirmed that the ministry had provided “consular assistance” in Kenya in 2010 to the man, Michael Adebolajo, 28, a British citizen of Nigerian descent. He had been arrested by the Kenyan police on suspicion of planning to join Al Shabab, an extremist group in Somalia that Britain has classified as a terrorist organization.
Think about this next part. When we, or the Brits, have either raised or “welcomed” and made them citizens these Jihadists are ours. Kenya had every right to deport the future alleged killer, Adebolajo, back to his homeland—the UK!
But, to the US’s credit and to the shame of the UK, we did prosecute our “youths” (the ones we caught) who went back to Africa to join the Jihad. In fact many Somalis (our citizens) were sentenced just recently hereto jail time for doing what Adebolajo did.
Unfortunately, we did, however, go so far as to bring home a US citizen/Somali suicide bomber’s body to the US for a “decent” burial, here in 2008.
The Brits let Adebolajo return to his freedom in the UK.
In a statement on Sunday, the Foreign Office spokesman sought to tamp down the controversy, saying that the office’s role in the events in Kenya in November 2010 was limited to consular assistance to Mr. Adebolajo, “as normal for British nationals.” It did not address the Kenyan government’s statements that Mr. Adebolajo, using a false name, had been arrested near the Somali border with five Kenyan nationals while carrying Shabab literature.
Then there is the question of whether the MI5 was so stupid as to think they could recruit Adebolajo (was that in exchange for his freedom?).
The statement also did not address a claim made on BBC television on Friday night that Mr. Adebolajo spoke of rebuffing an attempt by MI5, the British domestic security agency, to recruit him. The claim was made by Ibrahim Hassan, a man who says he has links to Islamic extremist groups. Mr. Hassan said Mr. Adebolajo had told him that the recruitment attempt was made after he was deported from Kenya. British security officials quoted in the Sunday newspapers said that efforts to recruit Islamic extremists in such circumstances were common.
Mr. Hassan’s claims and his arrest added to a growing sense that inquiries into Mr. Rigby’s death are likely to delve into the murky world of the security agencies and their dealings with Islamic extremists.
Among the issues that the panel’s leading members have said they want to explore is whether MI5’s desire to penetrate groups with suspected terrorist ties had led to decisions not to prosecute people like Mr. Adebolajo under laws that bar Britons from engaging with terrorist organizations overseas. Security officials have said that MI5 viewed Mr. Adebolajo as posing a “low risk” of potential terrorism and did not think he needed close monitoring.