Update: More on yesterday’s amendments—come and get it! Welfare for one and all (for the children)!
If you have been following RRW for the last few weeks, you know that S. 744 (The Gang of Eight plus Grover bill) isn’t just about amnesty for 11 million plus illegal aliens in the US, it’s also about expanding our refugee and asylum system as well. (Gang of Eight archive is here)
Yesterday we told you about Senator Grassley’s efforts to strip the refugee/asylum provisions from the bill until there had been a full accounting of how our asylum system is failing us as tragically demonstrated in Boston and the aftermath of the horrific April 15th terror attack by Muslims we “welcomed” with a grant of asylum.

You need to know more about the Refugee Council USA, the Washington lobbying consortium for the Refugee industry.
We have no one representing our views in Washington.
The big immigration restriction groups concerned with amnesty for illegals—FAIR, CIS, and NumbersUSA—have little time left over for countering the push to expand the refugee program which is really the root of multi-culti conflicts, problems with Muslim extremists, and is a drain on social services as the US State Department and its contractors bring diversity from the third world to your towns and cities.
Refugee resettlement and asylum accounts for the largest percentage of our annual importation of 100,000 Muslims, here.
Here is what the RCUSA says they are about:
Refugee Council USA (RCUSA), established in 2000, is a coalition of U.S. non-governmental organizations focused on refugee protection. RCUSA provides advocacy on issues affecting the rights of refugees, asylum seekers, displaced persons, victims of trafficking, and victims of torture in the United States and across the world. The coalition also serves as the principal consultative forum for the national refugee resettlement and processing agencies as they formulate common positions, conduct their relations with the U.S. government and other partners, and support and enhance refugee service standards.
Yesterday the Refugee Council USA was lobbying against Grassley’s amendments. This is from their action alert:
OPPOSE GRASSLEY AMENDMENTS #25, #26, #27, and #52
These amendments would strike most of the positive refugee and asylum provisions from the base bill, including provisions that would improve access to life-saving protection to religious minorities in Iran and other vulnerable populations,stateless persons, and asylum seekers. Grassley #52 in particular would delay positive changes to the asylum and student visa provisions in the bill by falsely conflating them with the Boston Marathon bombings.
The mark-up continues today, but Grassley has already lost a couple of his amendments (no surprise, he and Senator Sessions are basically shut out on every amendment they propose). Go here and see the results so far. Two of the Grassley amendments have already been defeated.
Grassley is right! The refugee program should not be expanded in this monster bill, but a separate review of the program should be undertaken immediately!
Here are the member organizations of the Refugee Council USA (all nine of the major federal refugee contractors are here). To add insult to injury many of these groups are funded with your tax dollars. They could not exist without federal and state grants:
- American Refugee Committee International
- Amnesty International USA
- Asylum Access
- Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)
- Center for Victims of Torture
- Church World Service/Immigration and Refugee Program
- Episcopal Migration Ministries
- Ethiopian Community Development Council
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
- Human Rights First
- International Catholic Migration Commission
- International Rescue Committee
- Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project
- Jesuit Refugee Service/USA
- Jubilee Campaign USA
- Kurdish Human Rights Watch
- Liberty in North Korea
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
- ORAM- Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration
- RefugePoint
- Southeast Asia Resource Action Center
- U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration & Refugee Services
- U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
- Women’s Refugee Commission
- World Relief