Is this the first scandal of the day or the second, or third, for the Obama Administration?
I’ve been away from the computer so forgive me for losing track. And, as far as we know this sex and drugs scandal, perhaps not on the level of Benghazi, hopefully has nothing to do with Benghazi and probably has nothing to do with refugees. But, the agency that chooses (with UN guidance) who will be resettled in your town from the third world is the US State Department, so what happens there is instructive. Are good and decent people making those choices?

Misconduct worldwide!
From CBS (hat tip: Pat):
WASHINGTON (CBSDC) – Uncovered documents show the U.S. State Department may have covered up allegations of illegal behavior ranging from sexual assaults to an underground drug ring.
CBS News reports that is has unearthed documents from the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS), an internal watchdog agency, that implicate the State Department in a series of misconducts worldwide.
The memo, reported by CBS News’ John Miller, cited eight specific examples, including allegations that a State Department security official in Beirut “engaged in sexual assaults” with foreign nationals hired as embassy guards and the charge and that members of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s security detail “engaged prostitutes while on official trips in foreign countries” — a problem the report says was “endemic.”
Former State Department internal investigator Aurelia Fedenisn told CBS News, “We also uncovered several allegations of criminal wrongdoing in cases, some of which never became cases.”
A draft of the Inspector General’s report on the performance of the Diplomatic Security Service, obtained by CBS News, states, “Hindering such cases calls into question the integrity of the investigative process, can result in counterintelligence vulnerabilities and can allow criminal behavior to continue.”
Photo is from this story.