Jamaica: Something fishy about Syrian couple’s story as they ask for asylum

Stories similar to this one come and go across my desk from time to time and most I have no time to mention.  This one caught my eye for a couple of reasons.  First, the Jamaica news account lists the countries the pair traveled through before reaching Jamaica.  International refugee law requires that legitimate “asylum seekers” ask for asylum in the first safe country in which they land—not skip across the globe ‘shopping’ for asylum.

Syrians touring the Caribbean and looking for asylum (they say!)

Thus, by the way, those other than Mexicans who presented themselves at the US border last week, here, should have sought protection in the first country they arrived in that was not the country that had “persecuted” them.

And, the second troubling thing about this story is that the Jamaica report says the couple was headed to the US, but a Cayman Island report says they arrived earlier in the Caymans from the US!

Here are the pertinent parts of the story from Jamaica’s The Gleaner:

A Syrian couple who arrived from the Cayman Islands, en route to the United States early August, has asked for asylum in Jamaica.

Responding to queries from The Sunday Gleaner, the Ministry of National Security last week identified the couple as Fadi Al Lababidi and Hayat Hejazi.

“They arrived in Jamaica from the Cayman Islands on Sunday, August 4, but were denied permission to land,” the ministry said.

The Sunday Gleaner understands that Jamaican immigration officials became suspicious after the two were found to be carrying Syrian passports, with both having the same January 1 birthday.

Check out their travel itinerary!  No immigration and customs official in all those countries saw anything amiss??? And, imagine the cost of those flights!

According to the ministry (Jamaica Ministry of National Security), the couple’s itinerary indicated that they “travelled from Syria to Beirut, Moscow, Havana, and Grand Cayman and from there to Kingston. They stated that they did not seek asylum in Lebanon or Russia because they felt these countries were friendly with the Syrian government”.

The ministry said arrangements have been made to accommodate the couple while the Refugee Eligibility Committee makes the determination of their status.

LOL!  I wonder if they were part of the orchestrated US asylum claimers and got lost along the way.

Came from the US?

Adding to the mystery is that the Cayman Islands paper says they left the US!  One thing is for sure, immigration in the Cayman Islands did not initially detect the pair as frauds and allowed them to proceed to Jamaica.

From Cayman News Service:

(CNS): A Syrian couple who managed to get through the Cayman Islands on what appear to be forged passports are claiming asylum in Jamaica, the local press is reporting. Jamaica’s Ministry of National Security has revealed that Fadi Al Lababidi and Hayat Hejazi arrived in Cayman from the United States early this month before they then flew from this jurisdiction to Jamaica on Syrian passports, both of which carried the same 1 January birth date.  Immigration officials in the neighbouring country were suspicious and the couple were denied permission to land after claiming they had reservations at a Kingston hotel, which proved not to be true.

Who are these two?  Perhaps doing a test run!

‘Asylum seekers’ from Mexico: we just turn them loose

That is what Ira Mehlman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform told Fox News in a more detailed article yesterday on the latest scam at the US Mexico border.  (See our earlier reports here and here.)

So much for homeland security!
Just let ’em loose!

Here is William La Jeunesse at Fox News (emphasis is mine) thanks to reader ‘pungentpeppers’:

Sources say one day last week, 200 border-crossers came through the Otay Mesa Port of Entry claiming asylum while and as many as 550 overflowed inside the processing center there and in nearby San Ysidro.

“People were sleeping on floors – they had nowhere to put them,” said one source, a long-time border agent and supervisor. “This shouldn’t be happening. Unless there is an immediate and well-publicized policy change, this situation will become another debacle.”

At a hotel near San Diego — which Fox News agreed not to identify for security reasons — ICE vans arrived several times over the weekend with immigrant families. They were escorted to the second floor by two armed, uniformed agents. Two border agents secured the entrance and side door.

Documents obtained by Fox News show that recently on a single day, dozens of illegal immigrants were being transferred to an area hotel where rooms cost $99 a night. Others were released to addresses in Texas, Florida and even Brooklyn, N.Y.

ICE sources say the addresses are almost always bogus. When they don’t show up for court, they are removed by an immigration judge in absentia.

Most of the immigrants came from Mexico, but others listed their native country as Haiti, Romania, Guatemala and Iraq. Some were over age 50, others were under a year old. Thirty were transported to a hotel. Seventy were released around the country.

One question I have is how did all these other illegal aliens from places like Iraq get into Mexico in the first place?  Haven’t we been told the Mexican government strictly enforces its borders?

“Orchestrated sham!”  Will crash the system!

It is during this time – during removal proceedings – when illegal immigrants are released. Many don’t show up, as 91 percent of asylum claims from Mexico are denied.

Asylum claims from Mexico are highly unusual and critics say this is an orchestrated sham – it’s not about getting asylum, they say, but about overwhelming the system and getting a free pass into the U.S. and a court date for which no one will show up.

“Hundreds of thousands of people have never returned and the list of people for whom warrants are outstanding is phenomenal,” said Nunez. “We have a long history of people absconding from immigration hearings of one sort of another, they just blend back into the community.”

ICE sources say an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 illegal immigrants a year do not show up for their court date and disappear into the U.S.  [Of course this is why countries like Australia build detention facilities.—ed]

The number of asylum claims is on the rise, almost tripling the last four years. Most come from Chinese, Egyptian and Ethiopian immigrants. Fewer than 200 a year come from Mexico, let alone 200 in a day. However, by claiming they have a “credible fear of persecution” if returned to Mexico, the immigrant is entitled to a series of interviews, hearings, proceedings and appeals that can drag on for years.

Let them loose in your town!

“The orders from Washington are to simply turn these people loose,” said Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform. “All you have to say is you qualify for the Dream Act and/or you intend to apply, and they’re instructed by their higher-ups to simply turn these people loose, to set them free and let them pursue any path they want.”

There are 57 immigration courts and 231 immigration judges. Immigration courts handle 280,000 proceedings each year — an average of 1,243 per year per judge, or four decisions per day.

Asylum can be granted if the applicant has suffered past persecution or has a “well-founded fear of persecution” on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a social group, or political opinion in their native country.

There is nothing in that definition of asylum that says anything about protecting people from run-of-the-mill crime in whatever hell-hole they come from!

Daily readers of RRW know this same asylum scam is going on across the civilized world.

Let’s just hope this particular stunt has gone too far, and that “they” (whoever they are working to destabilize nations) have now overplayed their hand and the average citizen will wake up to the “refugee” scam going on not just in the US, but Canada, Europe, Australia and anywhere else where the rule of law has banished chaos and the population is generally prosperous as a result.

Is Rush reading RRW?

I caught a bit of Rush Limbaugh’s discussion today of the story we reported yesterday—-the one about “asylum-seekers” flooding the US border one day last week.  All said the same thing, that they wanted asylum because they had a credible fear of persecution by Mexican drug cartels.

Narco refugees!

This idea is not new.  I checked our archives and see that in 2012 we wrote about a Texas immigration lawyer working to expand the definition of asylum to include people some call “narco refugees.”    Immigration lawyers like Carlos Spector, and he is not alone, are looking to fatten their wallets while changing America.

Imagine if lawyers like this guy prevailed, we would have people on the border expecting to be granted asylum from every crime-ridden country in the world!

***Update*** Looks like the O-man has already expanded the definition, here.

***Update August 13th***Commenter to this post, pungentpeppers, alerts us to more on the story—we give them hotel rooms and all are not Mexicans!

Here (below) is some of what Rush had to say.  He doesn’t get all the nuances of the asylum process, but that doesn’t matter.  The words “asylum” and “refugee” were heard by millions of listeners who may in the future pay a little more attention to what I believe has been an immigration law (Refugee Resettlement Act of 1980 thanks to Carter, Kennedy, Biden) misused and abused by too many, for too long.

If Rush only knew that the ObamaGang of Eight amnesty bill will make receiving asylum easier and put more cash in the pockets of the refugee contractors whose job it is to hook the new refugees and asylees up with social services he would probably have a heart attack.  (See Rand Paul: “They bring’em in and sign’em up for welfare!).  And, don’t tell him those same contractors, largely funded with tax dollars, are also busy lobbying for passage of S.744!


“Just this past Monday, Border Patrol agents say about 200 people came through the Otay Crossing claiming a quote: ‘credible fear’ of the drug cartels.  So many were doing this that they had to close down the processing center and move the overflow by vans to another station.  ‘They are being told if they come across the border, when they come up to the border and they say certain words, they  will be allowed into the country,’ said a person who did not want to be identified on camera.  ‘We are being overwhelmed.’  Pete Nunez, former U.S. Attorney and immigration expert says, ‘This will swamp the system.’ ‘To make our system even more ridiculous than it has been in the  past,” he adds.  ‘There are no detention facilities for families, so the family would have to be split up. We don’t want to split families up, so we end up releasing people,'” out into the wild, essentially.

So what this essentially is, folks, is refugee status.  And refugee status is about the best status you can have, living in America.  Being a refugee is right up there with being a citizen, because benefits for refugees include food stamps, housing vouchers, English language training, job training, transportation passes, Medicaid, supplemental security income assistance, SSI, as well as other public and private benefits.  I mean, the Tsarnaev family were refugees.  They landed in America either at Logan or JFK, and they claimed asylum.  And that’s all you have to do.

Now, theoretically you’re kept track of, but if you come in claiming oppression, political asylum or, in this case, a credible fear of the drug cartels, then you’re admitted.  And somebody has come up with this idea.  Now, it’s not known who, obviously, but somebody’s come up with this.  What are the odds that whoever has come up with this is either a Democrat or a Democrat activist?

And then he said this—-the Syrians are coming!

Now, look, we’re already taking in thousands upon thousands of Mexicans and Hispanics, and there’s a companion story here about Syrian refugees are now pouring into the United States.  And there hadn’t been anything signed.  There’s no new immigration bill.  All this happened, the Republicans didn’t sign on to some 1,000 page bill.  There are plenty of laws on the books to overwhelm the country with new immigrants without any amnesty bill taking place.  So while we’re all debating that, this new influx just continues.

That is right!

Read it all!  Limbaugh links this story to one about taxpaying Americans fleeing the country.

Malta Today report on migrant survey results sounds elitist

The story basically says—-If only the uneducated boobs among the public were better informed they wouldn’t fear that their country was being “invaded.” 

Shipment of Syrians (?) arriving on Malta’s shores.*
Nah! No invasion here, nothing to see, move along!


Longtime readers know that we have been following the plight of the tiny Mediterranean island nation of Malta as it has been overwhelmed for years with boat people (asking for asylum) from Africa—-most recently the flood is a result of the glorious Arab Spring and the US-supported (US-driven!) ouster of Gaddafi in Libya.

Our interest in Malta is two-fold.  First, as much as I hate the worn-out phrase ‘canary in a coal mine’ that about sums up what Malta represents, and secondly the US State Department (egged on by their Jesuit friends on Malta) is transforming Malta’s illegal aliens by the hundreds into “refugees” destined for your town!

Seems that a major news outlet on Malta—-Malta Today—did a survey and found that shock-of-shocks, the general public is feeling invaded.

Here is a bit of the story:

MaltaToday survey indicates that a majority of respondents (55%) support the pushback policy.  [Go here for some of our coverage last month of the proposed push-back policy.—ed]

The MaltaToday survey held this week reveals that the greatest concern the Maltese people have about migration by ‘boat people’ is the fear of being ‘invaded’ or seeing their country ‘taken over’ by migrants.

The survey indicates that a majority of respondents (55%) support the pushback policy considered by the new Labour government in July, before the European Court of Human Rights stopped any such action. It had already ruled such a policy illegal when practised by Silvio Berlusconi’s right-wing government in Italy.

Support for pushbacks is particularly strong among Labour voters and those lacking a tertiary education.

LOL! It is my experience that the less-formally-educated country class (working class) on whole are much smarter when it comes to mass immigration then their “tertiary-educated” and politically-correct fellow citizens.

The photo is from this story, although there is no caption, this must be the boatload of Syrians referred to in the article.

* Correction, a reader has reported this boat actually landed in Sicily.  Malta has only gotten a few Syrians, most arriving there are Africans.

Now asylum-seekers are flooding the US border

Update August 27th:  Utah Congressman wants answers, here.

Update August 13th:  Rush Limbaugh discusses the story, here.

Credible fear of persecution by drug cartels, they say!

Whether it’s Italy, Malta, Greece, Germany, Australia, Israel, the US, every illegal alien in the world has caught on to the magic words—-I want asylum.  Worldwide, that word is in vogue!  And, it’s no surprise the aliens are being taught the proper terminology. 

Hundreds swamped a US border crossing with Mexico this week saying they wanted protection from the drug cartels in Mexico.  I don’t think most will be granted asylum in the end, but at the moment they have their feet in the door and that is all that matters as the Congress moves along (albeit at a snail’s pace) to get the Gang of Eight’s (Obama’s!) amnesty passed and signed into law.

Here is the story at MyFoxPhoenix (hat tip: Richard Falknor, Blue Ridge Forum):


A loophole is allowing hundreds of immigrants across the Mexico border in to the United States.

Immigrants are being taught to use “key words and phrases” to be allowed to enter and stay in the country.

Just this past Monday, Border Patrol agents say about 200 people came through the Otay Crossing claiming a quote: “credible fear” of the drug cartels.

So many were doing this that they had to close down the processing center and move the overflow by vans to another station.

“They are being told if they come across the border, when they come up to the border and they say certain words, they  will be allowed into the country,” said a person who did not want to be identified on camera.  “We are being overwhelmed.”

Pete Nunez, former U.S. Attorney and immigration expert says, “This will swamp the system.”

Here is the part of the story I found most informative. They are being released into the community:

“To make our system even more ridiculous than it has been in the  past,” he adds.  “There are no detention facilities for families, so the family would have to be split up. We don’t want to split families up, so we end up releasing people out into the community on bond, on bail.”

Nunez says, “It’s a huge loophole.”

“There has to be a policy change, something implemented, an emergency implementation that will stop this, or otherwise we will have thousands coming in.”

We have an entire category entitled ‘asylum seekers’ with over 400 posts archived there.  You need only scroll back through the last few days or weeks to see a trend!

BTW, once granted asylum, the new legal “refugees” will get all of the welfare benefits that are available to refugees the US selected abroad.   See our updated fact sheet here for an outline of the whole program.