Kiribati: let’s build an island for “climate refugees”

Update:  Maybe not so soon!  Breaking News! Record cold temperatures increase thickness of polar ice caps, here.

Taking a break this morning from refugee crime stories, or stories on the Syrian refugee “crisis,” here is a report about how the tiny Pacific island nation of Kiribati is hoping to deal with a sea level rise that they say will gobble up their country.  If you are wondering who might pay for this expensive project, you can bet they will have their hands out to evil Capitalist nations.


Plans for a $2 billion floating island off Kiribati that would house 30,000 climate refugees and look “like a spaceship” are gaining traction, the island nation’s president, Anote Tong, says.

Kiribati is one of the countries worst affected by rising sea levels as more land is reclaimed, freshwater supplies spoiled and crops killed.

The country could reportedly be uninhabitable by 2030.

In case you were wondering where to find Kiribati!

The Kiribati Government is focused on reinforcing its shores and on resettling its people as it pleads with the world for action on climate change and funds to help combat it.

It has bought land in Fiji to settle and is training its young people so they can find jobs and homes elsewhere and relieve the population burden on the island.

The country cannot sustain its population of about 100,000 with only 800 square kilometres made up of coral atolls.

Land is in short supply and Tong said Kiribati has to try to come up with options, including something as far out as constructing a floating island.


 “It’s like a spaceship. When I saw it it was like science fiction.”

No-one had offered to fund it yet and there was no time frame.


Those seeking help from the world needed to come up with their own solutions then find funds for them, he said.

We have an entire category on ‘climate refugees.’  Click here for more.   If we run out of refugees from Africa and the Middle East due to Islamist agitation, this is the next big wave of so-called “refugees” we will be expected to resettle in America (because it’s all our fault anyway, don’t ya know!).

Immigrant welfare fraudster sentenced in Portland, ME

Jail for two months then supervised release!

This is an update of a story we first reported back in May about Dafle Abdullahi Ali (we think he is Somali but my search just now for any reference to his nationality or a photo turned up nothing).

Maine the welfare magnet! Once again there is no photo readily available of the criminal in the case, so we resort to illustrating this post with what the mainstream media uses when they want to hide a criminal’s nationality—some innocuous photo.

Here is the news from the Sun Journal (hat tip: Michael):

PORTLAND (AP) — A Portland man who pleaded guilty to making false statements to obtain Medicaid, foods stamps and federal housing assistance funds while drawing a six-figure salary is going to prison for two months.

A judge also ordered Dafle Abdullahi Ali to pay restitution and sentenced him to two years of supervised release.

Prosecutors said Ali received MaineCare benefits and food stamps from 2008 and 2009 while he was owner of Home Health Care Solutions, which provided home-based care to the elderly and disabled. Prosecutors say he was making more than $100,000 a year but told the state he was making about $36,000 a year.

Judge D. Brock Hornby said Ali’s crimes were not victimless, noting that others who were truly needy were denied services because of the defendant’s actions.

For a better understanding of what the crook did to rip-off the infidels, see the May press release from the US Attorney’s Office in Maine.  You will see too that ICE was involved in the investigation—so what is his immigration status?  They never tell us!

 According to court records, in 2008 and 2009, Ali was an owner of and the director of
finance for Home Health Care Solutions, a Portland company that provided home based personal
care services to the elderly and disabled under the Maine Medicaid (MaineCare)
program. During that period, Ali also received MaineCare benefits and food stamps. On
February 19, 2009, Ali signed a form that he submitted to the Maine Department of Health and
Human Services (MDHHS) certifying that his joint income was only $1,382.50, paid bi-weekly
(about $36,000 per year), and that he only owned one bank account with a $1.00 balance. In
fact, Ali received more than $100,000 per year in income and had $48,000 in four bank

Between August 2006 to November 2008, Ali and his family resided in a public housing
unit administered by the Portland Housing Authority (PHA). The U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) paid a portion of Ali’s rent based on a formula that considered
the amount of income and assets reported by Ali to PHA. Over that period, Ali underreported
his income and assets to PHA and illegally received over $22,000 in rent subsidies.

According to U.S. Attorney Delahanty, Ali fraudulently received and stole about $46,585
in MaineCare, food stamps and HUD benefits. Ali faces up to 5 years in prison on the false
statement charge, up to 10 years on the theft charge, and fines of up to $250,000 on each
charge. He will be sentenced after completion of a pre-sentence investigation report by the U.S.
Probation Office.

So much for a stiff sentence for Mr. Ali!

For new readers, this 2009 post about Maine as the welfare magnet for Somalis is one of our most-read posts of all time.

Providence RI: Nine indicted for food stamp fraud; three Mohamads in the bunch

The Mohammed/Mohamad coefficient in this story from Rhode Island is high, but it also includes some Hispanics among those charged (which is something I haven’t seen very often).  Thanks to ‘pungentpeppers,’ who is finding some great (if you can call them ‘great’, you know what I mean) immigrant crime stories for us, for spotting this one on Thursday.

From the Providence Journal which published this illustrative graphic that the US Attorney used to show those of us who don’t have a criminal mind how the scam works (right).

PROVIDENCE — A two-year federal investigation into food-stamp fraud has resulted in nine merchants involved withfive convenience stores in the city being charged in connection with the theft of more than $3 million from the program designed to provide food to many of the state’s neediest residents.

Peter F. Neronha, U.S. Attorney for the District of Rhode Island, announced at a news conference Thursday with a host of other federal and state officials the charges involving the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, otherwise known as SNAP.

The merchants allegedly allowed food-stamp recipients to trade their benefits for cash. In exchange, the merchants are accused of adding a substantial surcharge for the illegal service, frequently as much as the cash that was dispensed. Under federal law, food stamps are not allowed to be used to get cash, tobacco products or other goods that do not provide nutritional benefits.

“Some chose to line their own pockets to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars at the taxpayers’ expense,” Neronha said.

Naming names:

The businesses are Corner Store, 549B Broad St.; Regency Mart, 3 Regency Plaza; Stop & Go Inc., 776 Douglas Ave.; Dugout, 97 Burnside St.; and Cristina’s Market, 524 Smith St.

Arrested are Mustafa Al Kabouni, 52, of Cranston; Mohamad Barbour, 53, of North Providence; Mohamad Amir Al Kabouni, 43, of North Providence; and Mohamad Eid Al Kabouni, 22, of Cranston. The Kabounis and Barbour owned or ran Regency Mart and Corner Store.

Also, Amir Rasheed, 33, of Flushing, N.Y.; Karuna Mehta, 43, of North Smithfield; Cristina Ramirez, 37, of Providence; Glena Lopez, 39, of West Warwick; and Farhan Mustafa, 37, of Providence.

Rasheed is owner of Stop & Go, while Mehta managed the store. Ramirez owns Cristina’s Market. Mustafa is accused of falsely filing an application with the government for the food-stamp program claiming that his corporation owned the Corner Store.

They have all been indicted by a federal grand jury or charged through information filings in connection with fraud.

As is the usual case, the story has nothing about the immigration status of the perps.  Someone really needs to figure out through what program(s) all of these immigrants are using to set up the convenience stores.  I don’t think its a coincidence that ‘Mom & Pop’ groceries are increasingly owned/managed by foreign interests.

Tied to cigarette smuggling?  The Providence Journal continued:

In recent years, the state police and federal authorities have arrested operators of convenience stores in Providence on charges that they have illegally imported cigarettes from out of state and sold them illegally. Cigarettes have high taxes in Rhode Island and they are among the most expensive packs and cartons in the country. As a result, stores smuggle them into the state, sell them and make big profits.

Neronha did not provide specifics, but said he believes there is some “cross-over” between the food-stamp fraud and cigarette-smuggling operations.

Where to report possible food stamp fraud in you town?

Click here for instructions.

For more on food stamp fraud (a side interest here at RRW) go here.

Sweden hastens its demise by opening doors to Syrians

My alerts are full and over-flowing with news about Syrian “refugees.”  They will surely be coming to America* and some local media is already predicting this (fill in the blank) city will soon be seeing them.    Sweden, however, earlier this week made a sweeping promise inviting them, one and all, to their socialist dream nation.

Swedish Prime Minister Frederick probably put a bug in Obama’s ear, and what a coincidence that the decision to invite Syrians to “welcoming” Sweden was timed for Obama’s visit!

Already troubled by Muslim asylum-seekers from all over the Middle East and Africa, Sweden came one step closer this week to annihilating their Nordic culture and population in the decades to come—-why don’t they see it!   Click here for our entire archive on Sweden—the canary in the coal mine!

Here is the news from The Local:

Swedish migration authorities have ruled that all Syrian asylum seekers who have come to Sweden will be granted permanent residency in light of the worsening conflict in Syria.Sweden is the first country in the EU to offer permanent residency to refugees from Syria, news agency TT reported.

The decision covers all asylum seekers from Syria who have been granted temporary residency in Sweden for humanitarian protection. They will now receive permanent residence permits, the Swedish Migration Board (Migrationsverket) announced on Tuesday.

Previously, around half of Syrian asylum seekers had been granted permanent residency, with the remaining half receiving three-year residence permits.


The decision means that the roughly 8,000 Syrians who have temporary residency in Sweden will now be able to stay in the country permanently.

They will also have the right to bring their families to Sweden.  [Let the fraud begin!—ed]

Of course, what Sweden has done is put pressure on the entire EU and the US as well to open doors wide for what will be largely members of both sides of the warring Muslim factions.

The Muslim Issue has a story entitled “Mad Sweden…” and gives us the faces of Swedish insanity.  Check out those faces here.

Then Marylanders were treated to an e-mail from Ellen Sauerbrey who ran the Office of Population Refugees and Migration in the Bush Administration with a link to this article which says—-bring ’em in!  Thanks to all who sent this to me yesterday!

What the Forbes writer doesn’t get is that we won’t be bringing in only the Christians!  He probably doesn’t know that contractors like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, or Catholic Charities, or Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services have no problem resettling all the Muslims the State Department sends their way! 

The politically-correct State Department does not seek out the Christians and place them at the top of the list!

We weren’t awake when the US began the resettlement of over a hundred thousand Somalis to our cities.  We are a little more awake as the State Department will soon top the Somali numbers with Iraqi “refugees.”  But, surely the public is now getting it—we can’t afford hundreds of thousands of needy Muslims!

* This post from early August went through the roof yesterday with 3,615 reads.  You must tell your elected officials—NO! to the wholesale resettlement of Syrians to America!

Convicted Somali terror-funder competent; withdraws appeal of 20-year sentence

Mahamud Said Omar convicted Jihad financier

Below is the short news piece on Mahamud Said Omar who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in funding the travel (and weapons) for some of the ‘missing Somali youths’ (refugees) who thumbed their noses at what America had given them and traveled to their homeland to learn the Jihad trade.  We have dozens and dozens of posts on the investigation that began in 2008, click here for more background.

Omar was reportedly living “penniless” in Rochester, MN where he was likely resettled by Catholic Charities.  When the FBI began its investigation he took off for the Netherlands and sought asylum there.  He was subsequently returned to the US to stand trial.

By the way, Omar is the guy who said he was seeing ghosts during his trial and at one point passed out in the courtroom.

Here is AP with the latest (Somalis keeping those Minnesota courts busy!):

MINNEAPOLIS — A man sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in a pipeline that funneled young men from Minnesota to a terrorist group in Somalia is being allowed to withdraw his appeal.

Forty-seven-year-old Mahamud Said Omar was sentenced in May on five terror-related counts. Authorities say he played a key role in pushing young men toward al-Shabab. Omar’s attorneys insist he was a passive participant and filed notice they’d appeal his conviction and sentence.

But Omar said he didn’t want to.

He was evaluated and found to be competent.

On Tuesday, Omar told Chief U.S. District Judge Michael Davis that he still wanted to withdraw his appeal. Davis granted that request, saying Omar made his decision “knowingly and voluntarily, and with a rational and factual understanding of these proceedings.”

Photo is from this story where Omar is described as a “frightened little man.”