Davos: The rich play-act being refugees

As the World Economic Forum gets underway in Davos, Switzerland, the rich and famous will have an opportunity to pretend they are refugees thanks to a charity from Hong Kong—Crossroads Foundation. (I wonder if some of George Soros’ shell organizations are lurking behind this NGO.)

Sheryl Sandberg: Refugee for a day (30 minutes actually)

From the Irish Times:

Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg may be the world’s newest billionaire, but she will mark the occasion fighting for food and scrabbling in dirt with machine guns pointed in her face. She is one of the global leaders in Davos scheduled to attend “Refugee Run”, an immersive and distressing descent into daily life in a camp for displaced persons.

Organised by the Crossroads Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation based in Hong Kong, Refugee Run is designed to make you look beyond the abstraction of data, such as the two million Syrians displaced from their war-torn homeland.

Crossroads believes that only when world leaders experience the chaotic conditions refugees endure will they experience real empathy and act.

Acting is fine.  Rich people sending money is fine.  Finding solutions to the never-ending Middle Eastern civil wars is fine (good luck!), but moving mostly Muslims into western countries is not fine.

And, get this, we heard exactly these same words only a few years ago about the Iraqi refugees!

Of particular concern at this year’s World Economic Forum is the growing crisis with Syrian refugees. Seven leading aid agencies and human rights groups issued a joint statement yesterday describing the humanitarian crisis in Syria as “the worst of our time”.

They probably just re-wrote some old press release from their Iraq days!

Photo is from The New Yorker, here.

More on Syrians and Switzerland next.  Here!

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