The interview that NewsHounds reported on here last Wednesday happened earlier in February. Carlson was interviewing Michael Cutler on the issue of asylum fraud and the Obama Administration’s relaxation of security screening for refugees and asylum seekers.
I had never heard of NewsHounds —we watch Fox News so you don’t have to––a Leftwing blog originally launched with the help of Moveon.org. They assure us that they are not funded by George Soros here.
LOL! Here is the crux of what the sanctimonious blogger Priscilla says of Carlson (I’m reading NewsHounds so you don’t have to!):
Here we go with the tired old Statue of Liberty mythology, and Carlson is a “total dick!”
The Statue of Liberty is considered a beacon of freedom whose message to the world is to “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” But Emma Lazarus’s eloquent phrases mean nothing to scion of white privilege, Tucker Carlson, who is aghast that his country would welcome those whose lives have been torn asunder by political upheavals and other circumstances which necessitate their seeking asylum here. Earlier this month (February 8th), Tucker Carlson hosted an anti-immigration spokesperson for a biased discussion of how changes in asylum rules are threatening our freedom. In railing against asylum policies, Tucker Carlson, showed us, once again, why he is such a total dick!
Can you believe it, Carlson said the US government’s job is to protect American citizens (gasp!). And, Carlson asked the unforgivable question, why is it our moral obligation to take all these refugees?
Priscilla continues:
This newest right wing fear factor was part and parcel of Carlson’s interview with Michael Cutler who writes for a white nationalist publication and is a fellow with the CaliforniaCenter for Population Stabilization, a hate group which is funded by the white supremacist Pioneer Fund.
Carlson described the new policy, in fair & balanced terms. Just kidding he referred to it as “ripping the immigration door off of its hinges.” In introducing his guest, a former ICE agent, Carlson said he “could hardly believe” the policy is “real.” Cutler claimed that these people, coming from countries with terrorism, won’t be sufficiently vetted and cited an example of past asylum seekers who were engaged in crime. The chyron framed the Fox propaganda: “Asylum Outrage.” He continued to discuss the “national security” implications of this policy which will “put Americans at risk.”
Carslon said “the whole thing is crazy” and asserted that “the US government has only one job and that’s to look out for the welfare of American citizens.” He asked
“why is letting in refugees, or people who claim they are, I mean the refugees, you know half the world has refugee status, India, why do I have a moral obligation to do that as an American, I’m totally confused by this.”
Carlson then made one more assertion that drives them wild—if we let them all in they will all become Democratic voters.
“it’s more than compassion, these people will become voters, many of them will become voters, trust me, they’re part of the Obama coalition and the enemy, they will be Democratic voters, the numbers show it, the Obama coalition and the enemy.”
And, in case you missed it in the opening, Carlson is a “total dick!” (Sorry, but am just quoting Priscilla)
So according to Tucker Carlson, refugees from war torn countries should not be allowed into the country because it’s not his moral obligation and because they might vote Democratic. One thing is for sure, that kind of “Christian” attitude won’t be growing the GOP anytime soon. The America of Fox News is not the America represented on Lady Liberty. At least that’s what Tucker Carlson thinks! What a total dick!
Thanks NewsHounds! I missed the Carlson interview and wouldn’t have known about it but for your reporting. Anyone who can infuriate you on this subject is a new hero of mine!