….because Muslim refugee population is growing.

It is a cold and rainy Sunday morning and I’m not easily discouraged, but I have to say this story is depressing. Most people don’t understand that Islam marks its victories by turning Christian churches into mosques. Surely there are other buildings available in Syracuse.
***Update*** American Thinker has published a post on this travesty today as well. Thanks to Judy for bringing it to my attention.
***Update April 4*** Landmark Preservation Board wimps out—crosses to be removed, here. Hat tip: Caroline
From CNYCentral:
For close to six decades, Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church on Syracuse’s north side was Anna Giannantomio’s church. She fought the Catholic Diocese decision to close it in 2010. While she believes everyone should be free to practice the religion they choose – she doesn’t understand why a new Islamic society wants to remove the crosses and move into the historic catholic church.
“This place was put into historical preservation and rightfully so,” said Giannantomio.
Crosses to be removed:
Holy Trinity was recently purchased by the North Side Learning Center, a volunteer group that assists refugees and immigrants. North Side Learning Center will lease the church to an Islamic society which would rename it Mosque Of Jesus The Son Of Mary. The North Side Learning Center has also filed a request with the Landmark Preservation Board to remove the crosses on the steeples and grounds. [Those who care in Syracuse should file a protest with the Preservation Board—ed]
Professor Margaret Thompson from Syracuse University’s Maxwell School says nearly 75% of refugees settling in Syracuse are Muslim and that religious freedom has been bringing immigrants to America for hundreds of years.
“Holy Trinity was founded to welcome German immigrants to Syracuse when it was originally built and now its welcoming a new cohort of immigrants,” said Thompson.
Anna Giannantomio wants everyone to have a place to worship. She immigrated from Italy as a teenager and understands the discrimination many Muslims face in America but Giannantomio wishes the church that welcomed her to the U.S. would stay a Catholic church.
“I don’t want to hurt anybody but the building should remain as it is,” said Giannantomio.
The North Side Learning Center is now making repairs to the buildings. They hope the mosque will be ready to open in June.
Syracuse refugee program is changing and we recommend if you live there you need to start researching and reporting to your local community. The Northside Learning Center is probably operating on taxpayer dollars so you have a right to demand more information about their activities.
Syracuse is a preferred resettlement site chosen by the US State Department, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS) and the contractors.
New York is one of the top states with a large African and Middle Eastern Muslim population, here. Demographic change is what it’s all about. Once they get the population numbers almost nothing else matters.
Ironically the largest resettlement contractor, bringing the most Muslims to your towns and cities, is the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.