Hey, how would you like to use that excuse if you were in trouble with the law, surely they all had American lawyers familiar with our legal system!
Result in most portions of the case—case dismissed. No deportations!
‘Pungentpeppers’ spotted this update of a story we reported extensively back in 2009. (Here are six posts dating from July to December 2009). Why so many Liberians in America, they are “temporary” refugees, here.
The case involved 4 boys who lured an eight-year-old girl into a backyard shed and raped her. Without going back and reading the old stories, I recall that her parents blamed the girl. (Were they Muslims?)
And, isn’t this great news, after finding child abuse in the girl’s home, she is sent back to these same parents.
From Arizona Central:

The child abuse case against two Liberian immigrants whose 8-year-old daughter was sexually assaulted at a Phoenix apartment complex in 2009 will be dismissed pending their compliance with the state Department of Child Safety.
Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Bruce Cohen ordered that the couple, who were arrested in 2009 on unrelated allegations, meet with him three times over the next year to ensure that all child services requirements have been met.
After one year of compliance, the case will be dismissed, Cohen said.
Maricopa County Attorney’s Office spokesman Jerry Cobb said such agreements are not uncommon.
The parents were arrested in July 2009 after their daughter was gang raped at their apartment complex near 43rd Avenue and Thomas Road by four underage boys, police records show.
The case against the parents is unrelated to the rape, but signs of child abuse surfaced as police investigated the sexual assault, records show.
During the investigation, detectives found evidence of abuse that dated back two years, records show.
The Republic is not publishing the names of the parents to protect the privacy of their daughter, who was returned to her parents’ custody last week.
The four boys, who are also Liberian immigrants, were arrested following the reported rape, records show. Police said the boys lured the girl into a shed at the apartment complex and took turns sexually assaulting her.
One of the boys was taken to a juvenile rehabilitation center and placed on probation, records show. The other three were ruled incompetent to stand trial because of their lack of cultural awareness of the United States’ legal system, records show.
The case against the parents took five years to resolve, mainly because they were unfamiliar with the U.S. judicial system. The couple was ordered to be educated in American court proceedings, as well as other cultural differences, records show.
Additionally, the two speak a language so obscure that the court had to call an interpreter from Minnesota to translate the proceedings over speaker phone on Friday.
Note this last line about an interpreter—all of you towns and cities “welcoming” refugees (Athens, GA!) must be aware of the fact that you are on the hook for the cost of interpreter services for just about anything your refugee needs (including when they end up in our criminal justice system). Imagine what this case cost Maricopa County!
By the way, Phoenix is a “preferred resettlement site” chosen by the US State Department, ORR, and their contractors.