WND: MN Rep. Michele Bachmann talks about home grown Somali Jihadists

Once again, reporter Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily does a very thorough report on the refugee program and the Minnesota Somali Jihadists we are raising.  See our comments on two earlier articles by Hohmann here and here.

Rep. Michele Bachmann: It is willful blindness.

World Net Daily (hat tip: Deb).  Emphasis below is mine:

Political correctness and a “willful blindness” are preventing the FBI from rooting out Islamic jihadists that continue to make headlines in her home state of Minnesota, says Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann.

In an exclusive interview with WND, Bachmann responded to news this week that two Somali-Americans from the Minneapolis-St. Paul area had left to fight with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS. One had obtained a security clearance at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, where he held a job cleaning jets for Delta Airlines. Both men died on the battlefield in Syria.

Please read the discussion about the FBI, and here are some segments about the refugee program that brought most of the Somalis to America:

The Minneapolis area has become home to more than 50,000 Somalis since the early 1990s. They have been brought there by the U.S. State Department through the Refugee Resettlement Program authorized by the Refugee Act of 1980. In a report earlier this week, WND detailed how several Christian charities work as contractors for the federal government to resettle the refugees using taxpayer-funded grants.


Two of those who recently died fighting for ISIS in Syria have come from the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, where thousands of Islamic refugees have been resettled from the war-torn African nation of Somalia since the early 1990s. Portions of Minneapolis have been dubbed “Little Mogadishu” for their high concentrations of Somali refugees. Several thousand new refugees are brought in each year by the federal government, which delivers resettlement services through grants made to Christian charitable organizations like Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities and World Relief Minnesota.

The Somali families tend to be large, and the roughly 25,000 transplants have mushroomed into more than 50,000 Somalis living in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. Some estimate the population of east Africans there could be as high as 85,000.

With that burgeoning Muslim population have come mosques and Islamic schools, funded largely with Saudi Arabian money and recruiters for radical Sunni Muslim terror groups like ISIS in Syria and al-Shabab in Somalia.

The FBI has been investigating, on and off, the Minneapolis community’s ties to Middle Eastern terrorist groups since 2007. That investigation is now officially back on, a FBI spokesman told WND, and the agency has confirmed that up to 25 Somali-Americans from Minnesota have left the country to fight with militant Islamic jihadists overseas.

Read it all, there is much more!
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