TB in Lynn, Massachusetts

The assumption is that the case involves an immigrant, but no word of that in this short AP story (posted at Drudge):

LYNN, Mass. (AP) — More than 30 Lynn Community Health Center employees and 800 patients are being tested to determine if they were exposed to tuberculosis after center doctors confirmed a case.  [must be active TB or they wouldn’t be taking such measures—ed]

Center Director Lori Berry says after confirming the single positive test for tuberculosis in a male health care worker around Labor Day, center medical workers contacted and tested employees as well as patients ‘‘having sufficient exposure to warrant testing.’’

See all of our earlier posts (going back a couple of years) on the refugee and migrant overload in Lynn by clicking here.   See especially this post from 2011 where the mayor was planning to ask the United Nations to stop sending refugees to the town.  Refugees with TB are permitted entry to the US (see our health issues category).

If Obama (with his pen) transforms illegal aliens from Central America into “refugees” will he be changing the law (again) without Congress?

Sure sounds like it thanks to this very detailed and heavily footnoted report from a conservative think tank—National Center for Public Policy Research—released yesterday.

 Possible Obama Scheme to Designate Huge Numbers of Latin American Illegal Immigrants as “Refugees” Would Violate Limits on Refugees Set by Obama Himself

Such a Strategy to Circumvent Congress Would Violate Refugee Procedures Set by U.S. Law and Harm Immigration Chances of Desperate Refugee Applicants from Other Continents

Washington, D.C. – President Obama reportedly is considering designating Latin American illegal aliens as “refugees” from gangs and drug lords to justify an executive action blocking them from deportation and providing them with a means of seeking American citizenship.

This scheme, if imposed, would seriously disrupt carefully-crafted rules and limits for accepting refugees into the United States and put refugee candidates from other parts of the world, such as Africa, at a severe disadvantage. [LOL! Maybe that is not a bad thing when it comes to Somalis!—ed]

Such a scheme would violate a limit on refugees set by Obama himself. It also would upend highly specialized conditions and procedures related to the acceptance of refugees set by U.S. law.

By the way, this reference to a “limit” refers to the Presidential Determination sent to Congress at the beginning of each fiscal year in which the Administration sets ceilings for which refugees we will be taking.  Look for the new one (for FY2015) any time in the next few weeks.

Read it all.

Filed in ourwhere to find information’ category.

Greensboro, NC: First Syrian refugees on the way there this week

Our post of late last week where we reported that the US State Department is saying that thousands of Syrian refugees have been chosen by the UN to be resettled to your towns and cities went through the roof with thousands and thousands of readers passing it around.

They are probably flowing into other small cities as well, but the Triad offices of contractors Church World Service and World Relief-Evangelicals (two of the big nine!) seem especially adept at getting news stories planted. (Just last month see World Relief here and Church World Service in North Carolina, here.)

By the way, back in 2010 there was a huge controversy in this part of North Carolina about too many refugees with lousy care.  We wrote a three part story about the problem, which begins with this post. Local churches asked that the flow be slowed.  LOL! the series showed what a dog-eat-dog-world the world of federal refugee contracting can be!

From the Winston-Salem Journal:

GREENSBORO — The first in the current wave of Syrian refugees will arrive in the Triad this week, representatives with the organizations helping to resettle them said Friday.

Sarah Ivory, Church World Service director in the Triad, says they are working with the local Islamic Center. Photo: http://cwsgreensboro.org/2012/03/05/40under40/

A Syrian family of seven will arrive on Tuesday and will settle in Greensboro, said Sarah Ivory, the director of refugee and immigration services with Church World Service in Greensboro. The family includes five children, the youngest just 5 months old, Ivory said. The oldest is 10 years old.

Andrew Timbie, the office director for World Relief’s High Point office, said his organization is helping to resettle a family in Winston-Salem. That family also will arrive next week, although he would not provide the exact date.

“This is the first of many that we anticipate,” Timbie said of Syrian refugees.

Church World Service and World Relief work with the U.S. State Department and the United Nations to resettle refugees.

Ivory said the family coming to Greensboro is currently living in Jordan. Timbie said on Friday that he did not have a lot of background information about the family his office is assisting.

The organizations receive government money to help give refugee families fresh starts, but the goal is to help the families become self-sufficient, with the help of other community agencies.  [At least they are admitting they do it with government money, something we never saw reported in the early years of writing RRW.—ed]


Ivory said Church World Service is working with the Islamic Center of Greensboro, the Greensboro Jewish Federation and the local Syrian-American community to provide other resources to the family, such as hot meals upon arrival, clothing and diapers.

Lexington, KY: Habitat builds 400th house, this one for Congolese refugees

It is official, there are no more poor Americans in need of homes in Kentucky!

By the way, Kentucky is a Wilson-Fish state which means the refugee resettlement program is being run by the US State Department contractor Catholic Charities (KY state government is completely out of the loop).

From WKYT (Hat tip: Robin):

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – Along with the help of volunteers from Catholic Parishes of Lexington, Habitat for Humanity is building their 400th home in Lexington.

“A number is just a number but t’s a symbol of the number of families we’ve been able to serve who need decent housing,” says Rachel Childress, CEO of Lexington Habitat for Humanity. “It’s also symbolic of the thousands and thousands of other families in Lexington (and around the world) who do need a quality, affordable place to live.”

Memba Mmandama and his wife Anjelani moved to Kentucky in 2010 after their home in the Democratic Republic of Congo was destroyed by rebels.

Why did the resettlement contractor place the family in a slum apartment in the first place?

After living in a refugee camp in Mozambique, Memba and his family moved to an apartment complex in the U.S., but it is overcrowded, has a faulty heating and cooling system and is infested with roaches.

That’s where Habitat for Humanity stepped in.

It is not just houses being built in Kentucky for refugees, it is mosques as well (raising the profile of Islam).

See all of our posts on Kentucky, they have had their share of problems with refugees!

14 million refugees in the Middle East: utter disaster

The brilliant and knowledgeable David P. Goldman writes in PJ Media:

There are always lunatics lurking in the crevices of Muslim politics prepared to proclaim a new Caliphate; there isn’t always a recruiting pool in the form of nearly 14 million displaced people (11 million Syrians, or half the country’s population, and 2.8 million Iraqis, or a tenth of the country’s population)….Many of them will have nothing to go back to. When people have nothing to lose, they fight to the death and inflict horrors on others. That is what civilizational decline looks like in real time.

Goldman has been predicting this kind of disaster in the Middle East for years.  He also writes under the pen name of Spengler after Oswald Spengler, a German historian who is best known for his book, Decline of the West.  Goldman continues:

The Arab states are failed states, except for the few with enough hydrocarbons to subsidize every facet of economic life. Egypt lives on a$15 billion annual subsidy from the Gulf states, and if that persists, will remain stable if not quite prosperous. Syria is a ruin, along with large parts of Iraq. The lives of tens of millions of people were fragile before the fighting broke out (30% of Syrians lived on less than $1.60 a day), and now they are utterly ruined. The hordes of combatants displace more people, and these join the hordes, in a snowball effect. That’s what drove the 30 Years War of 1618-1648, and that’s what’s driving the war in the Levant.

There’s a lot to be said about what we should do about ISIS and the other terrorist groups militarily, and it is being said. Here at RRW I’m wondering whether the State Department thinks 14 million refugees with nothing to go back to, rootless and dispossessed and many filled with a destructive rage beyond our comprehension, are our responsibility, a great pool of potential United States citizens.  I’m wondering if the resettlement agencies see a potential windfall and meat packers see cheap labor without end.  God help us if so. Ann has written extensively about Syrian refugees and the pressures on other countries to take them. I’m sorry, but you can’t place 11 million Syrians and 3 million Iraquis in western countries.

If there were anyone in the government looking after America’s interests, we would recognize that this catastrophe is not something we can fix.  If we’re going to help, we should be looking only to Christians and other selected religious minorities.  I wish we had the will and the strength to find them a piece of land of their own over there, but that’s a fantasy.  Goldman writes:

When I wrote in 2011 that Islam was dying, this was precisely what I forecast. You can’t unscramble this egg. The international organizations, Bill Clinton, George Soros and other people of that ilk will draw up plans, propose funding, hold conferences and publish studies, to no avail. The raw despair of millions of people ripped out of the cocoon of traditional society, bereft of ties of kinship and custom, will feed the meatgrinder. Terrorist organizations that were hitherto less flamboyant (“moderate” is a misdesignation), e.g. the Muslim Brotherhood (and its Palestine branch Hamas) will compete with the Caliphate for the loyalties of enraged young people. The delusion about Muslim democracy that afflicted utopians of both parties is now inoperative. War will end when the pool of prospective fighters has been exhausted.