Australia to fund school security in attempt to keep Australia safe (from all those they let in for decades)

Many of the schools will be Jewish while some will be Islamic schools (which apparently fear violence from crazy right wing Aussies!).


Graffiti on a boys’ school—must have been written by one of those right-wingers.


From the Daily Telegraph (hat tip: Jon):

MORE than 50 schools at risk of a terrorist attack around the country will be given security guards and closed-circuit TV systems amid heightened ­national security fears.

The Daily Telegraph can reveal the overhaul will be ­unveiled today by federal Justice Minister Michael Keenan.

The program will include $18 million in funding for 54 schools that have requested ­assistance to hire security guards and buy security products to safeguard students.

The fears stem from the ­potential lone wolf terror and racist attacks at Islamic and Jewish schools.


More than half the schools are Jewish and Islamic schools, while 22 are government and independent schools.

The majority of schools are in Western Sydney, with 29 of the 54 in NSW.

I guess Western Sydney is where immigrant diversity is most beautiful in Australia.

Regular readers know that at least the Abbott government, one of just a few governments in the world, is attempting to slow the invasion of the country by economic migrants and phony asylum seekers.  Saudi Arabia and the rich Arab states are doing their bit to keep multiculturalism away.

See our complete Australia category here.

Minnesota Somalis say they are being targeted for extra scrutiny by TSA

It surely isn’t a new complaint, here is how the story begins.  But, my interest was in one line half way through the article at OnIslam:

We told you about community organizer Mohamed Farah last June when he told reporters that terror recruiting was going on 24/7 in Minnesota. So, is it any surprise Somalis at airports are in for extra scrutiny?

CAIRO – Following recent decision to prevent US banks from handling transfers to Somalia, Muslims from the horn of Africa country have been complaining of increasing racial profiling and harassment at airports, accusing agents of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) of targeting them.

“You are treated as a second-class citizen, when you’re trying to change the narrative about being Somali,” Mohamed Farah, a Minneapolis Somali youth leader, told Star Tribune On Sunday, March 1.

Being a Somali-American, Farah has been facing an ongoing pattern of racial profiling and harassment at US airports, despite having security clearances from the FBI and the US Secret Service.

In light of Farah’s comments last June, is it any wonder that TSA gives Somalis at airports in Minnesota and elsewhere a little extra scrutiny?

O.K. So that is somewhat interesting, but nothing new.  What really caught my eye was this line:

Although there are no official figures, the United States is believed to be home to between 6-8 million Muslims.

Do you realize we really don’t know what the US Muslim population is!  

Doing some research on that recently, I found that in 2010 Pew Research put the number at 2.75 million while CAIR in the same year put it at 7 million.  Pew also said they are coming in to the US at a rate of 100,000 a year, but we don’t know how many of those will be legal permanent residents on the way to citizenship.

It is very important that we find the exact number because, as we learned from Europe, when the Muslim population reaches a level at about 3% of the population (yes, some people are saying 2%), then, feeling empowered, the pressure is on for shariah compliance.

The US population is 321 million, so when the Muslim population reaches 6.4 million (2%) or 9.6 million (3%) there will be no going back for us.  If you are thinking this doesn’t affect you, please at least consider your grandchildren!

Time to talk about a MORATORIUM on Muslim immigration to America?

Be sure to check out a recent popular post about how the US State Department and its contractors facilitated the Hijra by ‘seeding’ over 10,000 Somalis in Minnesota in the last ten years.

Pro-refugee, pro-Islam protesters take to the streets in Dresden, Germany to say “willkommen”

So it must be fine with them if beleaguered Greece sends their asylum-seeker overload to Germany, right?

Protesters carried multicolor balloons to celebrate multiculturalism über alles.


First from Sputniknews on Dresden:

The protest was designed to promote the idea of multiculturalism in Germany and contribute to the elimination of racism and discrimination.

Anastasia Raevskaya — Thousands of people gathered on Saturday in Dresden to demonstrate against xenophobia and racism, promoted by the German anti-islamization movement Pegida.

Carrying balloons of different colors with the legend “Refugees welcome” and holding placards urging tolerance towards foreigners — students, refugees, representatives of various political movements and other activists crowded the city center to protest against discrimination and express their solidarity with people of various religious and cultural backgrounds.

The demonstration was organized by a nationwide social movement known as #NoPegida, which formed as resistance to the notorious right-wing group Pegida. Over the last few months, Germany has experienced a wave of anti-Islam sentiment, partly related to an increased influx of refugees from Syria and Iraq. Pegida or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West was responsible for organizing anti-immigrant demonstrations, which have taken place all over the country since October 2014.

Read more here.

So, we ask, if Germany is so welcoming, why is the German government upset with economically stressed Greece for sending its asylum-seeker overload northward?

From The Times:

Berlin is demanding answers from Athens after it emerged that the former Greek government issued documents to Syrian refugees that would allow them to claim asylum in Germany.

Syrians who managed to reach Greece have told The Times that they convinced Athens to provide them with official residency papers. Once they had these, they were able to book flights to northern European countries more generous to migrants.

The arrangement suited both parties, it is alleged. The Syrians did not want to settle in Greece, because the economy was in crisis and there were few jobs. Unlike Germany, it does not promote a policy of family reunification, where migrants can bring relatives to live with them once they are settled.

Greece does not want refugees and is struggling to keep itself afloat in the midst of a row with Brussels over the repayment of €240 billion of debt.


With official Greek residency papers, Syrians have been able to book a flight to Germany, rip their papers up during the flight and claim asylum once they land in Germany.

The Times tells us that the migrants want to go to welcoming Germany, Denmark or Sweden.

Alas, the clock is ticking on Germany and the whole of Europe.  See our extensive archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.

RRW weekly round-up for week ending February 28th, new heights reached in February

This is one more of our sporadic weekly updates mostly to let readers know what posts were the most interesting over this past week and to provide tips, especially for new readers, on how to find information among our 6,000 plus posts.

And, February saw a new record set for daily visitors–-highest daily numbers in our over 7-year-history.  The numbers aren’t astronomical, but for a narrowly focused blog, we are thrilled at the interest.

Here are the top three most-visited posts this week.

No surprise that all three had to do with Minnesota Somalis. (Daily top posts are in the right hand side bar.)

1. Somali Islamic terrorists threaten attack on Mall of America; we are bringing in over 800 Somali refugees a month right now!

2. Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?

3. US State Department and resettlement contractors salted Minnesota with over 10,000 Somali refugees since 2005

Although not with the shock value of those three posts, I do want you to take note of this post on the structure of the Refugee Admissions Program so you know the names of those responsible for what is happening in your town or city.  It is an important post for members of the media and government watchers in general.

Instead of the top ten countries of the week from which readers came to RRW, this is a list of the top ten countries for the month of February (not including the US of course):







European Union (this is new and I don’t know how they come up with this when EU countries appear individually on the list)


South Africa

Malta  (of all the countries on the list, I would like to see Malta where they must have a high percentage of people with the will to save their little country!)


As we mentioned above, the primary purpose of our occasional weekly updates is to help new readers get oriented and to help you all find useful information among our 6,000 plus posts!

For new readers!

Since we get new readers every day, here is my usual spiel with two points I need to make:

First, we do screen our comments and don’t post any that threaten any kind of violence and we don’t post ones filled with foul language.  An occasional expletive might slip in if the comment is otherwise a good one.  You are always free to disagree with our point of view if you follow those two simple rules.

And the other thing I want to mention is about e-mails that come to you every time we post.  They come directly from wordpress to subscribers.  We don’t send out e-mails.  So, if we are posting too much for your e-mail inbox, then just unsubscribe and visit RRW when you have the time I understand completely about too many e-mails!  You might want to simply follow us on twitter or on facebook (below).

This is where you can find information (in addition to our fact sheet). We have over 6,000 posts.

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*  Also, we have a great search function and since neither the categories nor the tags go all the way back to our first posts more than seven years ago, use the search window with a few key words.  You might want to first try your city, state, or country to see what we have reported from there over the years.

Readers from Europe should search for key words ‘Invasion of Europe’ for all of our many posts on the migration crisis on the Continent.

By the way, our category entitled ‘where to find information’ is filled with reports and documents, but with 326 posts archived there, it is pretty unwieldy now.

Past weekly roundups can be found in our category entitled ‘blogging.’

If you wish to be notified when we post, consider subscribing or follow us on twitter (@refugeewatcher) or facebook (RefugeeInfoResource).  ‘Like us’ on facebook!

And apologies to all who e-mail and comment, sorry if I don’t respond much, there are just not enough hours in my day!

It occurs to me that I do see everyone’s comments to posts because we do screen them (no foul language, no threats), so if you have something you want me to see, I don’t at all mind if you send the link as a comment to a post, even if it’s off-topic.

To regular readers, thank you for your continued concern for this very important issue.

P.S.  In case you are wondering, this blog is a charitable enterprise on the part of its writers!

Silly season in Mexico as the country considers ‘welcoming’ Syrian refugees

Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous!

José Antonio Meade, Mexico’s Secretary of External Relations: Sure, we might take some Syrians from Lebanon! (This must be a joke!)

As Mexico happily unloads its poor on America and allows Central Americans easy passage through Mexico so they too can ‘benefit’ from US generosity, the government of Mexico is considering becoming a recipient of impoverished Syrian refugees (and most will be Muslims).

They think they might like to follow in Uruguay’s footsteps (we already know the Uruguay experiment is failing, see here).


MEXICO CITY, Mexico – After a high-level meeting between the representatives of Mexico and Lebanon, the world’s largest Spanish-speaking country could follow in the footsteps of fellow Latin American nation Uruguay by accepting Syrians fleeing from the unrest in their homeland from overburdened refugee camps in Lebanon.

The Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Gebran Bassil, was in Mexico City for a meeting with his Mexican counterpart, José Antonio Meade, to “solidify political dialogue at the highest level” and “strengthen the ties of friendship and cooperation” that unite the two countries.


Meade acknowledged that the impact this sort of encumbrance has on a nation is “huge,” both in terms of the economy and society as a whole. Lebanon should be noted and praised for its “generosity, dedication and international commitment to this massive humanitarian issues.”

Secondly, the Middle Eastern country should be lauded for its “expressions of support for any measure of help that becomes available from any point of view,” according to Meade, who then added that “Mexico is open to the reception of refugees.”


If Mexico does go ahead with the acceptance of Syrian refugees, it would make it the second Latin American nation to officially do so after Uruguay.

Gee, maybe Mexico has better security screening than the US does?  Nah!

And, if they have the resources for Syrian refugees, why didn’t they take care of all those ‘Unaccompanied alien children’ (the so-called refugees) who passed through Mexico last summer?