Judicial Watch sues DOJ for withholding documents on mysterious 2014 explosion and fire in Somali neighborhood in Minneapolis

I love Judicial Watch!

Here is the headline of their press release this week:

Judicial Watch Sues DOJ for Records Regarding Suspicious 2014 New Year’s Day Explosion at Apartment Building in Minneapolis Muslim Neighborhood

We reported on the still-unexplained fire here and here (with links to other posts on the subject).

Judicial Watch press release (hat tip: Deb):

The building was demolished within days so many feel there was not adequate time to investigate the cause of the explosion and fire.

Documents already obtained by Judicial Watch raise serious questions about source of explosion, cursory local investigation, barring of ATF agents from investigating

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ) to obtain records regarding its response to the January 1, 2014, explosion of an apartment building in the largely Muslim Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The FOIA lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch v U. S. Department of Justice (No.1:14-cv-02212)).

The FOIA lawsuit, filed after the DOJ failed to respond to a March 12, 2014, FOIA request to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), seeks:

Any and all records regarding, concerning or related to the investigation of the January 1, 2014 explosion and fire at the Cedar-Riverside apartment complex in Minneapolis, Minnesota, based on searches of the FBI’s Electronic Case File system, Central Records System and Electronic Surveillance records, as well as any cross-referenced files concerning the explosion and fire.

At 8:16 a.m. on New Year’s Day in Minneapolis, a building at 516 Cedar Avenue containing a grocery store and several apartments exploded, killing three people and injuring 13. All of the apartments were occupied by single men. Many were hurt while jumping out of the burning building’s windows in order to escape the carnage.

Continue reading here!

See Minnesota seeded with 10,000 Somalis in ten years, here.

The ultimate question!  Why are we still bringing Somalis to the US at the rate of 800-900 a month?

682 Syrians admitted to US so far, seeded throughout America, 90% are Muslims

Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne C. Richard, is traveling and making some news on the Syrian refugee resettlement plan.

Asst. Sec. of State Richard and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees socialist, Antonio Guterres. The UN has selected 11,000 (90% Muslim) Syrian refugees for the US!

But, there is nothing much new here.  Nevertheless readers, especially new readers, need to know that this is a very very low number compared to what the Obama State Department wanted for this year and you can bet there is much gnashing of teeth going on in the contractor community which wanted 12,000-15,000 THIS year.

The main reason the Syrians are not yet on the way big time is that the FBI can’t get them screened for security.

Do not forget that the contractors have recently begun lobbying to raise the ceiling for all refugees arriving in the US from 70,000 set by Obama last September to possibly 100,000.

From Channel News Asia:

BEIRUT: The United States has admitted 648***refugees from Syria’s civil war and expects to allow in several thousand more, a U.S. official said on Thursday.

The 648 had been selected from 11,000 cases referred to the United States by the United Nations refugee agency, said Assistant Secretary of State Anne Richard.  [By the way, by creating this backlog of referred cases the UN puts pressure on the US to get moving!—ed]


Richard said it took the United States one or two years to process each refugee case, with checks that included security and medical assessments as well as analysis of whether individuals were at risk of persecution or death.

“I think that the numbers will go up, I know we are expecting to bring 1,000-2,000 to the U.S. by the end of September and several thousand next year,” she said.

Look at this next line!  They are blaming the slowdown on the Republicans when it is Obama’s own FBI that is the hold-up (thankfully!):

The Republican-led House Committee on Homeland Security has criticised the programme, saying the United States lacks the resources to fully investigate the backgrounds of refugees from Syria, where Islamic State militants and other hardline groups are active.

Richard said it was clearly not the intention of the programme to allow in militants.

“The people that we seek to bring are those who have severe medical conditions, widows and orphans,” she said. “These are very vulnerable cases and these are the ones that we are particularly focused on.”  [These are very expensive refugees—ed]

So, to which states have the Syrians been distributed so far?  

We checked the State Department data bases beginning in early 2012 to the first of April and here is what we learned:

***The number is actually 682 (as of 4/1/2015).

617 are Muslims and 65 are from other religions.  The vast majority are Sunni Muslims.  That makes the Muslim refugees 90% of the flow which is what we have been predicting because the UN is picking our refugees!   I expect that percentage to hold into the future.

Here is where they went (top five states in red):

Arizona (33)

Arkansas (1)

California (87)

Colorado (8)

Connecticut (3)

Florida (30)

Georgia (19)

Idaho (13)

Illinois (70)

Indiana (25)

Kansas (5)

Kentucky (5)

Maine (1)

Maryland (26)

Massachusetts (28)

Missouri (6)

Nevada (7)

New Hampshire (3)

New Jersey (31)

New Mexico (6)

New York (8)

North Carolina (34)

Ohio (15)

Oregon (1)

Pennsylvania (42)

Tennessee (17)

Texas (86)

Utah (12)

Virginia (16)

Washington (22)

West Virginia (1)

Wisconsin (1)

 Click here for what is now a massive archive on ‘Syrian refugees.’

Endnote:  I can’t impress upon readers enough that this Syrian Muslim pipeline has to be slowed. And, in fact, there is absolutely no justification for the huge flows of Iraqi and Somali Muslims to the US either!


A picture worth a thousand words! UNHCR supplies go to ISIS

The very same United Nations agency that is choosing the refugees for your towns and cities—The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (which receives millions and millions of your tax dollars every year)—is apparently in the ISIS supply business!

This is from Allen West’s blog (hat tip: Lynn):

Well, since some people like Nancy Pelosi think terrorist groups are “humanitarian organizations” or like the Catholic university who thinks they can use some humanitarian support, is it any surprise supplies from the United Nations are finding their way to ISIS?

Yep, ISIS released these images from one of their training camps in Aleppo, and there they are, kneeling on lovely tarps carrying the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) logo.

There is more, read on!

For more on the UNHCR and the present High Commissioner, Antonio Guterres (former socialist Prime Minister of Portugal and former President of Socialist International), click here.   Guterres has 10,000 Syrians in the pipeline to America right now, while the FBI says they can’t be properly screened for security!

Obama’s new “refugee” program for kids from Central America discussed on conference call

We notified readers here that the USCIS and Department of State would hold a teleconference call (for citizens) on the new (created out of thin air!) refugee program for the ‘children.’

Obama is changing the definition of what is a ‘refugee’ (I said this on Fox and Friends, here in February) and Congress stays silent.

By the way, where is Rep. Trey Gowdy on this as the Obama Administration has once again written immigration law that falls within the purview of Gowdy’s subcommittee!

No more “Beast Trains” to America, we will be flying them in gratis the US taxpayer!

One citizen who listened in on the call has penned an excellent summary (at a Maryland blog) of what was said.

Cathy Keim at Monoblogue:

Remember the thousands of children that mobbed our borders last year? They are not in the news now, but our government has not forgotten them. In fact, in an effort to mitigate the dangers that they face as they travel by train from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala through Mexico to our southern border, our benevolent government implemented a program that began last December called the Central American Minors Refugee/Parole Program (CAM).

On Tuesday I listened in on a conference call hosted by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) and the Department of State (DOS). They pointed out that CAM falls under the US Refugee Program, which brings 70,000 refugees into the USA each year. Some 4,000 of those are from Central America. If CAM exceeds the allotment, they will be able to increase the numbers up to 2,000 additional persons without any problem.

The goal of this program is family reunification without the child having to take a dangerous trip. Instead of coming by bus or train, they would now be flown to the USA once the parent’s application is approved.

The entire process is at no cost to the family. That means that the American taxpayer is footing the bill for this program in its entirety.

I don’t want to give it all away, please read on for the details!  Hint, except for one person, all on the call were enthusiastic and simply wanted more money!

There is a mention of the processing of applications for the kids.  The processing can only be done by the refugee contractors/subcontractor on this US State Department list.   I believe the push to open new “refugee” offices in places like Spartanburg, SC is to expand locations for not just normal refugee resettlement, but to carry out other functions of the federal government including processing in the Central American ‘children.’

Keep your eyes open for any sign of a new refugee office in your town!  Let us know!

Endnote:  The kids aren’t waiting for Obama’s planes as CIS reported here just two days ago.

Breitbart reports on high welfare use by refugees from latest annual report; let Rep. Trey Gowdy know!

I am so excited!

A major news outlet is actually reporting on those often very tardy (and seemingly boring) annual reports to Congress from the Office of Refugee Resettlement!

Probably for the last few years only a handful of people in the whole country were looking at a report that I doubt anyone in Congress ever looks at.  As a matter of fact, I bet most Members of Congress and US Senators don’t even know the Refugee Program exists!

Ken Tota is the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. He puts out the reports. http://www.acf.hhs.gov/about/leadership/ken-tota

But, a new day has arrived!

Here is Breitbart’s headline:

3 in 4 Refugees On Food Stamps, Many Using Other Forms Of Public Assistance

“A strikingly high percentage of refugees to the United States use some form of public assistance, according to a government report to Congress.

The Office of Refugee Resettlement’s Annual Report to Congress for FY2013 reveals that nearly 3 in 4 refugees were on food stamps.

Additionally, nearly half were on some form of cash assistance and more than a half were on medical assistance. More than 20 percent were on Supplemental Security Income, more than 22 percent were in public housing and nearly 20 percent were on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

The report noted that many households received more than one type of assistance and the data dealt with refugees who arrived in the U.S. between March 1, 2008 to February 28, 2013.

To be sure, assistance use varied among region of origin.

Refugees from Africa and the Middle East were the heaviest users of cash assistance at 61.9 percent and 68.3 percent respectively. Latin American refugees only used cash assistance at a rate of 8.1 percent and South Asia used about 42.7 percent. Data for Europe and the former Soviet Union was not available.

The use of food stamps — or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — also varied with 88.9 percent of refugees from Africa, 91.4 percent of Middle Eastern refugees, the Middle East, 72.9 percent of South Asia, and 36.7 percent of Latin American refugees using the benefit.

Overall, according to the report just 50 percent of refugee households in the five year window were self-sufficient. [This self-sufficiency claim is shaky as refugees can be on some forms of welfare and still be considered ‘self-sufficient’ for the purposes of this report.—ed]

So, if you are angry, what do you do?  Who is the one person that could bring about a serious review of this program?

Call Rep. Trey Gowdy and tell him to do his job and review the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program. Call! 202-225-6030


First have a look at the report sent to Rep. Trey Gowdy’s House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security.

Here it is—the annual report for FY2013.  The Office of Refugee Resettlement is required by law to prepare these reports to Congress within just a few months of the close of the fiscal year.  So this report is only a little over a  year late.

In the past, as we often reported, they were many years late and Congress never noticed!   Here is a post from 2013 where I chronicled the flagrant violation of the law over many years.

When the bill that became the Refugee Act of 1980 (Kennedy, Biden, Carter) was debated in Congress, critics said it would become a pipeline for poverty as more and more welfare recipients entered the US as refugees and asylees.  Guess what!  They were right!

In keeping with a recent trend here at RRW where we are attempting to identify the major actors in colonizing your towns with impoverished third worlders…..

Let Rep. Trey Gowdy know you want this law reformed or repealed! 

Of course there is a Senate Subcommittee responsible for refugees as well, headed by Senator Jeff Sessions, but let’s get this ball rolling in the House.   Gowdy probably thinks the refugee resettlement program is some benign political freebie for him, let him know it isn’t!

Here is his office contact information.   Note that he has an office in Spartanburg the latest town to be seeded!