Texas Congressman introduces bill to suspend Refugee Resettlement Program!

Update July 31: Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review has more, go here (hat tip: Dick).
Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) has introduced the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act (H.R. 3314) which seeks to suspend refugee resettlement to America until economic costs are analyzed and national security concerns are put to rest.

Rep. Brian Babin is a first term Congressman from East Texas. http://babin.house.gov/biography/

I’ve been following this issue for eight years and this is the first time I have seen anyone in Congress (other than recent concerns about Syrian refugees) take a single step to begin to scrutinize the entire program.
Now, let’s see if Rep. Trey Gowdy will give the bill a hearing in his all-important Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security!
Just a reminder, Babin’s home state of Texas is presently the number one state targeted by the UN/US State Department for refugee distribution.
Here is Babin’s press release late today (hat tip: Rosemary):

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) yesterday introduced the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act (H.R. 3314), which places an immediate suspension on allowing immigrants into the United States under the refugee resettlement program, until the Government Accountability Office (GAO) completes a thorough examination of its costs on federal, state and local governments. According to the U.S. refugee admissions database, nearly 500,000 new immigrants have come to the U.S. under the resettlement program since President Obama first took office – with the state of Texas and its taxpayers being asked to take in more than any other state.

“It is extremely unsettling that the Obama Administration would continue to expand the U.S. resettlement program at such an irresponsible pace in light of our economic and national security challenges,” said Rep. Babin. “While this program may be warranted in certain situations, it is continuing at an unchecked pace. For the past decade the U.S. has been admitting roughly 70,000 new refugees a year, with little understanding of the economic and social costs on our communities.

“Our legislation institutes a common sense pause in the program so that we can better understand the long-term and short-term costs that this program has on local governments, states and U.S. taxpayers. It also gives us an opportunity to examine potential national security issues related to entry and resettlement, particularly as federal law enforcement officials are increasingly concerned about home-grown terrorists.”

This is a very big deal!  Please! Thank Rep. Babin (202-225-1555) and put pressure on Gowdy’s subcommittee to give the bill a hearing!  It is shameful that the program has not in all of its 35-year history been subject to a thorough review.  Call Gowdy at 202-225-6030 even if you have done it before!
Consider sending your horror stories to Rep. Babin!
An afterthought Babin is going to get pounded by the supposedly religious resettlement contractors especially ones with tentacles in his district.  If you live in his district and are supportive of his efforts, please let him know.  Those ‘Christian’ contractors can be pretty mean!

St. Cloud, MN: AFL-CIO operative using intimidation tactics, stirs racial unrest….

….with the help of a college professor from Saint Cloud State University!

Update July 31:  A critical commenter to this blog tells us that the anti-VFW rally has been moved to the St. Cloud Courthouse, but I am told by local patriots that it doesn’t matter because the barbecue at the VFW is expected to be huge and fun!
Update:  One of our readers pointed out that this is the Red-Green Axis at work.  Why didn’t I think of that!
They plan a rally against the local VFW (what! to teach them a lesson?) and want to silence concerned citizens with an “action” (confrontation?) by Somalis!
As regular readers know, the city of St. Cloud, Minnesota ( the heart of former Rep. Michele Bachmann’s district) has been swamped in recent years by Third World refugees from the UN/US State Department Refugee Resettlement program. 

Jane Conrad
Jane Conrad, union organizer, stirring racial unrest in St. Cloud

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota is primarily responsible for the resettlement of mostly Somali refugees there.   We believe that LSS is literally acting as an employment agency for the large meat packing companies operating in nearby towns and in need of an abundant supply of cheap labor.   Why American union workers don’t get it is beyond me!
We have an extensive archive on St. Cloud and visited there in April Click here for all of our previous news from St. Cloud going back many years.
Citizens have formed a ‘pocket of resistance’ and have begun to look into the economic impact the resettlement program has on local and state taxpayers.  We reported here recently that Bob Enos of Willmar had made a persuasive argument about how local governments must begin looking at the fiscal cost to taxpayers of placing so many impoverished people on the state’s welfare rolls.
And here is Ron Brantsner (another citizen using his own personal time to research and speak about the economic impact, and the secrecy surrounding the role played by meat packers and Left-leaning foundations) speaking in Little Falls.
As far as I can tell the local paper (St. Cloud Times) hasn’t seen a need to write anything about the brewing storm.
***Update*** SC Times explains changes in rally locations for Saturday August 1, here.

Meeting cancelled at the last minute

Word coming out of St. Cloud is that Brantsner was scheduled to speak at a St. Cloud VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) just days ago when the meeting was abruptly cancelled due to fear that an “action” was being threatened against the VFW and meeting participants where the talk was scheduled.  According to Gregory Jarrett, in an e-mail report to hundreds of like-minded citizens, we are told what happened when the meeting was cancelled:

Ms Conrad was apparently “forceful” enough to get the St Cloud PD to go to the VFW and “make a negotiated deal” to cancel an event [Brantsner was the scheduled speaker—ed]. Attendees traveled from all around Minnesota and had zero knowledge of the last minute cancellation of the EVENT in the basement room until virtually “at the front door” . Those attendees and local residents made the decision to support the Granite VFW and have a meal upstairs, with no scheduled presentation and no audio visual aids.

Working closely with Ms. Conrad on the “action” is SC State University faculty member Mark Jaede

Ms Conrad however in a further attempt to agitate and polarize the community directed an associate attend and to “report” back to her. The attendees (which include a Minnesota State Senator, hardly a radical racist) discussed the reason for the cancellation which then turned into folks standing up and voicing their own personal opinions. There was also a uniformed St Cloud Police Dept officer at the Dinner. The staff of the VFW club made it clear that there would be no “presentation”.  The “cancelled” event turned into a social event where concerned and like minded folks got the opportunity to meet, discuss and exchange views.

Now, in a REAL attempt to “show them a thing or 2” Ms Conrad and Mr Jaede show zero concern for St Cloud, Veterans, Citizens, The Police Department and City Staff by going at it again.

Conrad (SEIU! and AFL-CIO) and Professor Mark Jaede (St. Cloud State Univ) have organized a rally against the offending VFW this Saturday. 

Here is an e-mail from Jaede quoting Conrad:

From: ” Jaede, Mark G.” < mgjaede@stcloudstate.edu>
Date: July 29, 2015 at 5:04:33 PM CDT
To: ” scsu-announce@stcloudstate.edu” < scsu-announce@lists.stcloudstate.edu>, ” scsu-discuss@stcloudstate.edu” < scsu-discuss@lists.stcloudstate.edu>
Subject:  [SCSU-announce]  New announcement regarding rally at VFW


I am very sorry that this announcement is necessary. I had thought the VFW, which serves veterans of all races, had made the right choice. Apparently not.

This message is from Jane Conrad, who can be reached at   320-267-0899:

A rally was planned to counter racist speaker Ron Branstner who was speaking at the VFW at 9 18th Ave N in St Cloud. Two hours after I let the police know about our action and after the police talked with management at the VFW the speaker was canceled. So I canceled the rally. However, I did find out that the VFW did allow the event to go forward with a racist speaker from Willmar, Bob Enos. To counter this we are planning a rally this Saturday at 1:00 in front of the VFW. Please join us a peaceful collective community action. We are all in this together.

So, Conrad and Jaede have put out the word—show up this Saturday to send a message to the VFW!
And here is Jarrett again in his e-mail to concerned citizens:

I would suspect that every Veteran in Minnesota and surrounding States will be made aware of this planned “Protest Rally” will attend and will stand UNITED in defense and in 100% defiance to radical outside influence’s who have now made the geographical battleground the St Cloud Granite VFW Club.

To all of you in ‘pockets of resistance’ across the country, get ready for intimidation tactics like this one to silence you!

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society can't find enough housing in San Fran for gay 'refugees' (from South Africa)

Ho hum!  So we are bringing refugees from the highly touted welcoming-to-all “Rainbow Nation” of South Africa, dropping them off in San Francisco and now whining about how there isn’t enough housing for them.  Maybe one of the well-paid staffers at the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) might welcome this gay refugee to their home!
A long sob story at the Bay Area Reporter:

Isn’t HIAS PAID to take care of the refugees it resettles? Why is San Francisco gay refugee saying this: “In the U.S. I am facing homelessness,” Mayema told the Bay Area Reporter in a recent interview. “I don’t want to end up on the streets.”

“Our biggest challenge in helping these people is to find housing for them,” said Amy Weiss, the director of refugee and immigrant services at Jewish Family and Children’s Services of the East Bay. “They come with no employment history and no housing history. San Francisco is hard enough to find housing if you have an income. It is a huge problem for us and for them and to anybody resettling refugees.”

The agency is believed to be the only one in the country that has developed a specific program to work with LGBT refugees. It began four years ago when a number of Iranian LGBT refugees, who had fled to Turkey, needed help resettling in the U.S.

Since then the agency has worked with a number of LGBT refugees, mostly gay men from Africa and the Middle East. In November Junior Mayema arrived from Capetown, South Africa, where he had fled five years ago from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Then look at this, even the UN High Commissioner for Refugees refers to the attack (the star of this story claimed he suffered) as an “alleged attack.” So, he was resettled in America even though it was never proven he was attacked in S. Africa?

UNHCR staff, after learning about Mayema’s alleged attack, referred his case for resettlement last summer. Four months later, according to the account, he was granted refugee status and, in November, arrived in the Bay Area where he received assistance from the Jewish agency and a local church-sponsored group in acclimating to his new surroundings.

And, by the way, as we admit hundreds of refugees from the supposedly welcoming country of South Africa, you can bet there are few if any persecuted white people in the group.  I wonder if a white person pretended to be gay or lesbian and said he or she was attacked, could they get in to the US from South Africa?
The sob story goes on and on, continue reading here.  It is largely a play for more taxpayer money!

Obama extends Temporary Protected Status for Somalis, confusion evident in media reports

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is one more of those LEGAL immigration programs that needs to be completely reformed or dumped altogether.  It might sound good on the surface.  Of course we can’t send nationals of certain countries home to a devastated country, they should get to stay for 18 months until their country improves is how the logic goes.
US CISHowever, here is the rub—they never go home!  Every 18 months the federal government gives them another extension!  Look at wikipedia here where we learn that a 2001 earthquake in El Salvador is responsible for permission for over 100,000 Salvadorans already (illegally? on tourist or student visas?) in the US to file for TPS.  Honduras is even worse, ‘temporary’ status has been regularly extended since 1998! Somalia longer still!
Can’t just blame Obama!
Some years ago when Bush did one of those Central American TPS extensions he literally said we need to keep them here so they could prop up their home country’s economy by sending remittance money back home!  That means taking money out of the US economy! Right! The Bush Administration surely extended Somali TPS several times.
When Obama extended TPS status for Somalis that is only for a relatively small number who have been here for a very long time.  Al Jazeera tells us this:

Some 355,000 people total hold temporary protected status, with El Salvadorians making up more than half of those. The government regularly extends TPS for some nationalities, sometimes for decades. An estimated 270 Somalis have held their TPS designation continuously since 1991.

Somali TPS holders though are a drop in the bucket compared to the nearly 10,000 Somalis entering the US annually through the permanent Refugee Resettlement Program.

By the way, Al Jazerra also tells us that there are 10,000 Syrians in the US eligible for TPS and they are not rushing to make themselves known to the government.
TPS is really an excuse to give work permits and legal permission to stay in the US forever (waiting for amnesty of course!), but it is not supposed to be a path to citizenship (you can bet many TPS holders are voting anyway!).  Refugees, on the other hand, who are here to stay no matter what, are given permanent resident status and ultimately citizenship.  
See Katie Pavlich writing at Townhall yesterday.  She blurs the lines between the two LEGAL immigration programs, but who can blame her, our LEGAL immigration system is a chaotic mess.

Outside of the investor visas, student visas, and worker visas, the three big LEGAL programs that admit (or permit legal presence) are the Refugee Resettlement/Asylum Program, the Diversity Visa Lottery and Temporary Protected Status—all must be reformed or abolished!

So, the next time some candidate for office (or some other know-it-all) says that “illegal immigration is bad, but legal is good,” tell them they don’t know what the hell they are talking about!