RRW Weekly roundup for week ending Sept. 19, 2015

First I want to thank the RCUSA, the federal refugee contractors and all of those making a living in (or off of!) the refugee industry, you have succeeded in drawing national attention to the enormous costs, the secrecy and the decisions about how refugees (who will come to the US permanently) are selected by your demand that the US admit 65,000-100,000 Syrian refugees (95% so far Muslims) to America in the next year.
By your blatant greediness (more refugees = more money and more power for you), you are now galvanizing the American public (people who for 35 years didn’t know what you were doing) into action.  Citizens are researching, organizing, calling on legislators and reading RRW because they don’t want to see America changed by you, by changing the people!
Our readership has virtually doubled since Labor Day as a result of the growing demand for information. If things continue as they are we might triple our readership by the end of the month!

For grassroots!

For all of the grassroots activists getting to work where you live, this movement, whatever you want to call it, is young and there are many of you searching for a place in it.
I want to say first and foremost that there are several national groups getting to work and each has a slightly different strategy about how they would like to proceed.  There is no one national leader telling everyone what to do, nor should there be in my opinion.  And, most importantly, there is no right single strategy, at this time, to solve the problem.  We are still at the stage of bringing the issue to local, state and national attention.
Each national group, and each local group must proceed in a way that suits their members and their location in the country (states vary in how the refugee program is run) using the particular talents they have available to them.
If anyone would like to help plan a national strategy by writing a one-pager with your ideas, I promise to forward it to leading activists in the groups listed below (send to my e-mail with a subject line: my strategy suggestions).
It is my opinion that on the national level at this time (there are no other bills anyway!) the bill introduced by Rep. Brian Babin (now co-sponsored by 10 other Members of Congress) is a good vehicle to rally national attention.  There will also be additional rallying efforts soon to try to bring national attention to the potential crisis the Obama administration may visit on us if he opens the floodgates (as his friends in the No Borders movement are telling him to do) to thousands of Syrian refugees. And, I assure you Obama is not going to make the offer exclusively to the persecuted Christians.
That said, I’ve had a few e-mails from people asking me to tell them where to go to get involved.  If you are already a member of one of the national-level immigration control groups—FAIR, NumbersUSA, or Center for Immigration Studies—contact them to see how to help.  American Congress for Truth members check with your national leadership.  I’ve been involved with the efforts of the Center for Security Policy (they published my book) which are being spearheaded by James Simpson (here is a piece by Simpson just last week at American Thinker).
In addition, the website VDARE publishes material almost every day on some aspect of the refugee program in addition to news on immigration generally, so if you are looking for another place for information, visit VDARE.
As for me, my job is to bring you the news as best I can, not to tell you what to do. Remember, as a blogger, I don’t work for anyone.  I try to take as many radio interviews as possible, but am not able to travel to all the places readers ask me to, or otherwise I get no blogging done!
If you are unaffiliated with a group mentioned above (or even if you are!), you can sign up to be involved with the Center for Security Policy by clicking here.  Contact Jim Simpson through the Center for Security Policy or by e-mailing him at resettlementresister@gmail.com  and find a Pocket of Resistance’ near you.
And, finally, PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION!  CLICK HERE.  How wonderful, 22 Aussies and 15 Europeans have so far signed in solidarity with you!
Enough said……

Here are our Three Top Posts of the last week.

Daily top posts are in the right hand sidebar.  The first below is from 2009!  Go figure! In one of those internet mysteries, this 5-year-old post exploded through social media this past week.

1)Somali ‘youths’ randomly attacking and robbing people in Lewiston, ME

2)Hungarian Catholic Bishop tells Pope he is wrong, not refugees but invaders!

3)UNHCR data confirms it: 75% of the so-called refugees arriving in Europe are MEN  (by the way the UN has changed its data and now says 69% are men, here.)

Here are the Top Ten Countries from which readers arrived at RRW this past week (excluding the US):





Malta (welcome back to the Top Ten!)






For New Readers!

Go here (to a recent weekly roundup) and scroll down for information on how to get the most from your visits to RRW.
As I do every week, I apologize if I don’t get to all of your e-mails, it is just me here (no staff, no interns).  I don’t want to appear rude or unresponsive; there are just not enough hours in the day!

Breaking: Ben Carson says a Muslim should not be President of the US; CAIR comes out with both barrels

Earlier this morning I happened to catch Ben Carson on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd and I was astounded that Carson very forcefully said that a Muslim should not be President because Islam was incompatible with the US Constitution.  I knew immediately that all hell was going to break loose for Carson.
Update:  Here is what Powerline blog says about Carson’s statement.  “He had better batten down the hatches.” Hat tip: Paul
Update #2:  I feel for you South Carolinians!  Lindsey Graham demands that Carson apologize to Muslims, here.  BTW, pundits on Fox this evening suggested that Carson’s remark was likely supported by 80% of the American public and would actually help his candidacy.
Update September 21:  Frank Gaffney at the Center for Security Policy agrees with Carson and explains why.  LOL! He suggests that Obama is actually doing everything a Muslim Prez. might do anyway!  Click here.
Update #2 on September 21:  Both Trump and Cruz hang Carson out to dry.  Click here to see what I think of Trump and Cruz tonight.
Update September 22:  Carson says a Muslim could be President if he rejects Sharia Law! Hang in there Ben!
Update September 27:  Carson vindicated with exploding favorability numbers.
Watch Carson answer here:
The same question was asked of Gov. John Kasich and he waffled all over the place.  Then CNN contributor, the GOP establishment water-carrier, Hugh Hewitt*** jumped in to criticize Carson saying there shouldn’t be a religious test, demonstrating Hewitt’s ignorance about Islam.  Islam is a complete political system inseparable from the ‘religious’ aspects of the ‘faith.’
Now we see that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is all over Carson for daring to utter such a politically incorrect opinion.

Take action!

Even if Carson is not your #1 choice for the 2016 nomination, you must right now go to facebook, twitter, and your e-mail lists and drum up support for Carson and an opinion that readers here share.  Push back the inevitable Left wing trashers who are probably already at work kissing up to CAIR and calling for Carson to get out of the race!

By the way, earlier in the program Todd asked Trump about the Muslim incident in New Hampshire last week, where an audience member questioned Obama’s ‘faith,’ and Trump said it wasn’t his job to defend the President, implying that the President was big boy and could take care of himself.  Besides, he went on to say, I doubt Obama is going to defend me when someone at a public event says something about me that I don’t like.
You can reach the Carson campaign at twitter (@realBenCarson) and here at his website.  Send him a message and ask that he stand firm!
***See what Breitbart said about Hewitt here earlier this past week.

Anne Richard, Asst. Sec. of State: we want to ramp-up the Syrian numbers and "streamline" security screening

You know what “streamline” means!  It is the acceptable way to say “lessen” the security screening for the UN-chosen, mostly Muslim Syrians we are admitting to the US.

anne richard-and-unhcr
UNHCR Antonio Guterres (left) tells US Asst. Sec. of State Anne Richard (right) who we are going to admit to the US as refugees to colonize your towns and cities.

Here is Reuters reporting on Richard’s NPR interview yesterday:

A State Department refugee official said on Saturday that U.S. leaders are committed to bringing more Syrian refugees to the United States and that she would like to see a steep increase in their numbers in 2017.

Anne Richard, assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration, told National Public Radio the Obama administration would like to see the refugee process move more quickly and is trying to streamline the vetting process without cutting corners on security.

The United States has taken in 1,500 refugees since the start of the Syrian war in 2011, and President Barack Obama last week committed to accepting 10,000 more over the coming year.


“I think that the most senior leadership at the State Department, the National Security Council and the White House want to bring more refugees and so that’s something that we’re very focused on right now,” Richard told NPR.


“Well, next year the president has said we will bring 10,000. So the year after that I’d like to see a steep ramp up,” she said.

Obama will have one more shot at swamping your towns with Syrian refugees in September of 2016 when he submits his determination for FY2017, but he can’t dictate those numbers now.  Richard is probably saying 2017 should be a better year to get the human rights industrial complex agitators off her back (and Obama’s back).

More confirmation of what I have been saying, the UNHCR is dictating which Syrians we take! Thus we are getting mostly Muslim Syrians!

Refugee applications referred to the United States by the U.N. refugee agency undergo multiple security checks by several federal agencies.

There is more, click here.
See my previous post, it seems that Canadian immigration is going to try to circumvent the UNHCR.

Canada to take 10,000 Syrian refugees, but not necessarily UN-chosen ones!

Back in December 2014, Canada said they would accept Christian (and other minority) Syrians over Muslims and all hell broke loose.  They were beaten over the head in the media by the human rights industrial complex.  So, I’m wondering if this proposed new policy on Syrian refugees does the same thing by loosening Canada’s apron strings to the UNHCR.

Conservative leader Stephen Harper takes part in the Globe and Mail leaders' debate Thursday, September 17, 2015 in Calgary.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward
Harper dared to reference “old-stock Canandians” in recent debate. Conservative leader Stephen Harper takes part in the Globe and Mail leaders’ debate Thursday, September 17, 2015 in Calgary.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/09/17/old-stock-canadians-harper-debate-economy_n_8156190.html

Just a reminder, in the US we have completely given over all responsibility to the UNHCR to choose our Syrian refugees and they are choosing mostly Muslim Syrians from their Muslim-populated camps.
Here is the news at the Wall Street Journal:

TORONTO—The Canadian government said Saturday that it will accelerate the processing of Syrian refugees to resettle 10,000 in the country by September 2016, more than a year ahead of its original target, as it contends with criticism over its response to the resettlement crisis.

In January, the Canadian government said it would resettle 10,000 Syrians over a three-year period. But faced with mounting pressure to work faster, the ruling Conservative Party now plans to complete the process 15 months earlier by designating all Syrians who have fled their home country as “prima facie” refugees. That means Canada will no longer require proof of official United Nations documentation to accept them as refugees, shortening the review process and broadening the pool of refugees Canadian groups can sponsor, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander announced at a press conference.

I read that to mean that Canadian immigration authorities could pluck Christians and other religious minority refugees from where ever they are hiding right now, not having to pick from an approved UNHCR list.


At the same time, Mr. Alexander stressed security screening of refugees remains a government priority.

Election year issue!

The incumbent Conservatives are in the throes of a tight three-way election campaign ahead of an Oct. 19 vote. Polling suggests its response to the refugee crisis, while facing heavy criticism among his political rivals, hasn’t played a role in eroding support.


Mr. Harper has said there is no “refugee-based solution” to the conflict in Syria, and added Western allies must plan for a long-term military presence in the region to defeat Islamic State. He’s also warned of the security risk to Canada of immediately taking on additional refugees without proper security screening.

Unlike the US 2016 Presidential debate this past week, in Canada they actually uttered the words “Syrian refugees.”

In a party leaders’ debate this past week, Mr. Harper accused his political rivals of having a “reckless approach” on Syrian refugees, as they are content to “throw open our borders and let in hundreds of thousands of people without any kind of security check.” His main rivals accused Mr. Harper of fear mongering, and demanded he stop using the issue of security to limit Canada’s role.

I see the US resettlement contractors and the media latching on to the 10,000 Syrians in one year figure and using it to say that the US can take many more than 10,000 without noticing the distinction being made by this policy that would, by taking mostly Christians, reduce the security concerns greatly for Canada (although it will still be expensive!).

Lobbying arm for refugee contractors holds press conference, wants 200,000 refugees and $2 billion in additional funding

Before you read this article, please have a look at a recent post we wrote about the Refugee Council USA (RCUSA) which was only a few months ago stumping for 65,000 Syrians  It is a lobbying consortium of  supposedly non-profit groups posing as simply charitable humanitarian groups when in fact they are almost exclusively funded by federal tax dollars.

Negash and Bartlett
Eskinder Negash (right) resigned abruptly as Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement in December 2014, an unexpected resignation that has still not been explained. Here with Lawrence Bartlett of the US State Dept. Bartlett will be in Twin Falls, Idaho this coming week to try to calm down the local pocket of resistance to Syrian resettlement in Magic Valley.

Their request for 200,000 refugees and an additional $2 billion in funding (the program costs us over $1 billion right now just for the resettlement of 70,000, not including the cost of welfare) is, to say the least, self serving!
The gang is all here!
From CNS News:

(CNSNews.com) – The former head of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement said on Friday that concerns about the security risk of bringing Syrian refugees into the U.S. given the terrorist presence in that country are based on “fear-mongering” and that the millions of people who are in the U.S. illegally did not undergo security screening used to vet asylum seekers.

“I can tell you that we have about 11 million undocumented people in this country I was told,” Eskinder Negash said at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. “I don’t believe they went through a security screening system.”

Huh? That is the most cockamamie logic I have ever heard.  We have unscreened illegal aliens in here by the millions (drug dealers, murderers, rapists and other criminals) and somehow we are then supposed to not be worried about unscreened Syrians when the FBI has already told us they can’t screen them?  We are fear-mongering?

Eric Schwartz
Schwartz: A few “bad actors” might get in, but we don’t worry about that when we are busy changing America by changing the people. LOL! He didn’t say the second part, but did dismiss concerns about “bad actors.”

By the way, Negash was a Vice President at the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants prior to running the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement and we see he is now back at USCRI—the contractor/government revolving door on full display!  (There really should be a law!)


Negash and others who are part of the coalition of faith-based groups and refugee advocates held the press conference to announce that the Refugee Council USA is asking the president and Congress to increase the current cap for U.S. refugees admitted each year from 70,000 to 200,000 for fiscal year 2016, with 100,000 of those refugees coming from Syria.

And, here they have dragged ol’ Soros protege, Eric Schwartz off his perch as the Dean of the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the Univ. of Minnesota.   See our archive on Schwartz here, and especially this post.  For new readers, Schwartz preceded Anne Richard as Asst. Secretary of State (Richard also revolved into the State Dept. from a contractor job just as Negash did!)

Eric Schwartz, who was appointed the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration by Obama and served until 2011, said at the press conference that he and other former federal officials from several administrations signed onto a letter asking the Obama administration and Congress for that increase in the refugee cap and also $2 billion from Congress to pay for the more than double the number of refugees that would be admitted and resettled in the U.S.

There is more and I am out of time!  Go here to continue reading.
By the way, the RCUSA is being run by Melanie Nezer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society these days.  The refugee industry gang is all here!