Last week we told you about how important it is to write Letters to the Editor on the refugee colonization plans for your towns and cities.
We posted a couple of sample letters here and here.
We also told you about Pittsburgh’s mayor (among 18 mayors) telling Obama to send some their way.
Let’s see if Obama decides to go with the number being proposed by the NO Borders agitators—100,000 Syrians—divide that number by the 18 mayors and it comes out to 5,555 Syrians per city. Does that sound about right Mr. Mayor?
And, by the way, a recent Rasmussen poll found that 49% of likely voters DO NOT WANT ANY SYRIANS BROUGHT TO AMERICA (Trump and Carson must be seeing those polls!)
Now from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette comes this one:
Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto has joined with several other mayors in offering to accept refugees from Syria and other Middle Eastern countries (“Peduto Joins Other Mayors in Pledging to Accept Syrian Refugees,” Sept. 28). This is a decision he should not be allowed to make without the consent of the voters and taxpayers of the city of Pittsburgh, who will ultimately be forced to pay for their housing, food, clothing, education, medical care and, if necessary, their policing.

Aside from the obvious security risk, these people will not have a knowledge of our language or customs and most probably will not have a level of skills to be able to support themselves, resulting in them becoming the responsibility of the taxpayers.
The city has enough of its own economic and social problems without being financially burdened and forced to take in any refugees who could be more easily resettled in countries closer to and more like their own.
Note from RRW: If your mayor is asking for Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees, try pinning him or her down by asking what number he or she would like to see each year going forward. I bet they will run and hide from that question! And, when writing letters be sure to mention the homeless and the veterans who are suffering in your city already.