Every community contemplating “welcoming” refugees, please pay attention!
Your schools will be feeling the impact first and the costs will fall on local and state taxpayers!
(We’ve told you about Wichita here previously. And, btw, Wichita is getting Syrians already, here.)
This is the news from the Wichita Eagle on Saturday. Refugee kids need “emotional support” and you are being asked to pay for that (whatever that is).
Gov. Sam Brownback and legislative leaders will weigh a request from the Wichita school district for extra money to help students arriving as refugees from war-torn countries.

The State Finance Council, which is chaired by the governor and includes lawmakers from both parties, took no action on the district’s request for nearly $1 million to offer language and emotional support to students arriving from Somalia, Myanmar and other countries when it met in August. The council will take up the issue Monday.
Many of the students arrive with limited English skills and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
If the district’s request is approved, the money would go toward hiring new teachers and paraprofessionals to assist the teachers in special classrooms for students with high needs and limited English skills.
Gjerstad said refugee agencies began receiving new families in October with the beginning of the federal fiscal year. Two nonprofit groups, Episcopal Wichita Area Refugees Ministries and the International Rescue Committee, have been working with the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement to resettle families in Wichita.
Lawmakers said in August that they were sympathetic to the district’s request but wanted to wait for more information on the refugee students.
There are only a few comments. I guess Kansans being colonized aren’t as vocal as those New Jersey commenters are, here.
Any ‘pockets of resistance’ forming in Kansas?
If so, you must research the role your governor played in promoting more refugee resettlement to America—he has a long history of involvement!
In February 2014, Governor Brownback signed a letter (here) with other open-borders Republicans and ginned-up by Grover Norquist to request MORE refugees be resettled in the US. He and the others said:
Our policies toward refugees are at the heart of our American values.
And then here we learned that during Brownback’s time in the US Senate he was all for MORE Somalis to be admitted to the US, but just not to be resettled in Kansas. Serious researchers follow links back to VDARE articles from ten years ago. (He failed to keep Somalis out of Kansas, however.)
Also, see that we have many many posts about Kansas, click here for more.