RRW Weekly roundup for week ending January 27, 2017

It has been a big week here at RRW!

Just last Monday the ORR published the 2015 report to Congress. These reports are treasure troves of information. Serious students of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program should have a look: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/orr/resource/office-of-refugee-resettlement-annual-report-to-congress-2015

This weekly roundup ended on Friday, the 27th before the big news hit the fan Friday evening.

Knowledge is power!

I was pleasantly surprised to see that two (out of the top three posts of the week) were widely read because it means that you were more interested in educating yourselves last week than in the hot juicy news coming out of Washington.
That is good, that you are so interested in continuing to educate yourselves (in pockets of resistance!), because it sure looks like there is no time to rest now.
For all of you new readers (and there have been thousands in the last few days, many from around the world), I try every week to get something posted on which posts interested readers the most in the previous week.

So here are the Top Three for the week ending on Friday.  (Top daily posts are in the right hand side bar):

Is there a Refugee placement office in your town? Updated list available

Breaking news! Reuters is reporting that President Trump will sign executive orders on refugees tomorrow

“New site development guide” for those attempting to make your town a new refugee resettlement site

For new readers:

See recent monthly round-ups for instructions on getting the most out of RRW (at the end of both the October roundup, here, and at the end of the November roundup, here.)

A word about comments….

I don’t post any comments with foul language, threats of violence, or comments that are personal attacks on other commenters. I am also sick to death with comments about the Jews/Israel being responsible for every problem in the world, so don’t bother sending those.
As I have said repeatedly, for nearly ten years, I have no obligation to be LOL! ‘fair and balanced,’ I try to be as factually accurate as I can, but I am a blogger!  I have a point of view.
If you don’t like what I am saying and you feel strongly about an issue or several issues, write your own blog on your own time! I do this on my time, no one pays me, and so this is my time, my charitable work! If you don’t like what I say, don’t read RRW!
One more thing! I have been a supporter of Donald Trump from the beginning. I never had another candidate. But, that does not mean I won’t criticize him and his administration when I don’t like what they are doing (like that Australia deal if Reuters is being accurate).   You know the other side is going to attempt to pull him in their political direction so there must necessarily be a counter pressure from us.
Thanks to long time readers for all of your kind words. I apologize for not always responding!
Update! Oopsy, put the wrong year in the title, corrected now!

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