But he is not alone. Continue reading to see which other Republican Senators have joined with some of the most vocal Open Borders Dems in opposing (slamming!) the President on the refugee ceiling for the new fiscal year which began on Tuesday.
Lankford slams Trump plan to reduce refugee admissions
Sen. James Lankford on Friday came out against the Trump administration’s plan to reduce the number of refugees allowed into the United States.
“I’m disappointed to see that the administration has once again decided to decrease the number of refugees we allow into our country,” Lankford, R-Oklahoma City, said.
Lankford leader of the pack in 2018 as ‘faith’ leaders gather on the Hill to oppose the President and support ‘Dreamers’ and to push for more refugees for your towns and cities. https://stream.org/immigration-debate-lankford-faith-leaders/
“Over the last few months, the Department of Homeland Security implemented multiple policies that have resulted in a decrease in migrants at the U.S. southern border.
“While I appreciate the administration’s focus on curbing illegal immigration and caring for asylum seekers, that doesn’t mean we should continue to reduce the admittance of refugees who are fleeing from persecution in their home countries to support these policies.”
Lankford and Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., sent a letter last month wrote a letter signed by other senators to three of Trump’s cabinet secretaries urging the refugee cap to be raised from this year’s level. [That would mean they were pushing for more than 30,000!—ed]
The letter, signed by several other senators from both parties, states, “At a time when we are facing the ‘highest levels of displacement on record,’ according to the United Nations Refugee Agency, we urge you to increase the refugee resettlement cap and to admit as many refugees as possible within that cap. America has a responsibility to promote compassion and democracy around the world through assistance to vulnerable and displaced people.”
The letter is here, but as I mentioned previously no specific number of refugees is proposed leaving them free to blast the President for whatever number he recommended. (The Open Borders agitators were pushing for 95,000 knowing full well that would never happen.)
Here are the signers of the letter in addition to Lankford and his sidekick, Senator Chris Coons (D) of Delaware.
I think it’s kind of handy to have this list of the hardcore promoters of more refugees in the US Senate. (Rs are on the Left and Dems on the right.)
Miliband a member in good standing of the “begging bowl barons!”
It looks like the UK Daily Mail has done some digging and noticed the same thing I did—that the International Rescue Committee’s head honcho, former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband has almost reached the million dollar a year salary making him a member of what one British government agency called “begging bowl barons!”
Consider the fact that Miliband’s meteoric salary rise comes as the IRC is closing resettlement offices and letting staff go around the US while they whine about cuts in refugee admissions being made by the Trump Administration.
Million-dollar Miliband! Former Labour Minister’s pay soars to $911,000 at US refugee charity that takes huge sums from British taxpayer
Former Labour Foreign Secretary David Miliband is being paid almost $1 million a year to run a humanitarian charity that receives massive sums from British taxpayers.
David Miliband was one of Hillary’s favorite Brits when she was Secretary of State.
His astonishing pay package as chief executive of International Rescue Committee has soared to $911,796 (£741,883) – almost five times the salary of the British Prime Minister – according to the US-based organisation’s latest tax return.
Mr Miliband’s income has swelled by $240,047 (£195,314) over the past two years while he has toured the world demanding more support for refugees, migrants and victims of conflict, and hobnobbing with billionaires, royals and presidents.
Other senior figures at his organisation are also creaming in the cash, with the 12 top-paid officials pocketing more than £4 million between them – a collective rise of £1.1 million in just two years.
The revelation – the latest pay scandal in the aid industry exposed by The Mail on Sunday – provoked calls last night for the charity to stop receiving British cash until it curbs the huge salaries.
The IRC has been handed £107 million over the past two years by the Department for International Development to run refugee, health and poverty-relief projects in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. [That is peanuts compared to the over $415 million the US government gave the IRC in one recent year—ed]
‘They say charity begins at home and clearly it does for the top bosses in this organisation,’ said Tory MP Nigel Evans, a member of the Commons International Development Committee.
‘This is a grotesque waste of money given by British taxpayers to help the most vulnerable families around the world. Instead, it is being funnelled to the Miliband family – and until the IRC puts their house in order we should stop funding them.’
The revelation comes amid talk that Mr Miliband might return to British politics.
Here is a frightening statistic. Everyone of you should be careful about where you are sending your hard-earned charitable dollars.
‘This salary is in the middle of the range of New York’s non-profit CEO salaries,’ it added.
I have anextensive archive on David Miliband that extends back to his earliest days in 2013 as the CEO of the International Rescue Committee (the wealthiest of the nine federal refugee contractors). Actually the wealthiest as far as we know because it is pretty difficult to determine exactly how much the US Catholic Bishops get along with their extensive network of Catholic Charities.
***For new readers these are the nine federally-funded resettlement contractors:
As many of you may recall, at this time last year the Trump Administration set the CEILING, for resettlement of refugees largely chosen by the UN for the fiscal year, at 30,000. And, that is exactly how many refugees were admitted and distributed to 48 states and the District of Columbia.
That 30,000 does not include the Special Immigrant Visas (SIV)from Iraq (181) and Afghanistan (7,501!) who entered the US this past fiscal year with all of the benefits refugees receive (welfare, food stamps, job counseling, housing, medical care and the list goes on!)
For the fiscal year that begins today, the President hasreduced the ceiling (or cap) to 18,000and by doing so has lit a firestorm in the refugee industry that includes Open Borders advocacy groups, federal resettlement contractors, and businesses which are freely admitting that they need the steady flow of cheap legal labor (labor that doesn’t complain and can’t readily leave!).
So from what countries did they originate and which states were the most ‘welcoming?’
The top five sending countries (FY19) in descending order are these:
DR Congo
Afghanistan (if you add the SIVs, Afghans would make up the second highest number of taxpayer supported ‘refugees’ for this year.)
Muslim refugees made up about 16% of the 30,000. However, virtually all of the SIVs are Muslims so that would push the percentage of arriving ‘refugees’ who are Muslims to 33%. No Muslim ban!
Here is a map showing where the 30,000 were placed. There is a spread sheet detailing where the SIVs were placed, but it isn’t in this handy format.
I know the numbers are difficult to read so here are the top ten ‘welcoming’ states for FY19:
New York
North Carolina
Teddy and Uncle Joe were chief sponsors of the Refugee Act of 1980, yet Delaware, Biden’s home state, rarely gets any refugees. Hmmmmm!
Two states received no refugees.
Wyoming has never agreed to resettling refugees in the history of the program. And, then Hawaii rarely gets any.
Delaware got one refugee in FY19 and it also usually only gets a handful—a fact that has always made me laugh since their homeboy, Joe Biden, was one of Ted Kennedy’s sidekicks when the program was created in 1979/80. (Ha! And, don’t say it is because the state is geographically small, RI is smaller than Delaware and it usually gets a bundle!).
West Virginia got 2 refugees, and the District of Columbia got a whopping total of 5 refugees!