And, if governors like Arkansas’s Asa Hutchinson are an example, their Leftwing Refugee contractors aren’t even very appreciative of the caving that one Republican governor after the other is doing—-I suspect at the behest of Secretary of State Pompeo who is (I believe) attempting to undermine his nemesis in the White House Stephen Miller (more on that later).
Hutchinson abandons the President on refugee program! Caves to the Religious Left! (Or was it to Tyson Foods?). He could have kept his letter simple, but oh no, he had to demonstrate his ignorance and suck-up to the ‘religious’ Leftwingers in his state.
As the Republicans are lining up to oppose the President (yes, that is what they are doing!), I said I wasn’t going to write about each capitulation, but a few might be worth it to demonstrate the governors’ ignorance of the refugee program that Trump wants to seriously bring under control.
This just in: 15 Republican Governors have turned against the President so far! See if yours is one of them!
Check out Hutchinson’s ‘kiss-ass’ comments at Arkansas Online:
At least he could have been honest and mentioned that he has to keep Tyson Foods happy (See Lutherans in Arkansas get a $50,000 grantfrom Tyson Foods!) just like ol’Bill Clinton did when he supplied Big Meat with refugee labor.
Refugee order appreciated, state advocates say
FAYETTEVILLE — A leader with Canopy Northwest Arkansas on Tuesday welcomed Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s executive order that Arkansas will continue to accept legally immigrating refugee families.
Faint praise for the governor who capitulated:
“I don’t want to make it more than it is, which is that we will continue to do what we are doing, but we appreciate the governor’s support,” said Clint Schnekloth, chairman of the board of Canopy, a refugee assistance nonprofit group.
Clint Schnekloth
An executive order from President Donald Trump allows states to refuse further refugees. The U.S. Department of State coordinates refugee relocation with nine charitable organizations [federal contractors—ed]*** through agreements [aka federal contracts—ed] with the government.
The Northwest Arkansas group worked with two of those nine groups — Catholic Charities Immigration Services and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service — to get the region accepted in 2016 as a refugee resettlement site. [This was the period at the end of the Obama Administration when his State Department was rapidly expanding resettlement sites—ed].
“Previously, there was no coordination with the state and little awareness,” Hutchinson said in a statement Tuesday. “Under the new executive order, the state will have more visibility. The approval will need to be each year, and the state will be able to assure the refugees are assimilating into the community and have access to jobs, education and job training. I have confidence that local communities will provide the support necessary, but we will be able to monitor.”
WTH the state will be able to assure the refugees are assimilating. Really? Monitor how? And, if you, governor, somehow figure out that they are not assimilating will you have the backbone to say NO next year?
States have until Jan. 21 to declare whether they will allow placement of refugee families through the federal admissions program under the executive order. More than 30 governors have agreed to accept refugees, according to The Associated Press. [Only a tiny fraction of the consent lettershave been received by the State Department as of this writing. What! bureaucrats on vacation?—ed]
Schnekloth said the Canopy group appreciates the degree of support and clarity in Hutchinson’s decision to beat the deadline by a month and to reiterate the importance of helping legal refugees. The governor announced his decision Monday in a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Dumb Asa didn’t have to send any consent for at least another month and the squishy language of the funding guidance allows even more foot-dragging by governors beyond January 21, 2020.
The Contractors wanted quick consents so they can prepare their requests for YOUR money by January 21st.
“While we fully support control of our borders and oppose illegal immigration, we also value the contribution of immigrants and understand the importance of America continuing to be a welcoming nation for those truly seeking refuge and following the legal path to our land,” reads Hutchinson’s letter to the secretary. [Contractor boiler-plate language!—ed]
“To that end, I have received confirmation from local municipalities, members of the faith-based community, as well as members of the nonprofit community, confirming they will coordinate support and facilitate employment opportunities for refugees that are approved for relocation to Arkansas,” the letter says. [More contractor boiler-plate language—ed]
How does Hutchinson plan to monitor the “faith-based community” to make sure they will support and find jobs for refugees?
And, in reference to his earlier opposition to the Obama plan for a mass movement of Syrians to America, he says this:
The family-by-family relocation by the admissions program is not the same, and recent efforts by the administration “enhancing security checks to ensure proper screenings are carried out” in the program are appreciated, the governor’s letter says.
It is the same program Obama used!
There is nothing new because the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program HAS NOT BEEN REFORMED. And, in this, one small effort by Trump to rein-in the dysfunctional program, we have spineless governors kissing-up to ungrateful (anti-Trump) Lefties.
***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America. For decades they have decidedin secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political activist groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!
And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.
The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?
(I plan to say this once a day from now on!)
I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.
I’ve been saying it for years—that we, taxpaying American citizens, are subjected to unnecessary expense, societal upheaval, and not to mention danger, when the US State Department uses the Refugee Admissions Program for leverage when it wants to pressure (or reward) some other country by ‘welcoming’ the unwanted.
Nezer: “It’s a bargaining tool: We’ll take a certain number of refugees. These are the things you will do for us.”
Earlier this month, I reported confirmation of refugees as bargaining chips—a stunning admission out of the mouth of a refugee contractor.
One such case during the Bush era involved trouble-making Uzbeks.
No one has ever explained why the Bush Administration flew in planeloads of Uzbeks claiming they were refugees—-Muslim ‘refugees’ from a Muslim country (yeah right!).
When Tennessee Governor Bill Lee listened to the religious Left (using carefully parsed words) claiming refugees hadn’t killed Americans on our soil in terrorist attacks, it wasn’t for lack of trying.
I told readers at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ about the Somali Christmas Tree bomberhere, and now I’m going to re-post below the story of Uzbek Islamic terrorist wannabe, Fazliddin Kurbanov, and how he attempted to kill the prison warden where he was incarcerated after being found guilty of planning to bomb West Point (among other places on American soil!).
My mission is to show you what a bunch of liars these Leftwing ‘Evangelicals’ are! Christians my foot!
And again…..
What deal were we striking with Uzbekistan that saw hundreds of that country’s extremist Muslims shipped to America as refugees?
Editor: Before I get to the re-post (Ann’s memory lane!) I want to emphasize again how glad I am that the speech police were not able to completely destroy my 9,000 posts whenthey persuaded to remove RRWfrom the internet. To those who pressured wordpress, you were dumb! I hadn’t been writing at RRW for months and as the expression goes you would have benefited from letting sleeping dogs lie.
Uzbek refugee admits he wanted to kill California prison warden by slitting his throat
This is one of those stories I’m sick of writing about. I’ve followed Fazliddin Kurbanov’s ‘career’ since his arrest in Idahoin 2013.
He is one of those Uzbeks that we have admitted to the US since the Bush Administration who were already radical Islamists back home, and why we took hundreds is still a mystery. Rumor is that the CIA and State Department teamed up to get them here.
By the way, some stories just list him as an “Uzbek national” but others, like ABC here have it right. He was a refugee, now he will cost US taxpayers a fortune as we care for him in prison!
An Uzbek national already serving a 25-year terrorism-related sentence has entered a guilty plea for trying to slit the throat of the warden of the Victorville federal prison in a 2016 attack.
Fazliddin Kurbanov, 34, faces sentencing on June 4 before United States District Judge Virginia A. Phillips in Los Angeles after he entered a guilty plea Tuesday, March 13, to one count of attempted murder of a federal officer.
Kurbanov attacked then-Warden Calvin Johnson of the Victorville Federal Correctional Institute on May 31, 2016 in a dining facility, where Johnson was standing “near the serving line to be accessible to inmates during the lunch service” court papers said.
Kurbanov, armed with an approximately 4-inch prison-made shank, grabbed Johnson from behind and tried to cut the warden’s throat; when Johnson raised his hands to protect his throat, Kubanov instead slashed the warden on his left side, the document said.
Kurbanov admitted in an interview with authorities that he had made the shank, found a way to conceal it, and intended to kill Johnson with it, the court papers said. The attack took place five months after Kurbanov was sentenced in the terrorism case in Idaho.
Johnson was seriously injured in the attack, but has recovered and is now working at another prison in the federal system, the U.S. Attorney’s office in Los Angeles said in a statement.
In January 2016, Kurbanov was sentenced to 25 years in prison for for conspiring and attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization and possessing an unregistered destructive device. He was convicted after a trial.
Prosecutors in that case said Kurbanov made contact with a website for the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and discussed with the website administrator “his animosity toward Americans, particularly the military; his desire to build a bomb; possible targets in the United States, including military bases in Idaho and Texas; and his need for instruction on how to construct and remotely detonate a bomb,” according to a statement by the U.S. Attorney’s office for the District of Idaho.
He also discussed possible targets with an FBI confidential source, including the United States Military Academy at West Point, the prosecutor’s office said.
Go herefor my complete file on Fazliddin Kurbanov.
His Idaho trial came at a time when tensions began to rise in that state about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. The US attorney and others went to great lengths to minimize the news about the trial.