And, Somalia, the “role model,” has been doing it for THIRTY YEARS!
This then begs the question—why has the US admitted tens of thousands of Somali ‘refugees’ to the US (at great expense to taxpayers) who presumably said they feared to live in their home country and had run off to Kenya and elsewhere around the world looking for a UN ticket to America?
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA – Three decades of violence have left 2.9 million of Somalia’s citizens internally displaced, but the country is also home to 25,000 refugees, including 6,800 Yemenis and over 700 Syrians.
Faith Kasina of the U.N.’s refugee agency, UNHCR, has praised Somalia’s open-door policy for refugees, which allows them to move freely and work, using their skills without the need of a permit.
“Somalia had its own challenges over the years, but we must applaud this country and government because they have maintained an open-door policy for refugees for the past 30 years despite challenges they have been facing,” Kasina said. “We know that refugees are now able to live among local communities in urban areas and that they can also move around freely in the country.”
Ifrah Salah Abdalla is among millions of Yemenis who have been displaced from their homes following the war between the Houthis and the Saudi-backed government. She arrived in Mogadishu six years ago and balances her time as an information technology student and a part-time cashier to support her family.
She said that when she arrived in Somalia, she didn’t face many challenges because Somali citizens stood by the Yemenis and openly welcomed them, both young and old, with the help of the UNHCR.
She added that the relevant government refugee agencies had been very supportive in business initiatives, such as opening restaurants and clinics equally to refugees and locals.
Ishak Abdullahi Elmi lived in Syria as a Somali refugee from 1996 to 2000. He is now among candidates vying for a seat as a member of federal parliament in upcoming Somali elections.
Analysts say that as other nations close their camps, Somalia is becoming a role model in implementing U.N. conventions by welcoming refugees.
Therefore it should be clear to all of us that America need not take one more Somali fake refugee!
As one of my faithful readers reminded me, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised by the UN’s praise of Muslim Somalia.
In 2009, the United Nations told us that it is in fact Sharia Law (Islam) that is the real historic source for a tradition of charity toward refugees, toward welcoming the stranger (not Christianity!).
Since I haven’t posted much in recent months about the ‘Invasion of Europe’ you should from time to time check outBorder Hawk news that does closely follow breaking stories there.
I know we are all concerned with our southern border and about what Harris/Biden are going to do to small town America,see my post from Thursday on Vermont, but Western Civilization is crumbling on the European continent and it’s important for you to follow its decline if for no other reason than to inspire you to get involved in stopping the slide here.
This is a photo of a statue called “the refugee ship” exhibited in Denmark to inspire Danes to welcome refugees. Would this inspire you? Apparently the Lutherans think it will.
Go to Border Hawk, I have it linked in my sidebar and click on some of those horrible stories (just in time for World Refugee Day tomorrow).
By the way, I can tell how many of you do bother to follow links I provide. It helps me know what my readers find useful and if what I post is a good use of my time.
See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.
I’ve been writing posts on Europe for over a decade.
However, now the international corporate media is admitting it.
But, you need to know that this isn’t the first and won’t be the last admission that fraud is rampant in the US Refugee Admissions Program.
Longtime readers may remember the moratorium on Somalis entering the US that began back in 2008 when the State Department uncovered fraud in the family reunification program—oopsy the Somalis claiming to be family members weren’t even kissing cousins.
In 2007, I first told readers about how Ted Kennedy secretively tacked the Special Iraqi program onto a must-pass Defense Authorization bill in the dark of night.
From Reutersthis morning just in time for UN-designated World Refugee Day on Sunday:
Mark Hetfield, CEO of HIAS (formerly Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) one of nine federal resettlement contractors*** is quoted as saying:
“Resettlement is a very scarce and valuable and lifesaving commodity,” said Mark Hetfield, president of HIAS, a refugee resettlement agency.
“People … are going to do anything they can to access it.”
EXCLUSIVE U.S. suspects 4,000 cases of fraud in Iraqi refugee program -documents
WASHINGTON, June 18 (Reuters) – U.S. authorities pursuing a sweeping fraud investigation suspect some 4,000 Iraqis of filing fraudulent applications for resettlement in the United States as refugees, and they are re-examining cases involving more than 104,000 others, according to State Department reports reviewed by Reuters.
More than 500 Iraqis already admitted as refugees have been implicated in the alleged fraud and could be deported or stripped of their U.S. citizenship, according to one document sent to members of Congress. It said there was “no indication to date that any of these 500+ individuals have ties to terrorism.”
The probe – one of the biggest into refugee program fraud in recent history – is fueling reservations among some in Joe Biden’s administration as they debate whether to create a similar program to assist Afghan refugees as American troops withdraw after 20 years of war, U.S. officials told Reuters.
The reports show the investigation is more far-reaching and serious than U.S. officials have disclosed since announcing in January a 90-day freeze of the Iraqi “Direct Access” refugee program. The suspension, which in April was extended indefinitely by the State Department, followed the unsealing of an indictment accusing three foreign nationals of fraud, records theft and money laundering.
A State Department spokesperson declined to comment on the scope of the investigation and internal government deliberations, but said the fraud scheme did not affect security vetting of refugees.
“The discovery, investigation, and prosecution of individuals involved in the scheme demonstrated the U.S. government’s commitment to ensuring the integrity of the program while upholding our humanitarian tradition,” the spokesperson said. “Those who would seek to take advantage of America’s generosity in welcoming the most vulnerable people will be held accountable.”
The spokesperson did not give a timeline for the investigation, but said the agency would work “as quickly and thoroughly as possible” to complete the review and make any necessary security changes.
Now this next part doesn’t make any sense to me because we are already bringing tens of thousands of Afghans here in the Special Immigrant Visa Program, the same one that the Iraqis used.
Under pressure from lawmakers of both parties and advocacy groups, the Biden administration is considering a similar program for Afghans facing Taliban retribution, according to a State Department official, a congressional aide and a lawmaker.
But there “are a lot of reservations” about expediting the resettlement of Afghans as refugees in the United States, said the State Department official, citing the problems with the Iraqi program.
I just took a trip down memory lane and see that I have a lot of posts on the Special Immigrant Visa Program and here is one in particular you should see. Obama Judge rules that we aren’t bringing sufficient numbers of Iraqis and Afghans!
***In case you are new to RRW, here are the nine contractors that have monopolized all refugee distribution in the US for decades.
When President Trump reduced the number of regular refugees being admitted, he did continue the Iraq and Afghan special refugees program and the contractors, we learned, were surviving off their payouts to resettle them.
And, so does Vermont’s Republican Governor Phil Scott who has (according to the AP) asked Harris/Biden for more refugees!
It is surprising isn’t it that Vermont, the homeland of Bernie Socialist Sanders really hasn’t ‘welcomed’ very many refugees compared even to other states of a similar size, but all of that might change starting in October.
What is happening in October?
The Harris/Biden team says they will increase refugee admissions for FY2022 which begins October first to 125,000. That would be the highest annual refugee cap in decades—more than Obama ever dreamed of! And, now the hunt is on for their new homes.
This article from the Associated Presswould have you believe small cities were never the lucky recipients of third world diversity, but that just isn’t so.
And, by the way, know also that the AP reporter has transposed the words in the name of the organization. It should be the Ethiopian Community Development Council known widely in the refugee industry as ECDC, a long time member of the big nine contractors*** that monopolize all resettlement and have done so for decades.
Targeted Brattleboro, VT, population 11,000
Readers may remember that an effort to make Rutland, Vermont, another small city in the white state, a home for impoverished refugees exploded into a huge controversy in 2016 that ultimately saw the pro-refugee mayor ousted.
Know that this hunt for fresh territory is going on everywhere (except maybe Wyoming, but folks there need to be on the look-out) as the contractors must submit their plans to the US State Department by late summer so they can be competitive with other refugee contractors and get their allotment of paying clients (aka refugees) starting October first.
Wausau, Wisconsin is also on the target list according to this report.
Refugee Resettlement Nonprofit Plans New Programs in Vermont
BRATTLEBORO, Vt. (AP) — A refugee resettlement nonprofit has plans to start a new program in Vermont to relocate refugees in smaller, more rural communities across the United States.
The Ethiopian Development Community Council, a nonprofit agency that partners with the State Department to resettle refugees in the U.S., wants to launch its program in Brattleboro because of the city’s support. The first families should arrive in the city before the end of the year if the program is approved by the federal government, Vermont Public Radio reported Monday.
The nonprofit has also chosen Wausau [Wisconsin–ed] to test out the program, pending federal approval.
The nonprofit is preparing for an influx of refugees since the Biden Administration has promised to increase the number of refugees allowed in the country and reopen the refugee resettlement program that the previous Trump Administration imposed restrictions on, the radio station reported.
Tsehaye Teferra
“If we want to create integration of refugees, having them only in big cities where they would be congregating among themselves, only, is not going to help long-term integration,” said Tsehaye Tefera, the founder of the Ethiopian Development Community Council.
That may sound like a nice sentiment but in reality refugees resettled in smaller cities generally migrate after a few months to larger cities because they want to live in enclaves with their own kind of people!
The most visible of the ethnic groups, partaking of what the industry calls secondary migration, are the Somalis loading up Minnesota.
Back to AP at US News….
Social and economic organizations in Windham County have been supportive, but efforts to resettle refugees in Vermont have been controversial in the past, Vermont Public Radio reported.
Elwell was formerly the manager in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Brattleboro town manager Peter Elwell said he knows there could be opposition to the resettlement program, but regardless, the plan is in line with the town’s priority to improve equity in one of the whitest states in the country.
Earlier this year, Gov. Phil Scott asked the State Department to increase the refugee cap in Vermont.
Scott called refugee resettlement “an integral part of our efforts to grow Vermont’s economy.”
However, see this report from FAIR which examined the ten smallest immigrant population states and determined that increasing the percentage of migrants going to the state would have an outsized negative impact on the economy and on the social fabric of the state.
You might be interested to know that ECDC is likely the smallest of the big nine resettlement contractors and generally over the years has kept a low political profile as others of the contractors, most notably HIAS, LIRS and Church World Service, were out making political noise and suing the Trump Administration.
However, much to my surprise Teferra took a public swipe at Trump here in July of 2020.
You will see in that post that the ‘non-profit’ organization is effectively a government agency as almost the entirety of its $13 million budget comes from you, the US taxpayers.
***In case you are new to RRW, here are all of the nine contractors that have monopolized all refugee distribution in the US for decades.
They worked to ‘elect’ Biden/Harris andlobby for open borders. As taxpayers you pay them millions annually to change America by changing the people.
Two of the contractors, the USCCB and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service are also paid to find locations for the Unaccompanied Alien Children.
At this very moment they are all out scouting for new, fresh territory in which to place their refugee clients. See Winchester, VA.
“It (her time in the Ivy League) was chaos. It felt like the regression in civilization.”
(Yeonmi Park)
Yeonmi Park doesn’t call herself a refugee because she doesn’t believe in victimhood, but if anyone deserves to be a legitimate refugee, she fits the bill.
She is a defector from North Korea who is blowing the whistle on American universities, and America’s direction these days toward a political system she risked her life to escape as a young teen.
Frankly, she is risking her life again by speaking so forcefully against the educational system ruling America right now.
Before I read this story at Fox News this morning, I had plans to write something else. However, Park’s story contrasts so sharply with the post I wrote yesterday about a Somali refugee victim, a social justice warrior, who wants to turn America into Somalia, the hellhole country she supposedly escaped.
Honestly I fear for Park in the present climate where xenophobic and racist African Americans are attacking Asians on the streets most especially in New York City.
North Korean defector says ‘even North Korea was not this nuts’ after attending Ivy League school
As American educational institutions continue to be called into question, a North Korean defector fears the United States’ future “is as bleak as North Korea” after she attended one of the country’s most prestigious universities.
Yeonmi Park has experienced plenty of struggle and hardship, but she does not call herself a victim.
In her 2015 memoir “she described what it took to survive in one of the world’s most brutal dictatorships and the harrowing journey to freedom.”
One of several hundred North Korean defectors settled in the United States, Park, 27, transferred to Columbia University from a South Korean university in 2016 and was deeply disturbed by what she found.
“I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think,” Park said in an interview with Fox News. “I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.”
Those similarities include anti-Western sentiment, collective guilt and suffocating political correctness.
Yeonmi saw red flags immediately upon arriving at the school.
During orientation, she was scolded by a university staff member for admitting she enjoyed classic literature such as Jane Austen.
“I said ‘I love those books.’ I thought it was a good thing,” recalled Park.
“Then she said, ‘Did you know those writers had a colonial mindset? They were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you.’”
After getting into a number of arguments with professors and students, eventually Yeonmi “learned how to just shut up” in order to maintain a good GPA and graduate.
Having come to America with high hopes and expectations, Yeonmi expressed her disappointment.
“You guys have lost common sense to degree that I as a North Korean cannot even comprehend,” she said.
“Where are we going from here?” she wondered. “There’s no rule of law, no morality, nothing is good or bad anymore, it’s complete chaos.”
“I guess that’s what they want, to destroy every single thing and rebuild into a Communist paradise.”